The Global Warming Myth

in #news6 years ago

Limousine Liberals and other effete snobs have been swept up by the fiction that the greatest problem facing the world is “Global Warming.”

The basis for their belief in this myth is the unpersuasive notion that it must be true because “Everybody says.” This of course is the ultimate rational for those who will not (or do not have the ability to) think for themselves.

This rationale has given rise to such myths as:

1940’s “Henney Penny, the sky is falling.”
1960-70 The next Ice Age is coming.
1980-90 the globe is warming, so we are all going to drown.

To support the current popular myth, the effete snobs and the other self-proclaimed “well educated intellectuals” tell us (and probably believe themselves) That Global Warming is “settled science,” because a large number of scientists have said so (This, of course, is the current variant of “Everybody says”).
Undercutting this blind acceptance are:

The fact that many members of the scientific community disagree. (This does not mean that those who disagree are correct, but it does contradict the crass assertion and notion that the science is “settled.”).

There is strong economic pressure militating in favor of those who support the “Global Warming” fiction (i.e., funding for scientific study is not available to those who do not tow the party line).

Those in the scientific community, who do not agree, are subjected to enormous peer pressure from those members of the scientific community, who are fearful of losing their own funding.

There is a great deal of money to be made in “combatting” this mythical crises (e.g. Solyndra, Evergreen Solar, First Solar, Bright Source, Abound Solar and many other scams worldwide.

In 2014, CBS reported that billions of taxpayer dollars had been paid to “environment Friendly” companies run or recently created by contributors to Obama and /or Democrats. According to the CBS 60 Minutes show aired on January 5, 2014, Obama committed north of 100 Billion dollars in loans, grants and tax breaks to green tech (a/k/a “Cleantech”) companies. “But, instead of technological breakthroughs, the sector suffered a string of expensive taxpayer funded flops.

Suddenly, “Cleantech” became a dirty word.” On January 6, 2014, Fox News took up the story and added some details that CBS left out. “Of the 100 Billion dollars that Obama gave to “green tech” companies, 80% went to donors to Obama’s campaign and to other Democrats. For every dollar those fund raisers gave, they made back $25,000.

In October of 2012, The Heritage Foundation published a list of 34” green tech’ companies that received such government largess, all of which are now in bankruptcy, or are laying off workers and headed for bankruptcy.

Politicians are supporting this myth to achieve popularity among their pseudo-intellectual supporters and misinformed environmental zealots.

Plus, politicians can gain tremendous power by promoting this myth as well as tremendous wealth for themselves personally.

The political power comes from the politician’s ability to control vast sums of money which can be directed to political cronies. (For the supposed purpose of combatting the non-extant, mythical “problem” ).

Politicians supporting the myth can also gain tremendous wealth, and public personalities (e.g. the Hollywood crowd) can gain for themselves public acclaim for doing no more than espousing the party line. With such motivation underlying the promotion of Global Warming worries, one must carefully examine the facts rather than rely on such irrelevant sources as the President and the sycophants in the media and the intellectual crowd who all lack the courage to speak against this great scam.

The Global warming crowd smugly refer to those who speak the truth as the “Flat Earth” believers. (In fact, the people who have been “conned” into believing this Global Warming myth, are now referred to as the “Flat Head” believers”).

For those who find it difficult to believe that everyone has been taken in, we recommend that you reread:

The fable of “The Emperor’s New Suit of Clothes.”

Herman Goebbels principles of mass inculcation, namely if you tell a big lie often enough and firmly enough the masses will eventually believe it, and

The beliefs of Jonathan Gruber (Obama’s paid expert on getting Obamacare passed): “Of course we lied, we did it because (as Gruber admitted, Gruber believes that the “American people are too stupid to know what is good for them) (but once we can get those stupid people to believe the lies, we can all make money.)”

2014 was incredibly humiliating for the Global Warming Myth crowd.

During the 2013-2014 winter, the U.S. was subjected to terribly cold weather and record snow and ice storms. The winter of 2014-2015 was even worse, leaving most Americans to ask:

“Where the hell is global warming, when we really need it?”

During the 2013-2014 winter, The Great Lakes had record thicknesses of ice cover, and the Great Lake ice cover lasted for record periods of time after the winter had ended.

Notwithstanding the supposed Global warming, those who consider themselves to be our intellectual superiors, were not seen cavorting about in their expansive back yards attired in their required snooty uniforms consisting of flip-flops and Hawaiian shorts. No, they did not depend on their belief in global warming, rather they put on more and more layers of warm clothing, leaving the “middle class” to muddle through the winter wearing their few meager pieces of clothing.

As a result of this dichotomy, the peons (as the self-proclaimed intellectual superiors perceive them) and the self-proclaimed intellectuals are now distinguished by their respective amounts of clothing. The peons are now regarded as the less- on and the pseudo-intellectuals are obviously regarded, correctly, as the “more-ons.”

During the winter of 2013-2014, not only was a bitter winter experienced in America, but also, in many other parts of the world for example, Europe and portions of Asia.

Furthermore, despite the incessant dire predictions of global warming, the effete snobs of the scientific community touting this “settled” science is at a complete loss to explain the fact that during the period 1998-014, ( a period of eighteen years), the temperature of the earth has not increased by even a single degree. In fact, the summer of 2014 was also distinguished by long periods of abnormally cold temperatures.

Also, who can forget the prediction by the chief global warming more-on, Al Gore (who also told us that he invented the internet)? It was in December of 2008, that Gore said that the entire ice cap of the Arctic Ocean would be completely melted by 2014.

How did that work out?

Another humiliation for the Global warming zealots. As reported during 2014, in the Daily Caller, Satellite data shows that the Arctic Ocean ice cap has increased by 50 percent between 2012 and 2014. Also, ABC News reported that data from Europe’s Cryostat spacecraft shows that the Arctic Ocean’s ice coverage was increased during 2014, by 1,400 cubic miles of ice from the same time last year. The Daily Caller goes on to say: This is good news for the Arctic, but it presents somewhat of a tough problem for environmentalists and some climate scientists, who have been pummeled with evidence this year contradicting the theory of man-made global warming.” (Or any other kind of global warming) “Scientists have been struggling to explain away the current multi-year “pause” in global temperature increases. Some have turned to solar activity or natural climate cycles to explain the “hiatus” in warming.”

It is vital to note that these humiliations are not the product of predictions by the well-funded scientific sycophants. These humiliations are the result of real facts, namely: actual occurrences.

Although their enormous pride would never allow these zealots to admit that they were incredibly wrong, it is well to observe that the mystical and hysterical narrative is no longer “Global Warming,” it is now “Global Climate Change.” This new terror of “Global Climate Change” being caused by human activity exposes the total ignorance of the self-proclaimed intellectuals and absolutely confirms that they are morons.

Their current narrative of “Global Climate Change” is based upon their total ignorance of the climactic history of planet Earth.

Our planet is constantly going through climate changes and has always been doing so.


Science (which supposedly forms the basis of the “moron” belief) has established by cutting through portions of the ice cap presently covering the continent of Antarctica, that Antarctica has experienced dramatic climate change over the centuries.

In fact, science has irrefutably determined that several thousands of years ago, the Continent of Antarctica was a lush warm tropical land, covered by tropical vegetation. During this period, the Paleozoic era, the Continent of Antarctica was dominated by fern-like plants which grew in swamps which eventually became i.e. morphed into) deposits of coal. During the Cretaceous period, dinosaurs roamed portions of Antarctica.

Some number of centuries later, the climate of Antarctica changed so that the amount of rain received by the Continent was radically reduced, thus, changing the land now under the ice, to an arid desert, very much akin to the Sahara desert of today.

Many centuries after desertification, the Antarctic desert underwent glacification.

The Sahara

The Sahara desert is also a fascinating historical example of usual climate change.
A visitor to the pyramids of Giza will be somewhat perplexed to note that the stones from which the pyramids were constructed are encrusted with small fossils of ancient oceanic sea creatures.

Scientists have determined that these stones were mined in Wadi Al-Hitan located in the Western Sahara desert. ”Wadi Al-Hitan” is an Arabic term meaning “Wale Valley.” In 2005, the valley was designated as a protected Paleontological site, because the valley floor contains hundreds of fossils of some of the earliest forms of whale, the Archaeocetti (a now extinct sub-order of whales).

The site reveals evidence for the emergence of the whale as an ocean-going mammal from a previous life as a land-based animal. In fact, research has determined that some of these early wales had had hind legs, feet and toes. Their form was serpentine and they were carnivorous. No other place in the world has the number, concentration and quality of such fossils.

The presence of other fossils such as Sea turtles, sharks, sea snakes, crocodiles, sawfish and rays confirm that the Sahara was once covered by the ocean. Many of the animals whose fossils were discover in the valley consumed sea grasses as their diet. The valley has been dated Middle to Late Eocene age.

The Sahara has undergone and continues to undergo many significant climate changes.

Satellite images confirm that the Nile River, instead of flowing north to the Mediterranean Sea as it does today, once had a dramatically different course.
At one time, centuries ago, the Nile River turned west, south of today’s location of Cairo and thereafter, the Nile River flowed west all the way across the Sahara whereupon, the Nile River emptied directly into the Atlantic Ocean.

Satellite images also show that the Sahara desert was once the location of huge lakes. Those Sahara lakes were much larger than America’s Great Lakes of today.

Although the process ended more than 70,000 years ago, the Sahara regularly transmuted between the deserts that we know today and a monsoon drenched savanna-like ecosystem with trees, grass, grazing animals, lakes and people.

Prior to the recent period of desert conditions, the Sahara transmuted back and forth for periods of 2,000-5,000 years for each savanna period and each desert period. Scientific studies have determined that when the change occurred, the transition took 250-500 years from beginning of the change to the end of the changeover.

It is believed that these changes are related to the earth’s orbit around the sun and the wobble in that orbit.

According to the Knowledge Alliance, between 10,000 and 8.,000 years ago, fishermen thrived in the Sahara which at that time had its own great lakes (as noted, those Sahara Lakes ere greater in size than the American Great Lakes).

Garbage dumps near human habitats are full of ostrich egg shells, fish bones including catfish and Nile Perch, which can be bigger than a man. Caves located in elevated portions of the Sahara, contain paintings and engravings of ostriches, giraffes and elephants, which illustrate how fertile the land had been. About 3,500 years ago, the lakes dried up, the vegetation disappeared and the people vanished. The desert had returned again.

The Sahara is but one of the evidences of constant climate change.

Yonaguni Jima Japan

In 1986, a local diver discovered a submerged pyramid below Yonaguni Jima, an island near the southern tip of Japan’s Ryukyu archipelago about 75 miles east of the eastern coast of Taiwan. The structure lies approximately 82 feet below the ocean surface. Some scientist believe that the Yonaguni Pyramid was constructed when the ocean depth was much lower so that the structure was on dry land at the time that it was constructed. The theory is that the Pyramid and the land upon which it is constructed became submerged about 2,000 years ago by an earthquake. Although the Yonaguni pyramid is the subject of much controversy, the theory that the sea level was much lower 2,000 years ago is not very controversial.

The Aleutian Land Bridge

It is widely known, that at one time, sea levels were so low that a land bridge existed across the northern Pacific Ocean connecting Asia and North America. Early native Americans are believed to have come from Asia to America by crossing the land bridge and then trekking southward across much warmer land such as Alaska, the north western United States, all then warm enough to be free of snow cover, as those people made their way across north and south America

The United States

Long before the presence of man in what is today, the United States, there existed a multitude of different climates. Sciences such as geology, paleontology have determined that at one time, what is today the Jersey side of the Hudson valley and the island of Manhattan were tropical jungles, inhabited by a wide variety of plant and animal life including dinosaurs. We know too that that area was once covered by glaciers deeper than the Empire State Building is high.

During the Cretaceous Period, the central part of the United States was covered by salt water. This water has been known by such names as: the Western Interior Seaway, the Cretaceous Seaway, the Niobrara Sea and the North American Inland Sea. This sea extended from the Rocky Mountains on the west to the Appalachian Mountains on the east. At the north, this inland sea connected with (and was actually, part of) the Arctic Ocean, and at the south, this inland sea connected with (and was actually part of) the Gulf of Mexico. At its largest, this inland Sea was 600 miles wide, 2,000 miles long and 2,500 feet deep.

Scientific evidence establishes that upstate New York was under a salt water during the Middle Devonian Period.

The Great Lakes have extensive salt mines under the base of the lakes. These massive salt deposits are the product of salt water evaporation in the distant past, which resulted in the salts sinking to the bottom of the sea which salt was then covered by silt draining into the lakes. Eventually those silts were compressed by the weight of the water above and hardened into a thick limestone bottom to the lakes.

We know that extensive glaciers covered much of North America in the past. Glaciers carved portions of the Great Lakes and are believed to have excavated and thereby created the Finger Lakes of New York State. The material collected by the glaciers as they traveled over the lands to the north were deposited at the southerly terminal moraines of the glaciers. Those material deposits became Long Island, Block Island and Cape Cod, among other land masses.

When the glaciers receded, the south shore of Long Island was 80 miles south of where it is today.


Greenland today is covered by an ice cap. However, when Greenland was first discovered and settled by Erik the Red around 890 A.D., Greenland was situated in a mild climate area and was covered by lush plant life. Erik the Red, may have one of the first of today’s breed of real estate developers, because he named the land “Greenland” in an effort to encourage other Scandinavian settlers to come to and rent his land. The people came, and the people flourished. Physical data establishes that the land had a substantial tree cover. Tuberous plants were cultivated and the inhabitants raised cattle. Settlements such as Brattahlid survived for centuries but disappeared sometime in the 15th century with the onset of frigid temperatures, possibly in conjunction with the onset of the “Little Ice Age.”

The Little Ice Age

The Little Ice Age is another example of climate change. The Little Ice Age was a period of cooling which occurred after the Medieval Warm Period. The Little Ice Age cold period extended from about 1360 to about 1850. This period consisted of separate cooling periods of varying intensity. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change considered the timing and the areas affected by the Little Ice Age. The Panel concluded that the phenomenon was largely a series independent regional climate changes, rather than a globally synchronous increase in glaciation. The Little Ice Age dramatically affected Europe, North America, New Zealand and many other diverse areas. Among other things, the LIA is responsible for the Black Plague and crop failures throughout Europe, including the Irish Potato Famine. The LIA is also believed to have impacted the outcome of the American Revolution.

Occasionally associated with the LIA, is the phenomenon known as the “year without summer.” The year was 1816. The summer climate abnormalities caused a severe drop in temperatures. Scientific evidence suggests that this abnormality was caused by a historic low in solar activity. New York and New England experienced substantial snowfall during that “summer.”
Obviously, unknown by the moronic and uninformed environmental zealots, is the fact the Planet Earth constantly experiences climate change locally, regionally and globally.
It is highly unlikely that any of the historic changes hereinbefore recited were the result of human activity. How much was the planet affected by the carbon emission from the camp fires of the planet’s early inhabitants?

Although, we must concede that one climate change is the product of human activity. California Governor, Jerry Brown, has recently complained about the lack of adequate water in Southern California, and in so doing, he has asserted that that lack of water is caused by “brainless human activity.”

He is right. Brainless environmental zealots have caused the water from Northern California, normally piped to Southern California, to be diverted into San Francisco Bay because those moronic zealots claim that more water is needed for some very tiny fish (inch long smelts, hereinafter derisively referred to “Guppies.”). It is not as though the poor guppies are flopping on the shores of a suddenly dried up San Francisco Bay. Because of this brainless human activity, Southern California is suffering from a water shortage. The richest farmland in /America cannot be made to produce crops. Farmers and farm workers are suffering, and the price of produce is soaring in American grocery stores. However, maybe all Americans should be comforted by the possibility that we now may have happier guppies in San Francisco Bay.


The Climate Change mythologists have begun to point to recent storms such as Hurricane “Sandy” as evidence that our climate is changing. While Sandy was an intense hurricane, it does not stand alone in the history of storms. Sandy was not atypical of intense hurricanes that plague the east coasts of the US.

The Galveston Hurricane of 1900, not only devastated the Texas Coast but it traveled through the Great Plains, swept across the Great Lakes New England and southeastern Canada.

The Atlantic-Gulf Hurricane of 1919 is ranked as the third most intense storm to hit the United States.

The Florida Keys, Labor Day Hurricane of 1935, equaled Sandy by striking land as a Category 5 hurricane. This 1935 storm was the most intense storm to make landfall in the US.

The “Long Island Express,” a/k/a the New England Hurricane of 1938, was another devastating hurricane. During that 1938 storm, the Blue Hill Observatory in Massachusetts clocked the storm’s sustained winds at 121 mph, with gusts of 183 mph. This storm was also a Cat 5 and totally flooded the City of Providence Rhode Island.

The Great Atlantic Hurricane of 1944 had sustained winds measured at Cape Henry Virginia at 134 mph with gusts to 150 mph.

Hurricane Carol of 1954 did great damage striking Long Island and Connecticut as a Cat 3 storm with sustained winds of 100 mph and gusts of 130 mph.

Hurricane Camille of 1969 made landfall along the Mississippi coast as a Category 5 storm with a devastating storm surge.

Hurricane Andrew in 19992 also made landfall as a Category 5 storm and is believed to have had the strongest winds of any Atlantic hurricane.

The Galveston Hurricane of 1900 and the Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928 caused the most fatalities. The costliest Hurricanes measured by property damage include, Hurricane Katrina and the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926.

Because as coastal population increases, and construction along US coastline continues to grow, the number of deaths and the amount of property damage (measured in monetary terms) is certain to continually escalate.

All of the foregoing information regarding the projected monetary costs of the aforementioned hurricanes was obtained from a Study published in 2010, by the Society of Civil Engineers.

The same report also revealed that the most active decades for hurricanes in the US were the 1800s with a total of 25 hurricanes as compared with the 1970s with only 12 hurricanes. Further distressing to those who point to hurricane intensity and frequency as evidence of Human activity as the cause of “climate change” are such facts as:

The fact that during the decade of the 1800s when the greatest number of hurricanes occurred in the USA, The light bulb had not yet been invented and because the light bulb was not produced for sale until 1875, there were no coal fired electric plants anywhere in the world.

During that decade of the 1880s, there existed no California smog produced by automobiles, because, horse and horse drawn carriages or wagons were the principal form of transportation. And when cars were first introduced, the majority of the early automobiles were powered by electric (batteries) or steam.

Of course, history’s most significant storms are not limited to Atlantic hurricanes.

History is replete with reports of great storms, such as:

The great storm of 1588 off the coast of Europe, which destroyed the Spanish armada.

The great storm off the coast of Japan , which destroyed the attacking fleet from Mongolia.

In 1281, Kublai Kahn, the Mongol ruler of China, sent his troops to invade Japan. A huge typhoon sank 200 of the invading ships and 3,500 of the would-be invaders died. A few years later, Kahn sent another fleet to attack Japan. That invasion fleet sailed into Hakata Bay off the Coast of Kyushu Island when another typhoon destroyed the attackers. This time, the Mongols lost 4,000 ships and 10,000 men. The Japanese called these typhoons a kamikaze (which translates to heaven sent divine wind). That term is still well remembered in Japan.

The storms which produced great deluges as reported in the writings of peoples around the world, as illustrated by:

The biblical story of Noah
The Babylonian legend of Gilgamesh.
The African Maasai legend
The Indian legend of Manu and Masaya described in Shapatha Brahmana.
The Chinese legend of Gun-Yu describes a major flood which lasted two generations, during the reign of Emperor Yao.
The Sumerian flood legend recited in the fragmentary Eridu Genesis
The Islamic legend reported in the Quran
The Andaman Islands tradition of Lora Lola and Poi Lola
The Australian legend of the Dreamtime
The tradition of the Maori Tribe of New Zealand
The Malaysian legend of the Temuan
Greek mythology speaks of three great floods two of which ended Ages of Man.
Germanic and Norse traditions recite two separate deluges.
The Irish legend of Lebor Gabala Eenn also tells a story of a 40 day flood.
The Aztecs, the Caddo, the Hopi, the Inca, the Maya all have their flood legends as do
The Menominee,
The Polynesian, and
Hawaii with its legend of the survival of the great flood by those who moved to the top of Mauna Kea where they awaited the return to earth by rainbow of the creator God, whom the Hawaiians call “Kane.”

There are too the legends regarding the “lost’ continent of Atlantis which supposedly existed somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, and the “lost” continent of Mu, which supposedly existed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. For either of those two continents to have ever existed, sea levels would have to have been far lower than they are today. The discovery of undersea communities under the waters of the Mediterranean Sea (off the coast of Israel would certainly confirm this proposition. There have also been discovered recently a Stonehenge-like structure under the waters of the Sea of Galilee, strongly suggesting that that structure was constructed above ground, at a time that sea level was much lower.

What is significant is not the truth of any one of the legends, but the fact that the story of a great flood appears so universally, thereby indicating that some deluge must have occurred.

In any event, the fact of climactic variation throughout the history of this planet and the improbability of human activity being responsible for the variations is absolutely indisputable.

Environmental zealots also point to recent tornadic activity as evincing Climate Change, ignoring, of course, the fact that the US has constantly had tornadoes over the course of history.
Zealot references to the myth of ever stronger tornadoes ignores the strength of the fabled Kansas tornado in the myth entitled the “Wizard of Oz. “which is as relevant as the actual tornadoes to which those zealots refer.

However, like the Wizard of Oz, the Global warming scare and the Global Climate Change scares are nothing more than fables.

As to the real risk to the Earth, on Sunday, June 3, 2014, an asteroid identified as Asteroid 2014 HQ 124, nicknamed the “Beast,” narrowly missed striking this planet. The Beast is reported to have been as large as a football stadium and travelling at a speed of 31,000 mph. Had the Beast struck Earth, it could have wiped out all life on this planet.

Had the Beast landed in the sea, it would have caused tidal waves of greater than 100 feet in height which would have completely scrubbed all shorelines.
Furthermore, an asteroid of that size and travelling at that speed would become mega-superheated while traveling through the Earth’s atmosphere) and could easily have substantially raised the temperature of any ocean in which it landed. Now, that would be real global warming,

Asteroids frequently strike all planets and the consequences of an Earth strike would be devastating.

Recall that it is presently believed by scientists, that the dinosaurs became extinct because of an asteroid strike in the Gulf of Mexico.

The only defense that Earth could have to large asteroid strikes is early detection and the completion of NASA’s work on techniques and strategies to nudge an asteroid off any course which, but for such course deflection, would otherwise result in an Earth strike.

.NASA is presently tracking 90% of the already spotted potential Earth Killer asteroids.

Sadly, during the Obama administration, the self-styled earth saver in the White House terminated all of NASA’s prior directives and retasked NASA to serve in a diplomatic outreach to the Muslim world, with the diplomatic mission to make the Muslim world proud of their historic contributions to science.

With no ill will toward the Muslim world, if the planet is struck by a large asteroid, those folks will be as extinct as everyone else.

Former NASA director Michael Griffin described this new priority as, “deeply flawed.” Not only does the world lose its best chance to avoid destruction, America loses its opportunity for scientific advance, space exploration and other future achievements.
In addition, Following that imbecilic re-tasking of NASA, the only way in which Americans could reach the international space station, repair our/satellites and/or launch new satellites and repair or refocus space telescopes is to “bum a ride” on a Russian rocket, pay Putin a bloody fortune for the privilege, and hope that Putin is in a good enough mood to let us ride that day.

Trashing NASA was an enormous price for America to pay so that Obama might be able to have more of our money to steal for his vacations more of our money to spend on his fund raising trips and more of our money to spritz around to his contributors and to otherwise buy votes.

From all of the foregoing several things have been irrefutably established:

Global Warming is a myth.

Global Climate Change is an alternative myth perpetrated by those who are psychologically incapable of admitting that they were deceived into believing the Global Warming fiction.
If any of the “Global” myths were true, America’s green energy measures would be absolutely worthless to effect any meaningful positive change.

So why do we hear and read so much about these issues?”

Herman Goebbels, the (propaganda minister for Nazi Germany), Obama’s idols, Sol Alinsky, and Karl Marx were all proponents of the Big Lie concept namely that if you told a lie often enough and firmly enough, the general public is stupid enough to believe that the lie is actually the truth.

This is the same belief underlying the success of snake oil salesmen in the wild, Wild West.

Why such a large effort to sell the “Global” lies?

Because there is big money to be made by the “Global Warming” snake oil salesmen.

Thus far, the Obama administration spritzed around 7.8 Billion Dollars of hard earned taxpayer money to companies controlled by persons who made large contributions to Barack Obama.

Each of the “green energy companies that received those taxpayer dollars went bankrupt, thereby producing no product and no real jobs. When the bankruptcy proceeding was finished there was nothing left of the taxpayer money.
So what was the scam?

Officials and owners of those companies paid themselves salaries from those Obama Government Loans and “paid themselves back” for loans that they had supposedly made to their own companies.

As previously noted, it is reported that these Obama cronies received from Obama $ 25,000 in taxpayer money for every $1 that they contributed to Barack Obama. This mega- scam was easily worth the expense of creating the “Global” fiction.
And remember that Biden and Obama said that if you do not pay more taxes, “ you are not patriotic.” Obama and Biden are constantly complaining that we taxpayers are not paying our “fair share” of taxes.

This raises interesting questions: What should have been an American taxpayer’s fair share of Obama’s spritz around money?

What is an American taxpayer’s fair share of the government money spent by Obama for fancy vacations for him and his family, including his mother-in-law?
And what should have been an American taxpayer’s fair share of governmental money spent by Obama on his endless fund raising sprees?

In June of 2015, Pope Francis issued an Encyclical in which the Pope expressed a belief that scientific evidence suggests that global warming is real and that it may be caused by actions of mankind, and if true, there would be harm to poor nations.

Liberals and environmental zealots were delighted, amused and even gleeful that the Pope seemed to be siding with them. Why that response? It is because the liberals in this country are bigots. They hate Christians and they totally despise Catholics and anything having to do with Catholicism

One need only look to the program sponsored by the Disney organization called ”The View” on which one of the lead players, namely Joy Behar famously mocked the Catholicism of United States Vice President, Pence.

Bigot Behar is typical of the anti-Catholic Liberals.

The words of the Jackie Gleason character, Ralph Crameden, are appropriate here.
“You’re a Riot Joy.”

Or perhaps we might now call her “Joy Behardy, har, har, har.” Racist Whoopi is no balancing factor to soften Joy’s anti-Catholic rants.

Nice family entertainment Disney! Do you think that Walt would be proud of this?

Although, no one in the liberal media published or reported on that portion of the Encyclical,which stated that we harm the planet when we pollute the planet.

There are examples of the poor being harmed around the world throughout history by the pollution of waterways by dumping human waste into streams, rivers and waterways as well as industrial pollution.

In this Encyclical, His Holiness decried the way in which we are destroying our planet by killing life on the planet to satisfy our personal desires, for example people are burning off the rain forests for economic gain, and the destruction of human begins by abortion. The smog afflicting the poor causes serious repertory illness and the destruction of natural growth (for example, the destruction of rain forests in Latin America, we kill off living things, for example by abortion. His Holiness said, in essence, that our addiction to materialism and the human impulse to throw away whatever we want to discard or destroy

Clearly, the mythical crises is the product of moronic zealotry and the insatiable greed of well-connected environmentalists.

Bureaucrats are proposing that we make the cost of energy more expensive. As though making the heating of our homes and businesses more expensive particularly during bitter cold winters will “save the planet.”

President Obama, another “genius” (at least in his own mind), wanted to eliminate carbon emissions from America.

With respect to carbon emissions, China is the country producing the highest annual amount of carbon emissions (27% of worldwide emissions) with India, Russia and Japan rounding out the top four polluting nations. America, European nations and other Asian nations are in the equation, as well as some emerging economies in the remainder of the world; hoverer, America produces comparatively few emissions, compared to other nations.

Yet, the morons leading our country want to stop U.S. emissions which will not make a dent in worldwide emissions, but, such stoppage will destroy America’s economy.

The “Goody two Shoe” Morons naively believe that “If America reduces its emissions, the rest of the world will see the “goodness” in this and will want to follow our lead. The fact that our morons really believe this garbage is absolutely frightening. The remainder of the nations will not “jump off the Brooklyn Bridge,” just because we are stupid enough to do that.

China will be so busy laughing at our stupid destruction of our economy that they will not have time to see the “good” in this stupidity.

In summation, the Global Warming myth is just that, a myth. Global warming does not exist. Climate change is a naturally occurring phenomenon which has occurred through the history of this planet. And even if the myth being pushed by the moronic pseudo-intellectuals were real, the destruction of the US economy through the radical reduction of American emissions would do nothing to change the world’s climate continuum.

The real threat to the world is the fact that this ridiculous myth balderdash is being swallowed by so many “earth savers.”

If these moronic zealots would wake up This Global Warming garbage would it would be less threatening to the real world.

The whole Climate Change thing would have made a great James Bond plot. Some maniacal industrialist, who also controlled enormous media outlets (like the evil “Eliot Carver” villain in the Bond story “Tomorrow never Dies,” who uses his news empire to create phony international disasters in an effort to increase his own wealth.

The solutions to this fictitious Global Warming problem, proposed by the moronic zealots would be absolutely laughable, if those proposed “solutions” were not so palpably dangerous. Now that the EPA has issued new coal fired emission standards, outcry about the new regulations has already been voiced by many prominent democrat members of Congress as well as virtually all Republican members. They are joined by many large Labor unions and many of the nation’s leading economists who all argue that the new regulations will destroy employment and severely raise the cost of energy. This will cost citizens a great deal more for the heating and the cooling of their homes and other buildings. Power outages are predicted as unavoidable consequences of these mindless EPA regulations. TV pundits, while railing against these EPA regulations have asked: “Why would Obama do this?” The question is not really relevant and its answer requires speculating as to what was in Obama’s mind (if anything).We know that Obama suffers from the disease of incurable moronic addiction to socialist uber- liberal syndrome. (Perhaps a result of serious brain damage which he suffered by smoking marijuana in his youth) (Which, Obama boastfully admitted). We also know that “science has determined” that even casually smoking Marihuana during one’s later youth (15-20 years of age) causes the human brain to change its shape and causes other serious damage including the ability to make decisions. Obama is aberrantly delusional and egotistical. It appears that in his delusions, he believes that by taking these moronic actions, he will come to be seen as the savior of the planet and as such, he will be elevated to some international world king, czar, emperor or deity or UN “importantate.”

Several TV pundits have asked “Is he ignorant or arrogant?” This should not be an either or question, because the correct answer is both.

Thank God that President Trump withdrew The United States from the absurd Paris Climate Accord and that he reversed the job killing regulations, which had been imposed by our prior administration.

The infrequently reported thrust of this Encyclical is the oft reported position of the Catholic Church that Communism. Nazism, and materialism are wholly unacceptable. The prevalent attitude that we can do whatever makes us feel good and damage whatever we please in the pursuit of our own material gain and personal pleasure is sinful.

Historically, mankind has damaged his environment by disposing of everything in the manner which seems easiest and most convenient, including human effluent and in so doing, has destroyed much.

Human waste in streams and water ways has cause dysentery, disease and death throughout history, and in locations throughout the world. This problem continues to this day. Sewage disposal systems were employed in early Greek history and improved upon by the Romans. Nonetheless, it was not until the 19th century that sewage systems became widespread. In New York City, during the 1700’s, raw sewage and animal waste was disposed of by dumping it into the streets and allowing rain to wash the effluent along the gutters forming the edges of the street. So bad was the situation, that it was said that a traveler approaching New York could smell the stench of the city six miles away.
Further, the misuse of natural resources is believed to have caused the demise of many advanced societies. Mayan civilization is believed to have vanished because of Mayan misuse of water resources.

Pope Francis laments that we have become a “throw away” society resulting in monumental pollution of the planet by or garbage.

Except with regard to abortion and the need to care for the less fortunate among us, we know that Christ offended many of the wealthy of his time when he said: “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” [Mathew . chapter 19 . Verse 24] This statement of the Lord is also reported in the Gospels of Mark and Luke.

Earth was fixed in the center of the universe, with the universe revolving around the Earth. It was because the principal theologians of the day espoused the Earth centric theory, that Pope Paul V admonished Galileo to recant his heretical belief and condemned Galileo to the Inquisition at Rome, in 1633 to force a recantation.

The pontifications of Pope Paul V demonstrated that, when a Pope expresses his view of science, such pontification can be anything but infallible. Pope Francis means well but his forays into science and the world of politics should be viewed only as an expression of care by a good man who has been barraged like the rest of the inhabitants of this planet, with non-ending harangues of the political and scientific in-crowd

In this Encyclical, His Holiness decried the way in which we are destroying our planet by killing life on the planet to satisfy our personal desires, for example people are burning off the rain forests for economic gain and the destruction of human begins by abortion. The smog afflicting the poor causes serious repertory illness and the destruction of natural growth (for example, the destruction of rain forests in Latin America, we kill off living things, for example by abortion. His Holiness said, in essence, that our addiction to materialism and the human impulse to throw away whatever we want to discard or destroy

The infrequently reported thrust of this Encyclical is the oft reported position of the Catholic Church that Communism. Nazism, and materialism are wholly unacceptable. The prevalent attitude that we can do whatever makes us feel good and damage whatever we please in the pursuit of our own material gain and personal pleasure is sinful.

Human waste in streams and water ways has cause dysentery, disease and death throughout history, and in locations throughout the world. This problem continues to this day. Sewage disposal systems were employed in early Greek history and improved upon by the Romans. Nonetheless, it was not until the 19th century that sewage systems became widespread.

Global Warming and Global Climate Chang caused by man are fictions designed to make certain individuals or certain international organizations or nations wealthy at the expense of American taxpayers and/or the destruction of the American economy. Thank God that we have Donald Trump to defend us from this insanity!

(Originally Published in 2014, Updated in 2018)


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