Terrorism Truth

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Muhammad preached terror, jihad.

Muslim deceivers today, falsely, claim that jihad, holy war Is only an Interior struggle against sin. Or that violent war Is the lesser jihad and that the greater jihad Is spiritual warfare, against the lower self. This Is total 'Deception!'

The vast majority of references, In the Koran and hadith, regarding jihad, mean bloody war. Killing, acts of terror, not an Internal struggle against sin. Another false argument, Is that jihad Is only defensive, to military defend lands currently controlled by Muslims, but these lands did not belong to Muslims. They were conquered and stolen In aggressive, unprovoked wars from marauding Muslim armies who followed Muhammad's orders. This Is what Sharia Law states about jihad, based on the Koran and Muhammad's example.

o9.1 Jihad Is a communal obligation for every able bodied male who has reached puberty and Is sane.
If It was just an Internal struggle, they wouldn't have to be able bodied.

If none of those concerned perform jihad and It does not happen at all, then everyone who Is aware that It Is obligatory Is guilty of sin, If there was a possibility of having performed It. Guilty of sin for not having fought In jihad. Muhammad made clear, the main purpose of jihad was forced conversion to Islam.
He said: "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there Is no god but Allah and that Muhammad Is the messenger of Allah...
If they say It, they have saved their blood and possessions from me..."
( Sharia Law, Reliance of the Traveler, o9.1 - o9.4, Pg 599 English )
Converting non Muslims, was more Important to Muhammad than killing them or robbing them, If they converted they became his obedient subjects, he would have their lives and possessions at his disposal, but If they would not convert, he would kill them and seize their belongings. " Complete totalitarian religion, Islam and Sharia Law speaks for Itself, " to think children are taught In British schools today, Muhammad peace be up on him, this absolutely extraordinary "

I have been very careful In this article to only use the Koran and Muhammad's words, so these are not my opinions these are the teachings Muslims follow. We have to recognize the threat, American and British people are generally, predisposed, to be tolerant of religion, It's a part of the very fabric of our societies. 'Islam,' not radical Islam, not radical Islamic extremists, but 'Islam,' the Ideology of 'Islam,' the philosophy of 'Islam,' the laws of 'Islam.' 'ISLAM Is the THREAT' like 'COMMUNISM' Is the threat. It's a social political blueprint for the subjugation, enslavement, of the Earth. They, Muslims, don't view themselves as terrorists, they view themselves as evangelists. So we can't grasp that ISIS really represents 'Islam,' that San Bernardino, 911, London or Manchester Arena terrorist attacks represent historic, orthodox Islam, so until we grasp what we are dealing with, we're In trouble.

The Rothschild's and the globalists, Freemasons who follow the Talmud are using Sunni Islam, Wahhabism, bringing It In to Europe and allowing Saudi Arabia to fund these mosques that promote this Ideology. They are doing this to constantly take our freedoms and after both terrorist attacks In Britain have heavily clamped down with Internet Censorship, attacking people who are opposing their totalitarian agenda. They are falsely telling the public that these Internet censorship laws are to keep everyone safe, when they are for shutting peoples freedom of speech down, stopping people from exposing harmful vaccines and the corrupt global system.


If you click this link, you will hear the plan for 9/11 sung about by TOOL in the year 1996. The plan was well known by many celebrities by this time already. Of course, since the WTC towers were built BY the Illuminati, it would make sense that since their creation there would be a concerted mind-program placed over the entire world, especially the USA, to get them SUBCONSCIOUSLY ready for 9/11. I believe that in the months leading up to the attack, people were discussing the event REVERSED as they talked by the water cooler; it was already that ingrained in the collective unconsciousness of man, to be ready for this event.


[the opening of the song with ANAL SEX is consistent with the information covered by a Bella Illuminati Code-Breaker Girl, about the 9/11 XX SODOMITE GATEWAY. UP to this point in the album reversed this would be the 3rd song Maynard sings about ISRAEL, the first being STINKFIST, after that being HOOKER WITH A PENIS.]

"War! Admit it! Cock go in to an ass! Oooooooh I want your money! (No, don’t open it) Don’t open it! (Don’t open it) Don’t open it! Don’t! No! First-give it in, that oil yea. Cheerie-up and find so many friends. So yea cheer your Order of Theme; bring the money! We allow you (we allow you)-To go home (to go home). But I liked me Usama with a broad memory; I knew it, that he-that he would swallow the money at Jerusalem. Boy-ghost. I don’t know why he'd remembered then or that. Cheerie-up and start some meds and cheer your Order of Theme; bring the money. Yea we’re gettin' close. WAR PANG! Parasitic heroine following him. Following him-following him. Given more time than we have to deal with. We love you Bell-we love you. Keeping you from moving becomes the solution, and you’ll never forgive me for making this decision. You know the devil has seducing seduction. War, war, war, war, war, war, war, war War, war, war, war, war, war, war, war May Day make you follow fear! I’m weak-willed but not Israel, though. You’re blind! That’s why you’re confused! Slaves to you! They wave hello! You’ve been holding on-sing on effigies. You knew-he blew it-did it and got money. So obviouslyI’m-So obviously I’m co-conspirator! Happy I took the mark; guess that’s out of the way. Bringin’ the money in. Making war with anywhere we wish. (Making war with anywhere we wish) Men, they like the wars. Search-search-no death, so that we may live on. Hold fast, I think we need room. Said I broke new heights through blowing it in. Yea, oh I couldn’t realize it. Made a lie; well,tomorrow it looks safe. So yes-let’s hit em with Saddam."

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