THE CALI FIRES: "It's Like They Have DECLARED WAR On Human Beings"

in #news7 years ago


Many folks are starting to ask some very troubling questions about those fires in Northern California...

After posting this video tonight, I received an email from a viewer named Herb who wrote in his opening sentence, "Don’t fall for this silly notion of the California fires being some kind of false flag and that they were caused by some kind of pernicious use of ordinary cell towers."

Here's my response:

Hey Herb, thanks for the note. As I said, I have not researched the claims in any detail, but a tree burning on the inside is not something I have ever seen before and short of a microwave oven, it's hard to imagine how anything could be cooked from the inside out. That said, even if this is much ado about nothing, the criminal rollout of the 5G network, and the absolute collusion of the FCC in burying the truth about the extremely negative health impacts of 5G, does make one wonder. The enemies aligned against us do NOT care about our health one iota - and worse, when it comes to vaccines, conventional cell phone radiation and GMO's, they seem hell bent on hurting us (eugenics). Critical thinking skills applied, I'll keep my eye on all of it.
God Bless.

Thanks for watching!

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Oh yes "they" have been attacking us for quite some time now. Its like a massive science experiment or something. I can list many ways we are constantly under attack. GMO's, fluoride in the water, vaccines for all ages, chemtrails and Im sure you can think of more. Then we have the actual real weapons of mass murder; directed energy & weather manipulation. Plus the weapons that attack our minds like internet/cell phones/televison. It is no coincidence that these fires started around the time of the eclipse along with the hurricanes/tornadoes. "They" have been waiting for this time of sacrifice to unleash all their evil on us. It is very frustrating when you consider we literally cannot do anything about it. Your not even safe locking yourself away from the outside world. I personally have noticed over the last 4 or 5 years the health impact on my body and feeling anxious for no apparent reason. They like to keep us in a high state of fear; hence all the propaganda and false flags. Its all connected. Great post! I will be sharing it far and wide!

Ive heard a lot of speculation that these fires were set deliberately using Directed Energy Weapons (Tesla's "death Ray" technology). This is not only plausible, but it represents a huge leap forward in the unfolding of Biblical prophecy, because that would be a nearly literal fulfillment of Revelation 13:7, where the Antichrist "doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast." I can point to almost every verse in Revelation 13 and identify a near literal fulfillment of it taking place in the world today.

Absolutely, Positively.... incredibly, SPOT ON!!! reporting Sean.
YOU are truly on the right track.
As said, "Critical thinking skills applied, I'll keep my eye on all of it" , is how WE will DEFEAT the TPTP-NWO.
Your perfect layman analyses are a tribute to said critical thinking skills.
Trust me on this 1.
No Hyperbole necessary here.
Knowledge Is Power.
You're doin' it Sean, helping the masses ; Not just preaching to the choir.
God Bless You too my friend.
Sincerest Regards, X-
Physics is actually very very easy stuff; applied practical knowledge is basic to ALL things.
I don't know if Absolutely, Positively is still applicable in am. colloquial English, but, I'm sure you got the message.
Up-voted of course. +1
:))) & ;)

Hi X-. Yep, they have declared war on humanity long ago. Since they are now getting ready for the crashing of the global economy, they need to create as much chaos as possible to distract everyone and also be able to bring in their NWO without much opposition. It includes terrorist attacks like Las Vegas, massive fires, endless hurricanes and storms, and will include much, much more like the microwave weapons mentioned in the video. I've put together a new article outlining what I expect to be coming. Please do have a look.

I think it's also very important to highlight the impact of geoengineering on these fires, and the incendiary particles falling on the forests.

I have these towers in my neighborhood. The power supplies are the size of Volkswagens and it is pretty obvious when they put them up by schools that they are disrespectful of human life. It is a pretty obvious concern and not the first time I have thought about this. I'm sorry to see this happen out west BUT I welcome the investigation.

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