Child Sex Trafficking Fastest Growing Crime as Secret Service Agent, Teacher Arrested in Massive Sting

in #news6 years ago

 Washington, D.C. – This week the U.S. Department of Justice announced  the arrest of more than 2,300 suspected child sex offenders, including a  member of the U.S. Secret Service, and identified nearly 400 abused  children during the three-month operation that ended in May. Of those  arrested, 195 were suspected of producing child pornography or  committing child sexual abuse. 

“No child should ever have to endure sexual abuse,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions noted in a Justice Department press release. 

“And  yet, in recent years, certain forms of modern technology have  facilitated the spread of child pornography and created greater  incentives for its production. We at the Department of Justice are  determined to strike back against these repugnant crimes. “ 

The operation, dubbed “Broken Heart,” was conducted by Internet  Crimes Against Children (ICAC) taskforces operating in all 50 states  across and involved more than 4,500 federal, state, local and tribal law  enforcement agencies. Operation Broken Heart,  which is funded through the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of  Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, has been an annual law  enforcement operation since its inception in 2014. 

It has resulted in  the arrests of thousands of suspected child sex predators. “It is estimated that at least 100,000 children—girls and boys—are bought and sold for sex in the U.S. every year,  with as many as 300,000 children in danger of being trafficked each  year. Some of these children are forcefully abducted, others are  runaways, and still others are sold into the system by relatives and  acquaintances,” according to the Rutherford Institute. 

Targets of the nationwide operation include individuals suspected of  sex trafficking children, engaging in online enticement of children for  sexual purposes, producing or possessing child pornograph, and traveling  to foreign countries or across state lines to sexually abuse children. 

A previous iteration of this operation, called Broken Heart III, ran from April to May 2016, and netted over 1,000 suspected child sexual predators nationwide. Contrary to the stereotype of a recluse pedophiles living in their  mother’s basements, the arrests instead involved numerous high-profile  figures within society. At the time, John Reynolds, acting special agent  in charge for U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations said that among those arrested were entertainers, community leaders, white-collar professionals and clergy members. The latest operation, according to local media reports, saw a Secret Service employee residing in Maryland arrested as part of the pedophilia investigation. 

Investigators arrested Andrew Lund, a fourth grade teacher and school supervisor at Glen Cove Elementary school in Vallejo, California. Interestingly, as independent journalist Mike Cernovich presciently  pointed out, mainstream media seems to have little interest in  highlighting the scourge of pedophilia exposed by this operation.   

This news comes on the heels of a report out of UNICEF which found that child trafficking has become the world’s fastest growing crime. While the mainstream media and their establishment praetorian guard,  such as Snopes, often attempt to hide the ugly reality of rampant  pedophilia – especially when potentially connected to the societal  power-elite – here at The Free Thought Project we have consistently  tried to shine a light on the insidious epidemic. Some examples of this include the high-profile pedophilia scandal that gripped the U.K., before being unceremoniously swept under the rug. 

In that case, historical abuse by politically connected elites, celebrities, and politicians was brought to light —  with an official inquiry being started — only to have the inquiry  “crumble” after heavy pressure was exerted by highly placed power  brokers within the U.K. establishment. Ironically, this was almost the exact same scenario as what took place in the United States in what became known as the Franklin child sex ring coverup.  Once the FBI took over the investigation from state authorities, it  turned into a witch hunt to persecute the child victims – going so far  as to charge them with perjury in a successful attempt to scare the  other 70+ victims to recant their testimony regarding the child sex  ring.

 While the story received a measure of newspaper coverage due to the  dogged investigations of state senator John DeCamp, there was a complete  blackout by the national mass media – likely due to implicating the  White House — thus most Americans have never heard about this salacious  child sex scandal. 

In case after case, the Free Thought Project has reported on  horrifying cases of child sex rings that were allowed to go on for  decades because politicians — including heads of states — police, clergy, and others were all in on the sick game. While establishment propagandists like Snopes would have you believe  these cases are “conspiracy theories,” the reality is that groups like  Snopes—deliberately or not—are simply running interference for the  politically connected power-elite. 


This last paragraph:

"While establishment propagandists like Snopes would have you believe these cases are “conspiracy theories,” the reality is that groups like Snopes—deliberately or not—are simply running interference for the politically connected power-elite."

if true is actually proof of Snopes and the main stream media being complicit in the crime. The sentence can be the same for the complicit as it is for the Perps.

A lot of them probably are complicit, the whole of Hollywood was protecting people like Weinstein over decades. Weinstein is not untouchable anymore.

If you want to see just how wide scale the cover-up of these crimes is, take a couple hours and do a state-by-state search of the same terms, the numbers of arrests when you start seeing the various cases gets staggering.

As far as Snopes being complicit I wouldn't go that far. They do have a method though, which seems to be starting with the conclusion in mind and then writing an article to confirm it. They are a staff of about 15 people, yet act like they know all.

Most never read the article, only looking for the True/False button.

The following is just my opinion. People need to do their own investigation.

I did my own investigation into Snopes and main stream media. They and many other alt media are all complicit. It just takes knowledge of a crime to be complicit if you don't report it. That is what it means to be protected as journalist in the Constitution for the United States. As long as you do the job which is protected your golden. If you don't your dog meet.

The following is absolute proof:

“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term"

There is more. The earliest known criminal conspiracy committed by main stream media is below:

I give you Crookes, William, Sir, 1832-1919. He used the scientific method to study spiritualism. Maybe he was the best scientist of his time. He published his results and was assaulted constantly for his trouble. At the time if you disagree with someone's results you were supposed to duplicate the experiments and publish your results. The following link is to Crookes work. The evidence is in the microfilm of the Science magazines and Journals of the time.

This is why we have priest calling themselves Scientist and a failure rate for duplicating experiments that is above 80%.

hopefully the crime is not growing but our enforcement against it and the number of criminals we prosecute is growing. Thanks again Jeff Sessions.

You beat me to it, it's not that the rate of crime is going up it's that the enforcement is going up.

Pedophiles and sex predators are politically useful, they come compromised and are easy to Blackmail. So they will do what you want if you know what they do.

Why can't stories like this be at least as intriguing to the general public as, say, someone calling the cops on a girl for selling bottles of water?

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Media Ignores Pedogate
Our Purpose

I am almost certain that politicians are part of that network of child trafficking, and that many of them are pedophiles. And I'm also almost certain that this is used as a means of political extortion to control all politicians.

Doc Brown.gif

It is incredible that this is happening in a country where they supposedly spy on everyone. How is this possible?

the truth is that now anyone is involved in child sexual abuse, from teachers, priests to figures of public exposure and weight for a country

Keep shining the spotlight, tftproject! We salute you!

Some day the lists of those arrested will begin to include some of the big fish--names we've actually heard of.

Former State Senator and Attorney John Decamp is a guy that I've had on my radio show in the past, and have spoken too often. He is a great patriot and would make an amazing U.S. Senatorial candidate....

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