Industri Mati di Ladang Gas Aceh | Dead Industry in Aceh's Known Field of Petro Dollar Region

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Gas-based manufacturing industries in Indonesia are increasingly depressed, which justifies the price of gas that does not go down.

Conditions that resulted in the decline in competitiveness and loss of potential business and state or private assets worth tens of trillions of rupiah due to junk.

One of the things happening in Indonesia is the child-owned industry Former President Tomy Suharto PT Humpuss Aromatik which is a giant industrial company located in the city of Lhokseumawe Province of Aceh.

The country once known as a petrodollar because of the glory of gas now looks bleak. Three mega industries that support Lhokseumawe economy and North Aceh in the era of 1980-1990s that now collapsed, after stopping production in the 2000s. The assets of the three companies were unkempt and almost rubbish.

In fact, after the Arun gas field was discovered in the 1970s with a 17.1 trillion cubic capacity, the government was encouraged to develop the strategic industry of PT Arun Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL) on March 16, 1974. The government then built four other strategic industries, namely the urea fertilizer industry PT ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) and PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) in Lhokseumawe, PT Kertas Kraft Aceh (KKA) in North Aceh, and producer of aromatic products of PT Humpuss Aromatik in Lhokseumawe.

However, in the early 2000s, PT Arun NGL's gas supply decreased and its price was high. As a result, PT AAF, PT KKA, and PT Humpuss Aromatik are closed. While the condition of PT PIM gasping and running with only one factory.

That's a bit of a view of Company giant PT Humpuss Aromatik in Aceh.


Pelaku industri manufaktur berbasis gas di Indonesia semakin tertekan yang beralasan harga gas yang tidak kunjung turun.

Kondisi itu mengakibatkan turunnya daya saing serta hilangnya potensi bisnis dan aset negara ataupun swasta bernilai puluhan triliun rupiah karena menjadi rongsokan.

Dikutip dari berita, Salah satunya yang terjadi di Indonesia ialah industri milik anak Mantan Presiden yaitu Tomy Suharto PT Humpuss Aromatik yang merupakan perusahaan industri raksasa yang berada di kota Lhokseumawe Provinsi Aceh.

Negeri yang pernah dikenal sebagai petrodollar karena kejayaan gas itu kini terlihat suram. Tiga mega industri yang menjadi penopang ekonomi Lhokseumawe dan Aceh Utara di era 1980-1990-an itu kini ambruk, setelah berhenti berproduksi tahun 2000-an. Aset dari ketiga perusahaan itu tidak terawat dan nyaris menjadi rongsokan.

Padahal, setelah ladang gas di Arun ditemukan pada 1970-an dengan kandungan 17,1 triliun kubik, pemerintah terdorong membangun industri strategis PT Arun Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL) pada 16 Maret 1974. Pemerintah lalu membangun empat industri strategis lainnya, yakni industri pupuk urea PT ASEAN Aceh Fertilizer (AAF) dan PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) di Lhokseumawe, PT Kertas Kraft Aceh (KKA) di Aceh Utara, dan penghasil produk aromatik PT Humpuss Aromatik di Lhokseumawe.

Namun, di awal 2000-an, pasokan gas PT Arun NGL menurun dan harganya tinggi. Dampaknya, PT AAF, PT KKA, dan PT Humpuss Aromatik tutup. Sementara kondisi PT PIM megap-megap dan berjalan hanya dengan satu pabrik.

Itulah sedikit pandangan tentang Perusahaan raksasa PT Humpuss Aromatik di Aceh.

Newspaper clippings

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Nyan nan jih, tinggai tong tukak tem... Apui abeh busoe hana binasa. Buya krueng teudong2 Buya tamong meuraseuki. Begitu kira2 gambarannya..

Hahahaha yang keunong peungeut tanyoe, karena loe teungeut ngoen jaga, lagee @randowhale ,, kwwkwkw

Trima kasih @taministy atas ilmu nya

Sama sama kawan, semasih hidup itulah kesempatan kita berb

Halo @taministy! Kami telah upvote yaa..

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