
Those who profit among others are those who use traumatic events to create an environment where people are willing to accept big changes, that they wouldn't have accepted previously, in my humble opinion.

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Men have killed men since the beginning of humanity. Each new technical advances have only changed the methods and places for men to die. Why would the future be any different? If the US disarms unilaterally, would the world forego violence as a means of diplomacy? If US withdraws from geopolitical strategic regions, would CCP, Russia, and other would-be world powers refrain from occupying those places?

Many in 'Murica casually speak of civil war, militia, and armed revolt. Do these fools have the slightest understanding concerning the chaos, misery, and horror that is war? That the US has professional, semi-mercenary killers to inflict violence upon other professional killers is a blessing for the soft civilian population accustomed to their sybaritic lifestyle.

If mere money can keep the chaos from reaching US core territories, it is the cheapest way to maintain internal peace. The most dangerous circumatance for any civil society is bored professional killers, becoming aware of their potential power, turning upon its civilian population. Better that the killers look outwards, rather than inwards.

You are not wrong, but only as far as you go. The problem I have with the way in which the US projects force is that it does so not to leave peace in it's wake, but chaos and destruction intended to multiply the enemies available to justify increasing military expenditure.

This seems to be happening without regard to any practical limit on how much outrage can be generated before US clay becomes actually subject to the military consequences so avidly inflicted on the clay of other peoples.

Were the purpose of force projection to increase the peace and security of Americans, such military adventures would have at least some justification. That is not their purpose as far as I understand presently, however, but rather the reverse. War, as Gen. Butler proves, is a racket, and no one is more likely to be defrauded than those ignorant of the racket. Rubes are the best marks.

Until the people of the world attain to the defensive capabilities only beginning to be available, war will continue to bleed our potential to prosper to feed vampiric parasites. The sooner we end that predation on our lives and treasure, the sooner war as the primary vector of foreign policy becomes obsolete.

In order for a nation to conduct war for specific, achievable purpose, that nation, first, by necessity, must possess clearly defined sociocultural identity and traditions, for which it is willing to expend blood to preserve. What lies at the origin of the US? What defines the sociocultural character of the US identity? Is it not rebellion? How can a sociocultural matrix, ie the social and spiritual force that binds a people in hierarchy, exist being built upon the sand that is rebellion? What shared culture, religion, or traditions bind the polyglot people of the US, other than rejection of their homeland? The mongrel "multiculturalism" is but a garbage dump of empty rituals, exotic restaurants, and meaningless aphorisms.

The only shared "value" of the polyglot mix we term 'Murican is materialism and consumerism. It is natural, then, that the US foreign policy objective centers upon profit motive. It is not only the US that suffers from rebellious dissolution of sociocultural identity. The cancer of humanism has spread from the Pillars of Hercules to the shores of Edo. Not one human society has been spared the plague of freedom and human rights. Modern humanity is nothing but hollow shell of meat, empty of sociocultural identity, confusing material goods for their genuine self. Whether ten or ten-thousand perish, is meaningless, since much of humanity are the walking-dead merely waiting to be buried.

The foreign wars, and even border guards, are fruitless exercises for nations without identity. In a sense, I agree that the people should oppose any military intervention, since their very societies and being have nothing of value to protect. The professional killers, also, ought to recognize that their service is only for money, and ought to oppose any campaigns that may leave them in mass graves. One soulless overlord is just as good as any other; no modern human society is worth preserving.

I do enjoy the slings and arrows you hurl my way! Nothing better constrains me to reason than your determined refutation of my principles.

It is a strange conception of America that conflates rebelliousness and profiteering with freedom and prosperity, as these concepts aren't particularly synonymous, if consanguinous. I guess your conception of humanity and values can be summed up in your final jab:

"One soulless overlord is just as good as any other; no modern human society is worth preserving."

While there are proofs in every society of it's failure to be perfect, I remain utterly convinced that none, not even the most rebellious or deranged, would actually prefer none at all to the one they are in. Indeed, it is the very fact that overlords are equally rapine and bent on their own aggrandizement that most forcefully drives my proselytization of freedom and the eventual implementation of decentralization which will effect it.

Just as in nature, where the complexity of ecosystems enables specializations to become prominent features of that ecosystem, so do societies enable specialists to become prominent by hoarding power and wealth. Such mechanisms are fragile. A good storm can wreak such havoc on an ecosystem that particular specialities become unable to persist. We see this same principle in society, as inevitable catastrophe tears down the social fabric that supports centralization of wealth and power via particular vectors.

This is why species like rats, flies, and such generalists are so widely dispersed in the natural world, and why we admire most those renaissance men whose competence crosses conceptual boundaries. It is also why decentralization will prevail eventually, and why centralization cannot compete.

Decentralization is messy, redundant, and robust. Centralization is neat, efficient, and fragile. The storm comes, and the aftermath, chaotic and unavoidable, will increase human freedom, prosperity, and security as the fragility of oppressive regimes is the cause of their dissolution. As long as technology advances, greater power is delivered to individuals, and that power drains from profiteers and oppressors.

Rejoice my brother! For you will be free.

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