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RE: Extinction Threat: Jeremy Grantham Letter on Chemical Castration

in #news4 years ago (edited)

What kept me from accepting this paradigm for decades was that while consumption is focused on the top 1%, production, from which that 1% parasitize all that wealth to consume with, is undertaken by the rest. That made them dependent on our production for their consumption, and made them loathe to kill us all.

Automation potentially eliminates our utility, and that dramatically changes my calculus.

We really don't compete with them for quality of life items. Personally, I eschew them to the extent possible. I intend to live hard and die free, as that's what I respect. Most of us didn't have a choice anyway. We're too honest to steal, and too nice to rob our robber barons. It's just how we're made.

I have hoped to inspire folks to undertake development and distribution of decentralized means of production to decrease their parasitization and increase their actual wealth and power relative to institutions, but I'm a tear in rain. A few folks listened to me and that got me banned off other platforms. C'est la guerre =p. I call that a win.

The problem the banksters have is they can't keep emasculating the professional military and count on them to wipe civilians out, and they can't replace the professional military themselves, because they're incompetent. They presently can't resort to automation entirely for their quality of life either, so we still have time to develop and distribute nominal means of production to render them less powerful.

If the professional military ever grasp they're being chemically castrated with the rest of us, God help the banksters. Sometime in the next two decades, they will know, and that will make them very, very mad.

I won't live long enough to see it happen, but I remain confident humanity will shake off it's fleas and deliver the stars to our posterity.


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