ISIS Has Lost: Long Live Freedom!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

According to the article:

US-backed forces fighting ISIS in Raqqa say "major military operations" in the city have ended and that the jihadists have lost control of their self-declared capital.

And further:

The development marks a decisive victory in the fight against ISIS, though US officials said there were still pockets of resistance in the city.

"Major military operations in Raqqa are finished but they are now clearing the city of sleeper cells -- if they exist -- and mines," Talal Salo, spokesman for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, told CNN. The SDF is a coalition of Arab and Kurdish fighters.

"The situation in Raqqa is under control and soon there will be an official statement declaring the liberation of the city."

Generally, this is great news.

I don't know if this could count as the defeat of ISIS as a whole, as decentralized cells are next to impossible to verifiably defeat, and "terrorism" is so etherial a notion that it could nary be beaten by physical weapons and people, but it is at least a very good sign!


"I totally changed rules of engagement. I totally changed our military, I totally changed the attitudes of the military and they have done a fantastic job," Trump said on "The Chris Plante Show." "ISIS is now giving up, they are giving up, there are raising their hands, they are walking off. Nobody has ever seen that before."


Share your thoughts?

I'd like to hear what you think about this development.

It appears that ISIS is on the run or nearly defeated as an organization.

Follow me @shayne


It means a lot to you and many people, but this kind of news does note really mean much to the rest of the world. It comes on the news and most people do not have a clue what its all about.

Syria Iraq Iran Pakistan Afghanistan it's all stuff that the western world should not be there, and it gets boring,

There again it is affecting everyone's life in the world.

Now if the terrorists supported poor people, young people, and elderly people we would then become educated in their course.

The only thing I see is every missile costs probably 1 million dollars, hey put it to the support of your own country and let the rest of the world get on with it.

I feel sorry for the innocent people caught up in this, and I am sure there are some great heroes, and tragic losses.

I really do not understand how these things are allowed to happen in local area's.

I concur with you. Past globalist schemes have created these problems. And while it is ideal to see the absence of military involvement by foreign powers, it is unfortunately a reality of the soft-power model.

The way I see it... we constantly create a power vacuum. Whilst bombing communities back hundreds of years then want them to share our views. Necessary evils are going to be in play soon

The world is crazy, no one will understand, and I say News channels make it worse.

As the elites move their pieces... and lives crumble.


Those with monetary power... and assume they know whats best...

Tell me something, since I do not watch the television, is this the top story on the networks today? Or are they talking about some meaningless bullshit?

God knows, its all a blur to me, the only thing I know is that a few local people are fighting the war with other peoples money.

Some bullshit.

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