Electromagnetic discovery at Great Pyramid of Giza supports ancient power plant theory

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Ten days ago a study published in phys.org confirmed the existence of a concentration of electromagnetic energy under the base of the Great Pyramid and within its chambers.

Above you can see images of the measurable electromagnetics which according to Newsweek are there purely by chance:

The unusual electromagnetic properties of the pyramid are almost certainly just a coincidence of its structure, as it is highly unlikely that the Ancient Egyptians knew anything about this.


We are told the Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for one of the Pharos, but without ever having found mummified bodies to prove the theory, this seems unlikely to be the case.

Further to this let's not forget that Egyptian burial chambers are known to have their walls covered in art, as you can see here in King Tut's Tomb.


Yet when compared to the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid (below) it is immediately evident that this room was not designed as a tomb.


A month ago I wrote a mega post about this subject, entitled Our ongoing quest for the origin of civilisation and the purpose of pyramids and this recent discovery does seem to confirm some of the ideas proposed in Part 2 of my article.

The discovery also has massive implications for the development of new technology in the field of photovoltaic cells and nano censors (as described in Newsweek's article) yet this story did not find its way to the majority of news outlets, including the BBC, CNN, FOX & Reuters.

The mainstream media silence further highlights the significance of what has been discovered here. How many people must be climbing over themselves right now to better understand and capitalise on new technologies and potentially even an orchestrated end to the fossil fuel era?

Christopher Dunn is leading the way on research in this field which is further supported by the presence of a focused electromagnetic energy.


The idea of the Great Pyramid being a power generating device is not a new one and whilst this doesn't prove anything definitively, it does add to the growing body of evidence which indicates our ancient ancestors were actually far more advanced than we are now.

Suggesting that this effect is there by chance is ridiculous. This was by design and most likely not an Egyptian one.

For those of you wanting to watch a more detailed video detailing this discovery and the background information around this subject I highly recommend the YouTube user Bright Insight:

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The precise alignment with the Stars combined with the exacting construction suggests a device.

It's also interesting that they have sealed up the tunnel to the NW that leads to the great pyramid. What in the world are they trying to hide??

If the healing effects of the tunnels recently discovered under the Bosnian pyramid of the sun are anything to go by, could it be that the hidden network of tunnels in Giza are actually part of the world's oldest and most effective healing system? This would certainly explain the need for secrecy. The entire medical system would be shaken to the ground.

Thanks for sharing the new info.

Pleasure to provide. To me it's the biggest news we've had this year!

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