ALERT ! Hackers are now selling hacked data (mainly login credentials) of uTorrent forum, & on the darkweb

in #news8 years ago

uTorrent’s security advisory has confirmed that a massive data breach occurred in June, 2016. Over 300K accounts got hacked. Hacker stolen users login ID & encrypted passwords. About  394,769 users passwords were stolen which are stored as encrypted with Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) & MD-5 Hash. On the darkweb marketplace a vendor called "DoubleFlag" put on this sell request.

ALERT !!! Change Immediately your uTorrent Forum password !!!

Same thing happened to , the famous Russian internet giant. Due to use of week MD-5 Hashing Algorithm got hacked previously two times in July & August, 2016, when over 27 million accounts data were stolen. But, this time over 57 million accounts got hacked. And it is suspected that this hack was performed in May, 2016. All 57 million users passwords are encrypted with a very week MD-5 Hashing Algorithm. Experts say that these encrypted passwords are very easy to crack by operating brute force. On the darkweb marketplace a vendor called "saul_berenson" put on this sell request.

ALERT !!! Change Immediately your password !!!

Another bad thing is happened to an another Russian giant search engine Yandex got hacked previously  numerous times. This time hacker manged to steal over 6.5 million users data. The most worried thing is that all the passwords were not encrypted, a huge portion of login credentials are stored on the server as plain texts. On the darkweb marketplace again same vendor "saul_berenson" put on this sell request of  659,5756 users hacked data.

ALERT !!! Change Immediately your password !!!

Source of the news :

Source of the images : image1, image2, image3, image4


Uff uTorrent now... I used this for years!
What can I say... a good pass can be something like this :

  • a long sentence
  • numbers
  • Upper case letters
  • another long sentece
  • If is possible 2 factor log- in
    Another advice that I have is dont give your pass to no person direct or indirect (over a telephone) and dont belive them if they tell you that they are mods, admins, or other ....
    Hope that can be helpful!

thanks for informing :D

Ahh the games continue... always will.

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