BBC Suggests Tips On How To Disarm The USA - Oh, The Same BBC That Appears To Have Known Details of 911 In Advance? Yes!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The BBC recently published a piece providing 6 handy tips to stop school shooting in the USA - unfortunately, they miss the mark and really just provided a set of ways to expand an authoritarian dictatorship and make school shootings easier to fake and/or have deliberately orchestrated by a government or other entity for political gain.

trump gun

Their suggestions are, in short:

1. Don't name the shooter

They conclude there is no evidence this will help but maybe let's do it anyway!?
By not naming the shooter, the playing field is opened right up to have any amount of school shootings deliberately created by elements in the government to terrify the people into accepting ever more draconian control and loss of personal power/freedom in the name of 'security'. If no-one even knows who did the shooting, there will be very little way for others to hold the secret societies involved to account.. Oh, I mean 'government departments', yes.

2. Let teachers carry guns

On the surface, this sounds like a 'reasonable' plan of action, since it could actually save lives in a desperate situation. However, what does it say about a society when the best course of action to ensure people can learn in peace is that their teachers are heavily armed? What does it say about the message given to the children? They will be taught that 'guns solve problems' - which is exactly the programming that the school shooters are operating on!

How many children will be accidentally killed by those guns? How many teachers will flip out and shoot children? I know of many cases of teachers abusing children - violently and many more sexually.. Just imagine how much easier it would be if they carried guns! Do we really need children to be living under such a veil of fear? Absolutely not!

The solution must involve EVOLUTION and Devolution.

3. Two doors in every classroom

The idea here is to allow people a way to escape rooms in an emergency. Obviously such a policy would not be a secret and so obviously any shooter would counter this in some way - it would not be particularly difficult - either by having more than one shooter or booby trapping doors or using grenades or whatever else. It could even be said that this encourages more shooters to participate!

Again, we MUST look at the causes - trying to deal with symptoms is madness!

4. Remove guns from people 'in crisis'

Here we start to get to the crux of the issue. The more that the fundamental rights of Americans can be challenged by the statist entities, the more power they have and the more control they wield over everyone else. While I personally do not advocate for the use of guns, I do understand and respect the right for people to carry them - if only to protect themselves from corrupt governments. The more opportunity there is to 'judge' someone to be unfit to carry a gun, the more opportunity there is to disarm everyone who opposes the government in key areas. This is something that only the more aware people will even think about and the rest are commonly well trained to call these people 'conspiracy theorists' - however, I remind you that conspiracy is a crime that is punished daily and therefore police officers are professional 'conspiracy theorists'. To deny that conspiracy exists and to deny that theories help us find the truth is itself another form of madness.

Who exactly decides who is mentally fit and who is not? Are you mentally fit just because you got a certificate? Maybe the entire infrastructure that issues the certificate is mentally unfit - Many would say they actually are.

5. Airport-style security in schools

During the Las Vegas shooting it was uncovered that some of those involved behind the scenes had financial and business ties to a large corporation that was trying to get body scanners fitted just about everywhere - even on public streets. Whether you or I think this is possible/likely does not change the fact that there really are control freaks out there who want to have body scanners just about everywhere (and to profit from it massively).

How exactly metal detectors are going to stop you from being shot in the head remains to be made clear. What it will do though is condition children to expect a lack of privacy, to live in fear and to be unprepared to defend themselves - while instead relying on machines and outside agencies.

Do you think vikings would try to use metal detectors if they had them? Or would they give everyone more lessons in axe throwing? I'm not saying that violence is the answer, but a strong will IS part of the answer.

6. Repeal the Second Amendment

Ah, the cherry on the cake.. The ultimate dream of every dictator wannabe and psychopathic control freak everywhere - remove the right for americans to bare arms in defence against a corrupt government. There are many who claim outrage when the evidence is presented that Sandy Hook was either a staged event or at least a false flag event that was orchestrated by elements of the government to attempt to enforce gun control. There is no doubt that there are many who want less guns in the public - but the underlying intentions need to be understood. Some desire less guns to increase safety, genuinely, but some desire less guns so that the state can increase it's reach as the holder of the monopoly on violence.

The fact that the idea exists of 'repealing a right' is itself absurd. A right is 'what is right' and while in theory that could change as life changes and evolves, it is not something that can be decided for other people on a whim or a vote. If anything it is likely to stir up a revolt and possibly a break up of the USA. Maybe that would be a good thing.

Comment on the BBC

Why exactly the BBC is 'kindly offering' this piece to the world is unclear - they don't really say. Reporting on the news is not something that involves making suggestions for policy changes - so there must be some kind of an agenda.

Given that the BBC has already been shown to be a criminal body (for numerous reasons), but perhaps most shockingly by the fact that they announced live on air that Building 7 of the World Trade Center Complex had 'come down' about 20 minutes before it actually did collapse (it was still actually visible in the background shot behind the news anchor). Given that 2000+ architects and engineers have staked their reputations on stating publicly that the towers could not possibly have collapsed in the way that it was alleged by the government's own NIST report and that the WTC7 Building should never have come down since it wasn't even struck by a plane or significant debris, there were NO architects/engineers on that day stating that building 7 was imminently going to collapse and they had no reason to think it would. Somehow though, the BBC knew in advance and was caught being in that position - perhaps by divine intervention.

Several years ago this was raised in a court case in Britain as a man attempted to avoid paying the 'TV License Fee' by stating that he would be aiding a terrorist organisation by paying the fee to the BBC.

Given the history here, perhaps Americans should consider this piece about Disarming the USA a threat to national security in and of itself and name the BBC a political propaganda (psychological operations) wing of a hostile nation?

I doubt that will occur though as the ratio of whiteskin to brownskin/beard in Britain is too close to the programmed American ideal!

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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It is so sad that American society has come to this. Being a Canadian, a country that shares the longest border in the world with our neighbours to the south, I cannot help but wonder how things have gone so wrong.

I have many American friends and have met many more during my travels overseas and the overwhelming majority are for more gun control. Every time I get into a gun debate with a NRA activist the dialogue breaks down and a defence for guns turns into, "well Americans are overweight, should we ban spoons too?" This logic baffles me and makes me wonder how we have become so divided by the issue.

What I do know is this, criminals by and large part are lazy. If you add even just a few more requirements and checks to obtaining a gun, you will likely dissuade potential criminals from obtaining firearms. In Canada we have mental health issues, we have drug and alcohol addiction, we have disagreements between religions, we have atheists, we have marital problems and we have violence, but one thing we don't have is a mass shooting problem. I'm no genius, but I am guessing that our stricter guns laws is a reason for this

I have concluded that while guns clearly do escalate situations to become much more violent than they would otherwise (since it requires very little skill to kill someone with a gun, as opposed to fighting without a weapon) - it is not so helpful to try to control anything as control is also a problem. Rather than trying to control guns or control people, the only solution is to help us all to heal, balance and evolve beyond the low level of consciousness that would ever think about using a gun.

There are just so many variables at play with guns and gun laws in the States, so for every argument, there is likely a valid counter argument. For me, less guns means less possibility of mass shooting, it is as simple as that. I completely understand individuals that say the guns are for stopping an oppressive government and its part of living in a free world, but then on the other hand is america really free? 5% of the worlds population and home to over 25% of the worlds prison population. I guess freedom depends on your perspective

I've got an idea, how about we address the issues like feeding our populace chemicals by by of food, air quality, water quality, and products of all kinds.
Then place people in environments to help them thrive like nature for half the school day. Limit screen time for kids. Help create programs to actually get prisoners better, teach our kids about relationships and how to treat eachother right.

All valuable ideas, for sure - what are we waiting for? :)

Everyone to wake up ;)

Do not get me started on the BBC, the dumb sheep love their BBC.

Thanks for sharing this news I like politics I appreciate your post.....resteemit

LOL #6, LOL! Never gonna happen. So funny that foreigners think they can tell US how to handle our business. A foreign fake news media outlet none the less. This is awesome comedy relief. Thanks for sharing!

From my cold, dead hands. That is all.

it's a very sad news, American Society through this crises...

Its none other than BBC political propaganda.

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