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RE: Steem Ocean Inspires @adamkokesh To Self-Upvote Less & to Distribute His 0.5 Million STEEM Delegation More Widely! | Steem Ocean

in #news6 years ago

In this case, the top 10 that he was at position 2 in is not a 'good' one exactly. The idea of that top 10 is to show who is taking the most from the rewards pool for themselves, bypassing the 'proof of brain' concept that underpins Steem.


Ohh !! its bad !!!
Thanks for giving me such information...

I am not judging self voting as 'bad' - I self vote too.. I just think that other users can be dis-heartened to see people being able to give themselves such big payouts - we can act just a bit differently to help the community out too.

Right @ura-soul.
I think, @adamkokesh look at it ...

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