False Flags in England- Here's Their Endgame......steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

I knew they were up to something specific with this recent rash of false flags in England.

Well here you have it- PM Theresa May is now calling for 'regulating' the internet to 'reduce extremists online'.

Who do these NWO psychopaths control freaks think they are fooling?

All of the terrorism over the past several years has been orchestrated by various intelligence agencies in order to perpetuate their chokehold NWO agenda where they have free people trading those freedoms for 'security'.

I'm amazed that more people cannot see through all of their endless orchestrated BS from Sandy Hoax to Manchester.

How much longer are we going to allow the completely corrupted scumbags to run these false flags all with the aim being to snatch our freedoms away and create strife and division?

Personally I'm completely fed up- these psychopaths insult a thinking person's intelligence thinking we buy into their false flags for even a moment.

Here's my rule of thumb these days- when a 'terrorist' event occurs until I see concrete evidence that it's legitimate I, like any other level headed THINKING individual, assume it's just another FALSE FLAG.

Until the world wakes up and sees these Luciferian pedo psychopaths for what they are we can continue to expect more of the same.


If you want to get rid of terrorism- overthrow your governments folks- THEY are the true terrorists and enemies of humanity.


This Cabal Is mafia, how do you stop criminals, you have to use force. These people need to be hunted down. I declare war on the Cabal, lets all join forces and bring the power of freedom down on these demons. As JFK said those that make peaceful revolution Impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. Freedom Isn't Free, you have to Fight For It.

O yeah, like the fight against the muslims?

Every other post you make is a copu pastu of something you previously wrote, and a few are straight spam reposts not even a week apart, and in beween all that is all the religion bashing you can ask for, and now you are here calling for violent revolution, youre a fucking instigating snitch, a plant, a dupe, you will never reclaim this account on steem as anything but a shill, a fake, a troll, a fearmongering asshole, regardless of all the numerous topics you spam. I exposed you and your efforts in the 5 month old flat earth post that you resurrected, and I have to make another episode about who shall remain nameless.

In the Koran and Sharia Law Muhammad preached terror, jihad for the forced conversion to Islam. Anyone who didn't convert was killed. If you're under the false Illusion that Sunni Islam and Sharia Law Is peaceful, you need to understand some of the oppressive practices of Sharia Law. This tyrannical system of control, Sharia Law, promotes pedophilia, through Muhammad the prophets consummation of his marriage with a nine year old girl, this Is clearly stated In the Koran. A law which also promotes the capital punishment of homosexuals, the female genital mutilation of young girls and women, the acceptance of gang rape of women and the general treatment of women as second class citizens. This, oppressive, tyrannical system of Sunni, Islamic, Sharia Law has been brought In, to the West, to bring terrorism with It and ultimately take the rights and freedoms of European and British citizens.

You are a Rothschild Zionist troll,

The troll/shill beseeching me with his mutual respect!

I of course have exposed @orenshani7 for being a liar, fake ass journalist, troll classisim denialist and generally all around Zionist supporter. Would you like some links?

trying to make out there Is no New World Order agenda when It Is well know

All I do is throw insults around?
Prove it!! Can you back that up with evidence or are you going to remain a hypocrite, who has insulted me thus far.

We have a serious problem with Islam because they've pushed the most extreme forms of It In to our countries. Muhammad preached terror Jihad, this Is fact.

Keep bashing islam and muslims and excusing the orders for genocide, inhumanity and otherwise murder and infanticide that has been exemplified in numerous verses of your precious bible and the bloodsoaking history of their legacy. In the end you rely on proof of this serious problem as quotes in a book long antiquated, you're a fucking troll, a fake, a arrogant piece of shit that works for the zionist fucks to incite hate against brown men, to incite distrust at least, and to divide and break down communities, your tactics are obvious and your bullshit propaganda and fear mongering deserves all the derision out there.

Good job for catching that..

Just another surveillance scam. This only promotes the use of Cryptocurrencies Tor Browser and the use of encryption etc. I refuse to allow my internet life be openly available to surveillance methods used by the UK gov because of Islamic terrorism. I will continue to protect and isolate what I do and say. They can't control or remove content that circulates the darknetx we would as a society take these methods into use than bow down to regulation and the cencorship to come...

All true and totally predictable. Those of us who are awake were afraid this was going to be their next move. Internet control must be resisted at all costs, it's the last real free forum to get the message of truth out there. Steemit will be reduced to Facebook status if they get their way.
Resist folks or it's over for freedom in Britain.

Steemit would exist in the deep realms of Onion land if needs be. I for one would travel there in support of decentralisation

Likewise buddy. I'll never cave to these dirtbag politicians.

ironically, since the definition of the word 'terrorism' was changed from 'government by force' to 'acts of violence intended to affect government' - just saying that overthrowing government will end terrorism is technically possibly a statement that could be construed to be 'terroristic'.

Good- then a terrorist I am- the USG is NOT legitimate and I would be open to removing BY FORCE the perpetrators of this fraud and establishing our a legitimate Constitutional Republic- what we have today is merely a facade

Glad to see so many see this for what it is and find it absolutely unacceptable!

I thought the same thing as the words were coming out of her mouth.

Totally agree. I also analysed the data in my blog and exposed the propaganda.

Upvoted, and following you.

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