Hmm, A Terror Attack Where People Are Pushing To Break Away

in #news7 years ago

Look beyond the headlines.

What would terrorists have to gain by attacking Catalonia?

Wouldn't an independent Catalonia make for an easier target for a Jihadist takeover?

I bet they'll think twice about wanting to break away from Spain now.

Not that I'm claiming this was a False Flag operation or anything.

That's just a bunch of wild conspiracy talk.

I mean, it would be almost impossible to convince someone from a country that has been destroyed by the West to drive a van into a bunch of people.

They must be some of those "self-radicalized" people.


Maybe I should climb out of my "dealing with real life" rut and take a look around.

Are you telling me that "self-radicalized" is now a thing?

And is that anything close to being a person who thinks for themselves?

Or ... can I just say it's starting to feel like we're at the Tower of Babble

The other thing getting shoved around by real life is this: Ohhh ! Look ! You might be able to get better upvotes from me! But you have to help!

While I'd enjoy winning the 200 delegated SP, I'd also really like to at least draw a bit of attention to MAP. There's plenty of authors that could benefit. Including yourself.

Did you see that? I skipped around most of the elephants in the room. ;-)

"Self-radicalized" is the term the media likes to use for people who they want to tie to some "known" terrorist group but they can't actually find a link.

It's somewhat analogous to the way they used the term "weapons of mass destruction" to justify invading the Middle East.

Lovely. Do you think they have drinking parties to strategize?

on the other hand, a preacher recently informed me that I shouldn't read the Bible for myself, by myself.

You know, I was also told I couldn't read a fourth grade math book and be able to teach my own kids.

BUT then I also did the impossible and taught them to read and write.

Obviously. I'm trouble.

You probably taught them to read and write too well.

While you were at it you probably taught them to think critically and for themselves too didn't you? ;-)

Oh you're probably already on someone's list.

I'm married to retired military. I am on the list.

But yes I thought my children to think for themselves. They are doing pretty well. Thank you.

I just wish they had been raised by a truly de-programmed mother. Evidently, at that stage in my life I was only taking a purple pill instead of a double dose of red pills.

Somethings are impossible to easily unteach to grown children ... especially the ones that go on to be parents.

Some things can't be taught to your kids, they have to learn them on their own.

With any luck, they'll recognize what you were trying to teach them when the see it for themselves and it'll "click".

I like the cut of your jib.

Are the authorities forcing you to teach "common core" math to your kids, or can you use the math that we've all been using for the past 1000 years?

Oh I did this some uh er uh omg I can't do the math LoL

it was 1986 when I started. wow 31 years ago this fall.

As far as I know most US States still allow the parents to choose the curriculum.

The thing that is required for good homeschooling is a stable marriage. Mine started coming apart at the hinges. So ... by about 96 or so the kids started gradually getting back into various private or public schools, either part time or full time.

At 17 yrs in 1996, our oldest daughter went into the community college scene via a back door for drop outs. It was the quickest path in.

Second daughter went through normal entries into a private college. She's five years younger. A lot of attitudes about homeschool had changed by then. Oh well and she started a heavy round of non credit art classes at the community college at 16.

Our son is the one that got drug through the public high school system and then refused to consider more. He's done so well in sales, though, that it's made it difficult to make a career change ... but I suspect he's about to take the plunge anyway.

emm lol I just realized I got rolling and habitually answered the second question most parents ask me about. "Did it turn out well?" ... Yes. It went very well.

The first question is usually some form of what curriculum is best. The answer to that is, "the one that you understand and that fits into your lifestyle. And the amount of success you will see is largely dependant on the stability of your marriage."

That's good, at least. I'm glad parents have the option for homeschooling now and that they're allowed to choose the curriculum they feel strongly about.

It sounds like you did well by your kids despite some trying times.

Here's the thing I walked around and didn't obviously state .... although I'm pretty sure you picked up on it ....

This is the sort of thinking that leads to is behind the strong presence of a "thought police" culture.

I recently had a disturbing conversation with a 20 something who privately admitted to me that she actually didn't share the same point of view as her friend that just left.

When I questioned her about why she didn't tell her friend the truth, she said she didn't want to hurt his feelings!

I haven't gotten a chance to call BS but I intend to.

First, she's allowing her friend to make life decisions encouraged by the idea that they are in agreement.

This takes away her friend's incentive to look any harder at the decisions he's making. I think this leaves him in state where he's making decisions based on illusions.

I think it probably has a lot more to do with her being a chicken.

Unfortunately, I think this is not limited to the young. I know it's wearing, scary, and costly to tell the truth.

This is especially true about anything that goes against the narrative of those in power or those willing to extract a punishment.

But. If we stay quiet, we are the echo chamber for their agenda.

This is especially true about anything that goes against the narrative of those in power or those willing to extract a punishment.

That sums it up very well.

Sadly, it's nothing new, those in power have been pointing the IRS at people they don't like for decades.

And CPS ... can't leave them out

Good information

What do you like about it?

Yes, the mercenaries employed by NATO in their proxy war.

Those silly self-radicalized people.... tssk tssk...

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