
THIS just so you can say, "you know that flu i caught last week?
it was definitely the Coronavirus."

I approve this message with a share.

Get some lightly-used fukushima geiger counters and bulk expired iodine tablets while they're on deep discount, too! (The author says he's just being funny, and my comment probably should be taken the same way.)

Man some people are making a killing off this, eh? (And not just in financial terms.)

My brother is a painter here in a tiny rural town in the middle of nowhere, Canada. He went to the paint supply store to pick up some stuff for a new job. They were out of painting masks. They guy said they can't keep them in stock right now because of people driven into a frenzy by the media's reports of pandemic. He said he even tells them "this won't protect you from airborne viruses" but they buy them anyway, just to try to make their fear go away a little bit. My brother needs the masks for his painting business, and will have to postpone his latest contract until he can locate some.

I'm certain there are broader problems than some guy in Canada having to delay a job, but if this is impacting day to day life in small towns across the planet, without the virus ever going anywhere near those places, that is a problem.

Sadly, people need to focus on prevention over correction. People need to build up their immune system because you cannot escape this virus. We all will get it. And some of us will make it through this storm.

Wow, 100% infection worldwide, amazing. There are only a few other viruses that have managed that before!
Well sounds like I'm toast as I have an autoimmune condition of some kind. Useless doctors won't diagnose it, seems to be thyroid at least, probably RA, possibly MS. I never get sick, but I guess if it's 100% infection, I will this time.

I believe that you can fix your problem.

Same to you.

It's not just masks. Supply chains are disrupted across the board. Hardware stores everywhere depend on products made in China, and they can't get any products made in China anymore.

I tried to get some nails for a job today, and they don't have them, and dunno when they will.

Does Genesig let people know who is infected with the corona virus?

By the way, what I always wonder is who is the man in the picture? He is piercing his nose with a stick. Are you?

Genesig will sell you kits to test samples yourself, so that you can tell whether or not 2019 nCoV is in the samples you test. The kits are sold for research purposes, not for medical diagnoses.

AFAIK, the picture is of a long dead New Guinea native, who was posed with his finger through his pierced septum by Westerners, probably anthropologists. I liked the look in his eye. I relate to how I think he felt.


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