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RE: 👙Dictating liberty / A" burkini ban" on muslim woman👙

in #news8 years ago

IF Muslim men are telling the women they have to wear the burkini at the beach, then banning them will simply force the women to stay home as the men will not allow them to wear the alternate. The woman's choice removed twice over, first by the male family member, secondly by the state.

If the woman is making the choice to wear it on her own then the state is imposing it's choices on her.

The bigger issue here has more to do with male dominated society taking as a right to impose control over women's choices of clothing. That is what needs to stop.


Yes indeed! And did you see in the last photo theres 4 male police officers , totally rediculous, to one muslim woman! Also these woman are not terrorists! And shouldnt be treated as such simply because they are muslim!

well she's not getting treated as such because she is Muslim, it's because she has the audacity to be a woman and Muslim. Muslim women make for an acceptable target in the current environment.

Sorry, but France is a democracy where Man and Woman have the exact same right... if a woman is imposed something against her will, this is called abuse... and is punished by law...
So I don't see why french government should bend over a something which are imposed by men to women in an abusive way.
Hence banning the burkini is a good choice in that case.
I mean, if it is a form of abuse, then it should be banned in the same way as excision is illegal (as it is a way to remove feminity in women, through mutilation or by hiding the whole female attribute (well actually the whole body)

Also allowing that, is allowing peer pressure against more liberal muslim women to force them to wear it.

Let's see, France is a democracy where men and women have the same right but its the right choice to ban women from wearing certain articles of clothing because there is an assumption that they are being forced to wear it because heaven forbid that a woman make a choice of her own.

So, either the men from the state force her not to wear the article of clothing or males in her family force her to wear it.. where exactly does her right to choose come in this democratic society? I'm not seeing it.

Do you not see the inherent abuse in this approach?

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