The DIsney Agenda - Subliminal messaging and the brainwashing of children NSFW

in #news8 years ago (edited)


I had initially intended to write a satirical piece about Disney and had even gone as far as developing all the artwork I expected to use for my piece. I planned to have an unnamed source speak out against the true power at Disney, and the driving force behind its seemingly sinister agenda; Goofy. 


I was going to have Goofy exposed as a Keyser Soze type character, pretending to be a somewhat mentally impaired, goofy dog, when in reality he is a brilliant mastermind. My piece was even to feature Walt Disney's frozen head. However, as I started writing this mockery of Disney, much to my surprise I began to consider the subject matter far too important and far too disturbing to be made light of. I am typically able to laugh at anything, to find the humour in things that others cannot but, it looks as though I have found my limit. I decided to abandon the satirical piece for a very serious and hopefully informative piece to awaken you to the deliberately corrupting influence of Disney and the effect that this corporate powerhouse is having on your children. 

Disney have been accused of a great number of noxious activities in recent times but, I would like to focus on just one of those accusations in this article; the intentional premature sexualisation of young children. There is no lack of evidence to support these allegations and I would like to present some of that evidence to you today. We will look at the methods used by Disney to pervert the minds of the innocent, the science behind those methods, the effects that it is having on our society and we will look into the reasons why Disney may be perpetrating such despicable acts. 

This is a widely overlooked subject because it can be somewhat uncomfortable to even consider where this agenda could be leading our civilization, so a warning to anyone who does not want their current paradigm challenged; now is your chance to turn back.  


It is no secret that there have been instances of Disney putting inappropriate jokes, images and themes into their movies in the past. What many of you may not know, is that it is not merely a few cases here and there. Almost every Disney movie is packed with subliminal messages and other corrupting influences intended to wage psychological warfare on the minds of young children throughout the world. It is something that is hard to notice, even if you are actively looking for it, because a lot of these malicious communications are subtle, often only included in a few frames at a time. One may think at first, that if these images are only shown over a couple of frames and are not detectable by the conscious mind, then surely they cannot be inflicting any damage on your children. Unfortunately this is not the case. The unconscious mind may be ignorant to a lot of the data put before us, as the sheer amount of it is overwhelming to say the least, but the unconscious mind sees everything. I will touch on the unconscious mind and how subliminal messages can affect our day to day lives in the next section when we look at the science behind these methods of corruption. Here are a few of the more well known examples of Disney's subliminal messaging in their animations;

          A nude woman portrayed using negative space in the cover for Disney's The Lion King.


                  A blatant pair of breasts in the background of this image in DIsney's The Lion King.                      


                                                Another hidden phallus in this cover for a Disney magazine.  


                                             This needs no explanation. Disney's Peter Pan. 

Here are a couple of examples of the word sex being subtly incorporated into frames of Disney animations. I will explain the effect that this can have on the human psyche in the next section.


                                                                 Cover of Disney's Tangled. 


                               A single frame captures the word sex in Disney's The Lion King. 

As you can see, there is no shortage of subliminal messages to be found in Disney's animations and if you utilise a quick google search you will uncover many, many more.  This is not the only way in which Disney corrupt the younger generations, though. Another method they use is to create new child stars, casting them in Disney's TV Shows and movies. Once that star has gathered a huge fan base of young girls, and once they reach an age where it is deemed acceptable for them to be openly sexual, the Disney star then leans towards a life of excessive perversion, becoming a sex symbol and leading a large portion of their younger fans down the same path. Examples of this include, but are not limited to;  

                                                                          Britney Spears



                                                                                  Miley Cyrus 



                                                                           Christina Aguilera 


                                             What remarkable role models for your children...    

This practice is not exclusive to Disney, with Nickelodeons Ariana Grande following the exact same path as the Disney made stars.

So now that we have looked at a few of the ways that Disney is conditioning children, let us now take a look at how exactly this effects them.  

                                               The Science   

We know that Disney have been using subliminal messaging in their animations, but, what is subliminal messaging? Wikipedia defines it as;  

"Subliminal stimuli (/sʌbˈlɪmᵻnəl/; literally "below threshold"), contrary to supraliminal stimuli or "above threshold", are any sensory stimuli below an individual's threshold for conscious perception.[1] A recent review of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies shows that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite participants being unaware.[2] Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked, thereby interrupting the processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes or masked by other stimuli." 

To summarise, subliminal messaging is a way to communicate an idea or belief to a person without them being consciously aware that you doing so. This is not a new science, having been utilised by the advertisement industry for decades. More often than not, these subtle messages pertain to sex. Here are some examples of subliminal messaging in advertisement; 









                             Here are a few examples of subliminal messaging from the X-Men cartoon.  




Some may think that these are accidental, or perhaps even the graphic designers/animators attempting to be funny but, I assure you this is not the case. Advertisers have been using subliminal messaging since the 1940's to great success.  In 1957, James Vicary and Frances Thayer released a study in which they claimed that presenting the words “Eat popcorn” and “Drink Coca-Cola” in a film, just below the threshold of conscious awareness, increased popcorn sales by 58% and Coca-Cola sales by 18%. These are huge profit increases and this is merely one example from when advertisers were still learning about the practice themselves. Almost 70 years later, how good do you think the advertisement and media industries have become at controlling the thoughts and minds of the world's population? Subliminal messages have been known to promote consumerism, affect behavioural patterns and even influence the political disposition of unaware civilians. 

So why are so much sexual messages being communicated? It proves difficult to find relevant scientific studies of how the sexual aspect of subliminal messaging can affect viewers, however, some independent scientists postulate that when a mind is subjected to thoughts or images of sex, a more primal part of the brain linked to procreation is activated, and the subject becomes a lot more susceptible to suggestive influences. Others report that the brain perceiving the word sex or a sexual image in an advertisement, even below threshold, causes the brain to associate the fulfilment of their desires with the purchasing of the attached product. However, neither of these would serve as an explanation as to why Disney is including so much of these types of messages in their animations.  What we do know about subliminal messaging, tells us that what the unconscious mind perceives can be used to solidify or challenge ones view or understanding of the world. It can be used to influence behaviour and create desires, as well as assist in forming biases and inspire loathing of things, people or places.

So, what view of the world is Disney and other media giants, perpetuating in the minds of new generations of children? Well, consider that when subjected to subliminal messages stating "buy coca-cola and popcorn," people were influenced to go and buy coca-cola and popcorn, this would suggest that when repeatedly subjected to sexually explicit images and words, one would begin to think more and more about sex. When you couple this with the underlying themes of many of the Disney movies, it can lead children to begin to value themselves based solely on their worth as a sexual being. Due to the fact that the majority of Disney viewers are young girls and are still developing their own sense of identity, these effects can be very serious, having long term effects. Perhaps this would explain why eating-disorders, insecurity and sexual provocation are all on the rise in young girls. We would also have to consider the affect that this has on the male gender. If these animations are able to, over time, influence young females to define themselves as sex objects, then it would be common logic to presume that it is also conditioning males to see women as sex objects, rather than people in their own right. This is something that is visible in almost every aspect of society at the moment. 

Whatever the long term, damaging effects of being subjected to this type of sexually explicit content may be, it is not difficult to see that it is immoral and obviously unhealthy.  

                                       Changes in society

It is not only Disney that are guilty of the  premature sexualisation of children. This problem is rampant in all areas of media, with Hollywood being another note-worthy culprit. Not so long ago, the shows that were aired on TV and aimed at kids, were shows which instilled family values and typically had a life lesson to be learned in each episode. Now TV shows and movies aimed at children have obliterated the family unit, with parents often being completely out of the picture, or when they are shown, they are portrayed as idiots or mere annoyances. Let's have a look at the effects this type of conditioning is having our society as a whole. Here are some studies and facts relating to sexual activity. 

The US

Approximately one-third of the entire population of the United States (110 million people) currently has a sexually transmitted disease according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Every single year, there are 20 million new STD cases in America. America has the highest STD infection rate in the entire industrialized world.

Americans in the 15 to 24-year-old age group account for about 50 percent of all new STD cases each year.

It costs The US approximately 16 billion dollars a year to treat our sexually transmitted diseases.

According to one survey, 24 percent of all U.S. teens that have STDs say that they still have unprotected sex.

 In Chicago, public school kindergarten teachers are now required to set aside 30 minutes a month for sex education.

The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the entire industrialized world.

According to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately two-thirds of all Americans in the 15 to 24-year-old age bracket have engaged in oral sex. 

At this point, one out of every four teen girls in the U.S. has at least one sexually transmitted disease.

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, there are 747,408 registered sex offenders in the United States.

There are 106,216 registered sex offenders in the state of California alone. 

18 percent of all women in the United States say that they have been raped at some point in their lives. 

Teens that are in the 16 to 19-year-old age bracket are 3 1/2 times more likely than the general population “to be the victims of rape, attempted rape or sexual assault.” 60 percent of male sex abuse victims and 80 percent of female sex abuse victims “are abused by someone known to the child or the child’s family.” 

It is estimated that one out of every four girls will be sexually abused before they become adults.

An astounding 30 percent of all Internet traffic now goes to adult websites. Law enforcement officials estimate that about 600,000 Americans and about 65,000 Canadians are trading dirty child pictures online.

One survey discovered that 25 percent of all employees that have Internet access in America visit sex websites while they are at work.

The marriage rate in the United States has fallen to an all-time low. Right now it is sitting at a yearly rate of 6.8 marriages per 1000 people.

For women under the age of 30 in the United States, more than half of all babies are being born out of wedlock.

At this point, approximately one out of every three children in the United States lives in a home without a father.   

Great Britain 

Before the 1990s there was little reliable information on the sexual behaviour of the general population in Great Britain. The emergence of AIDS in the 1980s prompted the first National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal), which was carried out in 1990. A second survey ten years later (Natsal 2000) enables us to assess how reported sexual behaviour has changed. The surveys, taking place only ten years apart, concluded that there had been;  

  • increased numbers of heterosexual partners ever and in the past five years
  • more same sex experiences in the past five years
  • more concurrent partnerships
  • more oral and anal sex in the past year
  • more men reported paying for sex in the past five years.

They also found that;  

  • The average age at first intercourse has fallen from 17 to 16 for both men and women.(2)
  • Nearly a third (30 per cent) of men and a quarter (26 per cent) of women aged 16–19 first had sexual intercourse before the age of 16.
  • First sex was more likely to be unprotected for the youngest age groups. When first sex occurred at age  13–14, 31 per cent of men and 33.6 per cent of women didn’t use condoms, and 18 per cent of men and 22 per cent of women used no contraception at all. This is much lower than in the 1990 survey when around 60 per cent of 13–14 year old men and over half of 13–14 year old women used no contraception when they first had sex.

It is clear to see, looking at the data, that sexual activity among young people is on the rise. If this much of an effect can be taking place over a mere period of 10 years, then you must take a moment to think about where we will be in 30 years from now, if these stats continue to follow the current trend. I think it would be unfair, as well as unscientific to attribute this entirely to Disney and other media influences. However, it is clear that these corrupting entities have played a major part  in the hyper-sexualisation of society, especially the younger generations.. These studies do not even touch on the types of sex that young people are participating in, so that must also be considered.    


This is where we enter into the realm of speculation. There are a lot of theories on why Disney would be systematically corrupting  generations of children, though they are all just theories. Some believe that there are Satanic undertones to Disney productions, attributing this to the Walt Disney's connections to  Lucifer-worshiping Freemasons. Club 33, in Disney World, is suggested to be symbolic of Walt Disney's position as a 33rd Degree Feeemason. The fact that three 6's can be found hidden in the Disney logo is presented as evidence for this theory. 


There are also those who claim that there is a long term agenda involving legalising paedophilia.  It is believed that if Disney continue to lower the age of which one begins to see themselves as a sexual being, the idea will be promoted that society should also see them that way, justifying lower and lower ages of consent. I was surfing steemit recently and came across an interesting article by @aksinya which shows how they may attempt to adjust societies perception of paedophilia and eventually make it legal.  

There are others still that believe that the bottom line, as in most cases, is money. Sex sells. Every single time. So perhaps this is the reason for which there is so much subliminal sexual content in Disney movies. 

I am still undecided. I know not what the agenda is, though it is clear to me that there is one. What do you think?


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Here is an interesting video. Maybe the agenda? (The voice is not that bad. I got used to it.)

It's rather long. I'll have to watch it later tonight when I have the time.

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