Seven Hooligans Arrested For Blocking Immigration Deportations.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

Every once in a while, you have just got to laugh at the utter stupidity and ignorance of people; especially some Americans when it comes to national issues; particularly illegal immigration and this is of course, a much hotter issue now than it was when Obama was president.

Now it's in the forefront. Even more. More than ever.

And quite frankly, that's a good thing because Americans are fed up with the government sweeping things under the rug and completely forgetting about them altogether.

Now it seems, of course, the voices of the many are being heard. Loud and clear. Front and center. To the point. Priorities. Of concern for one's nation. So much so, that it's implied that it's something to be cherished.

So now I look at this new video, which I shared from YouTube, that shows a gang of rowdy hooligans blocking government officials from doing their job; and that is getting rid of people who don't belong in the country in the first place; illegal immigrants. Jumping ahead in line, swallowing up essential services that Americans need while the economy is in the crapper; helped in no small part, by various ponzi schemes, corruption among top-ranking corporations and their CEOs, etc. These hooligans, who have absolutely no clue HOW screwed up our immigration laws are, have the audacity to try and block the progress that's being made into curb-stomping illegal immigration. Isn't it unpatriotic to refuse to support our nation? Isn't it unpatriotic to turn a blind eye to the pores in our borders that allows illegals to poor into the country? And is it unpatriotic to put the needs of the illegals ahead of those of natural born American citizens?

The answer of course, is Yes.

It is indeed unpatriotic for not wanting to make America a better place. And it is also unpatriotic to burn the American flag; the very fabric of America's essence that our brave men and women have fought and died for so that freedom can reign and sovereignty can flourish.

Yet these individuals have shown by their actions and their actions alone, that they have forgotten the sacrifices made by these very same brave men and women who fought and died for this great nation!!

Hypocrites!!! HYPOCRITES!!! All of them.

They ought to be hanged for treason for their treasonous acts!!

Although Trump is by no means a saint, he at LEAST, is setting the record straight on what is otherwise a SERIOUS, national problem. A problem that has persisted for far too long; like a tumorous cancer.

Said cancer is in the process of going into remission.

Actions like these should NEVER be stalemated by these degenerates!!

Fortunately, progress is being made. 

And although Trump's immigration ban concerning travel from Middle Eastern countries should be revised and tweaked somewhat as it's more of a ban of religion than what's being truly told in the mainstream media, at the very least, it could be seen as a step, experiment if you will, at further easing this crisis.

We can only wait and see if this works. 

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ship the protesters to Mexico too, and see how long it is before they change their minds about their own country.

That would be really interesting seeing them on the other side of the fence.

I am your first and only view, and arguing patriotism, with a moniker of "THE voice of reason" is very LAUGHABLE, considering this country was "founded" by ALIENS (no laws against them) and was surrendered to them by people who didn't own anything but claimed it as their own anyway, after of course they founded the war which they lost but it indebted the new nation and after it was renamed from the Virginia Company, to the UNITED STATES Company it all of a sudden became much more legitimate... LAUGHABLE.

The US is a corporation founded and funded by elite bankers; a fact most Americans should know, but what YOU don't know is that the Elites FAVOR open borders for the sole purpose of destroying a nation's sovereignty; look what's happening in Europe; same situation that's being played in America, but Trump is putting a stop to it. It's a slow, gradual process, but it's a step in the right direction so if anything's LAUGHABLE about this debate, it's YOU.

a nation that is RUN and RULED by bankers, and who is OWNED by bankers= a country in the making, because somehow starting with a SHITTY ASS CUT OF MEAT you will end up with some decent stake with enough "slow gradual steps in the right direction". LAUGHABLE BRO, go reexamine what you are saying, THEvoiceofcomedy.


Clever. Too bad you're not clever enough; in fact, you're shallow.

Really funny because governament is arbitrary mandates just like your arbitrary "steps in the right direction", as if that means ANYTHING, such as "not clever enough". Either I am clever, or not, because "right direction" is a thought out statement, kinda like "clever, but not clever enough", entertainment comes from me to me and you to me, not form me to you, mr. Right Direction, very THE but not so much reason.

What's funny is that you have no concept of arbitrary mandates; let alone understand it. Try brushing up on how to debate politics rather than spew out vague notions of what constitutes arbitrary.

-nesting limit-
How can one have no concept of arbitrary mandates and then say I have vauge notions on what constitutes arbitrary, I either have a concept of arbitrary mandates or I do not, yet you are saying I have some concept of the former but not of the former and later combined... Impeccable logic on your part, yet again, and how is "right direction" NOT arbitrary you ignoramus?

-nesting limit-
What's funny is that you cannot even hold ONE argument and think that by challenging my use of arbitrary without providing any evidence to the contrary can substitute for an intelligent coherent argument while missing the obviousness of your baffonery you ignoramus: Your right way is not "THE" right way and you seek to argue it as such, just like govermanemt is full of arbitrary mandates
b : based on or determined by individual preference or convenience rather than by necessity or the intrinsic nature of something
The intrinsic nature of Democracy, AKA Mob Rule (the great hypocrite TJ) and the Electoral College, arbitrary completely, how else can someone vote on issues that they have no rearing in and least act as delegates on issues they have no rearing in you buffoon, besides ARBITRARY.

-nesting limit-
Don't worry, I am sure you haven't had enough so please do type (not spew) your laughable logic some more.

The Marriage Act certainly employed arbitrary and draconian means. It forced all couples to marry between 8 am and 12 noon, according to the rites of the established Church of England, in one of their respective local parish churches. —David Johnson, History Today, November 2003
Hmmm, probably just a hickup on the internet is how you will explain that the context is exactly the same as here. You BUFFOON, don't stop being hilariously sure in your own gaping "right way".

The consciousness of humanity says national identity/patriotism and borders are not arbitrary and they are there because of all the freedom others have fought to give us. That sums you up completely as a person. Proof of ignoramus is in your contradicting philosophy: Consciousness of humanity and National Security. I will go ahead now and put you on my shit list and exhale you to asshole status based on the idiocy of what I had stumbled onto, nothing takes the cake than posting this over and over again on all your posts from now on: "Proof of ignoramus is in your contradicting philosophy: Consciousness of humanity and National Security" with a link to my first comment in your article, unless you figure out exactly how to stop this. (starts slow clap for myself for ousting another arrogant asshole who's into giving me grammar lesson, or what words mean and what concepts are incorrectly used without proof.


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