NASA Finds Record Breaking Group of Habitable Planets
NASA's interactive news conference, taking questions from Reddit and Twitter, is happening right now which can be viewed here.

Last year only three planets had been identified around the star named TRAPPIST-1 but NASA just announced that with the Spitzer, an Infrared Space Telescope an additional 5 were just discovered in this solar system. This sets the record for most Earth-size planets outside of our solar system, with all having the possibility of containing liquid water with **3 having a higher chance of this being in the "Goldilocks zone" of conditions.

All of these seven planets could have liquid water – key to life as we know it – under the right atmospheric conditions, but the chances are highest with the three in the habitable zone.

"The seven wonders of TRAPPIST-1 are the first Earth-size planets that have been found orbiting this kind of star," said Michael Gillon, lead author of the paper and the principal investigator of the TRAPPIST exoplanet survey at the University of Liege, Belgium. "It is also the best target yet for studying the atmospheres of potentially habitable, Earth-size worlds."
Additional Reading:
NASA Press Release
Trappist-1 Lineup

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Image Sources:
Trappist Lineup
Size Comparison
Wow... that's really cool news! It seems like the number of exoplanets discovered keeps growing at an amazing rate.
Thank you, it sure caught my eye.
It's been exciting as we've been getting more telescopes put into various orbits, letting us discover more and more. At some point we'll actually begin travelling (even if unmanned at first) to some of these places. I'm stoked to just see us get a manned mission to Mars.
I've been trying to follow research going on with the EM drive that recently passed the first stage of peer review. This could be a means of getting us to these more distant places, should it pan out.
I just saw the news on Italian Tv and I think it's the better news on my tv in a long long time ;)
I'm with you there! I'd way prefer stories like these than many others that make headlines. I do really look forwards to us being able to find and travel to the Nibblonian Homeworld!

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I wish the would make some new episodes.
Me too! It was sad when it ended...the second time. :(
Nibblonians Unite! :D
Quick to the Scooty Puff Jr's! Lol

I always like to watch Futurama when I'm in a bad mood. They cheer me up.
I totally agree! Except for that one episode with Fry's little dog :(
Yea,that was a sad episode :(
I never saw this series on italian tv, but I'll add it on the list of the series to watch :)
I'm a huge Futurama fan. I believe it's still on Netflix if you have that. On tv it's on Comedy Central here, dunno what makes it across the 'pond' though. Lol
I have netflix, I'll watch it there :) thanks for the info :D