Cannabis Is 'Bad' Again In USA: The Sad Reality of Mostly Older White Men Forcing Their Broken Logic On Others...

in #news7 years ago

If Donald Trump's alleged Presidency has shown me anything, it's the extent to which vocal supporters of political figures can be drummed up with almost no coherent logic behind the politics or any kind of real understanding of the policies and dynamics involved. Even after Donald Trump was shown clearly to be often repeating the serious mistakes of those he alleged to be 'draining from the swamp' and even while he hired the same swamp dwellers who caused so many problems previously - his supporters continued to make lunatic claims that deny reality - even going as far as to accuse anyone who criticizes him as being 'pro child rape'! Now, Jeff Sessions is effectively reversing the process of 'legalising' cannabis because it is a 'dangerous drug' in the face of all evidence to the contrary...

It's no surprise to me that these characters make illogical, imbalanced and fundamentally denial based decisions on a daily basis since to be fully logical, balanced and honest is to be so counter to the entire idea of representational democracy that the two just don't go together at all. As was shown by Ivy League Historian, Carroll Quiqley, the representational democracy system designed all along to be nothing more than a circus act to give 'the people' the impression that they had some say in politics, when they were never intended to - meaning that the people chosen to 'represent' everyone else are thoroughly controlled puppets who rarely if ever deviate much from the general line (created from the shadows) that aims to dominate and control life everywhere for the benefit of the few.

Those who thought that Donald Trump, A billionaire who was rescued from bankruptcy by big banking interests because he was 'more valuable alive than dead' to them, was going to genuinely 'fight the system' did not do their homework and were naive at best. Any 'system busting' Trump does will only be for the purpose of increasing his personal power and that of the controllers who guide him. His trademark nonsensical self aggrandizement and distorting of reality for his own propaganda purposes becomes more obvious daily and I suggest anyone who still thinks he even knows how to spell 'greatness' listens to his own biographers who both spoke out before he was elected to warn the public that he is essentially a dysfunctional and untrustworthy person with little ability to focus on anything meaningful for very long.

Jeff Session
Image: Washington Post

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Thursday that he would rescind Obama-era guidelines that essentially let states legalize recreational marijuana. Instead, Sessions will leave it to local U.S. attorneys to decide whether to prosecute marijuana cases in states where marijuana was legalized, like Massachusetts.

Source: Masslive

The latest move by Jeff Sessions, the 'Attorney General', has been to reverse Obama's loosening on Cannabis use and reminds me of my somewhat heartless grandfather's policy of collecting all the toys and balls that came over his fence from neighbouring children - keeping them locked up in his shed... Both are decisions made with no concern for the wellbeing of others, but both come with a veneer of respectability that claims that they are 'for the best' because 'the old guy knows best'. In reality, cannabis is not a 'dangerous drug' in any sense whatsoever, it is only dangerous to the drug cartels that produce mainstream pharmaceuticals that lose profits when people can grow effective therapeutic plants at home for nearly no cost. It is true that the body can be overpowered by too much cannabis, but that is true for every compound on Earth too and we do not ban water because... drowning.

The reality is that no-one has the right to decide what someone else puts into their body - the alleged concern that children will be corrupted by the availability of a natural plant does not stand up to examination since the government accepts the use of alcohol that is clearly far more dangerous than cannabis could ever be - and there is significant research and experience to show that cannabis can increase brain function and intelligence - the total opposite of alcohol. The reality is that Trump's Mexican wall is highly likely to be a CIA / Secret Society plan to control the drug trade more tightly for their own profit gain and any control on Cannabis is likely to just be a move to attempt to increase pharmaceutical and prison corporation profits - these guys really are totally without scruples and just like TV preachers will say whatever it takes, no matter how untrue to increase their personal power and please their cronies.

I am thankful that systems such as EOS are being created with the intention to 'Make governments irrelevant' - let's see how long it takes for the sleeping humans to realise they have been totally lied to by their 'heroes' in politics...

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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It's really sad to see how these politician's and gov't types want to control everything including growing a plant like cannabis. This is nothing more than about controlling an industry, profiting from the "War on Drugs", then they sell you the drugs they want.
All the misinformation and propaganda by gov't has been going on for decades, but the internet and the real info on cannabis is now out there, the Cannabis Internet blockchain will be part of the new Cannabis-Ecosystem.

They are essentially part of a death based 'consciousness' (unconsciousness) and will not survive much longer.. We just need to be clear that we are not taken down with them.

They won't go down without a fight and will most likely try to steal all "Fiat Wealth" along the way. The Central Banks and Gov'ts will try and prolong their death as much as possible, but the Crypto space is a game changer and we can re-write the social contract with them, or bypass Gov't and Banking all together.
Crypto Cannabis is part of the solution and as a community, we can take back the narrative around marijuana and create an Eco-system on the Cannabis Internet. I am working on this solution and eco-system for taking Cannabis to a blockchain, possibly on EOS or build our own.

Part of me blames them but in reality (or so I think) 100% power corrupts 100% These men have had their pockets lined to which point they literally have no concerns. They have been isolated by the political pedestal which only furthers their lack of empathy for regular people.

I do not think they really care one way or another, its all about the money.

Hemp and the whole plant was easy to grow so yrs ago they used it for oil, cloths, baskets, rope, heat like firewood, and some of the properties were very good for you like bcd oil they now find cancer just hates.

It would cost the medical industry, the clothing, the crafting, and a host of other industries a fortune if it took off and was used as it was in the old days.

Its all about the money.

You are correct that they do not really care - psychopaths are incapable of real care, hence the 'cremation of care' ceremony at bohemian grove.

I'm not sure it's all about the money exactly though, since they can make limitless amounts of it anyway. The core issue appears to be control and control of free will.

Yes it extends into a lot for sure. Most of it stems the want of globalization under the UN, all the freebies that people so long for they don't realize its all to head to that end. And when they do globalize all the freebies go poof and all rights and constitution and it will all be redone under the combined votes of all the countries in the UN.

Funny thing is the past 8 yrs and another 10 trillion in debt from all the freebies the ones that keep asking for more don't realize the puppets are not giving them anything out of their pocket they are making the ones that work and don't need or qualify for them pay for them but they are the hero vs the ones working and paying for it all..

I need a log cabin in the mountains... lol

To all those that are not aware look up Agenda 21 that is where its all headed.

Your right about the control and control of free will.

Yes, getting into the nature is an important step in being free. :)
If you haven't already, I suggest researching Carroll Quigley (linked in my post) - he shows how all the societal structures (Such as UN etc.) are basically controlled by the same families and he gives a detailed history of the process and the names of who is involved (up to the mid 1960s)

Yes I spend a lot of time researching just about anything that interests me since the late 80s. If a lot more dug into it they would go WTF. problem is they don't have the time with working , family, spending time with the kids ect. Which is also another story lol.

I followed you I see a lot of good discussions coming thanks for the post... Rather new to Streemit so just learning the ropes commenting on a lot if different things. Nice to meet you.

I can only SMH at their nonsense and continue on my journey :)

Thank you for shining the light @ura-soul. Upvoted & Resteemed.

I am waiting patiently in the wings of the Blockchain for the masses to awaken and appreciate where our POWER truly IS and how to use it <3

Bright Blessings & Reiki Hugs! Namaste

You are welcome, thanks for your support! Having been on a path of world empowerment via the web for about 15 years, I know that we are about one third of the way to where we need to be - it's a relief since when I started we were at about 5%!

May we all know unconditional love!

Thank you for your service, hardwork and determination. It's an honor to support our shared endeavor.

I have been quietly providing energetic assistance to/for Beautyfull Souls like your self from 'behind the scenes' for awhile as well <3

It's a pleasure to join here in this Sacred Space and amp up the InPowerMent together.

May the River of Unconditional Love Flow Freely

Thank you for yet another brilliant, eye-opening contribution. Is EOS really dipping their toes in DAO concepts, the most ambitious of all fields? I thought it was just about scalable Dapps...

You are welcome! I don't know all the details f DAO, but I do know that @dan states exactly that the intention is to 'Make governments irrelevant'. I understand that this will at least involve the contracts and arbitration that 'courts' typically deal with - we shall see where it all goes soon!

That is awesome. I love dan's work and though-provoking articles too, we can be sure he has the right intentions and mindset.

PS: please check you fb inbox requests

Yes, it is a stupid move and undermines free will, if you want to use marijuana use it, no one should tell you you can't, personally I smoked it once and all it did to me was make me feel sleepy, as now I am an insomniac I think smoking a joint at night would be great for me now, but I am afraid it could trigger my longings for a cigarrette. I see nothing wrong with marijuana, it is medicinal in many forms, you know smoked, as a tea, as a paste, and I have never seen a person who has smoked it become violent.

it's a fascinating topic from bio-chemical and evolutionary perspective. my understanding now is that the reason we 'get high' from it is because our systems are broken from birth. our brain has receptors for cannabinoids and some yogic teachers have said that we can reactivate our own cannabinoid creation system, meaning we are happy all the time (more or less).. That is probably the real solution here.

News break: The CIA is the Mexican cartels.

Trump is👌

You got a 56.90% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @ura-soul!

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