BREAKING: Assange Arrested Following 4.2B IMF Loan To Ecuador! Who’s REALLY Behind This?!

in #news5 years ago

Julian Assange has been arrested

the founder of Wikileaks was granted asylum in the Ecuador embassy for the past 7 years up until today when early this morning Assange was arrested and may now be potentially expedited while facing some very serious charges.
But what changed and why now? Less than one month ago the IMF granted a 4.2B loan to Ecuador as “part of a broader aid package to help support the government's economic reform program.” Did this influence or put political pressure on their newly selected President Moreno to give up Assange?

In this video

Dan Dicks and Leigh Stuart of Press For Truth cover the latest news regarding the arrest of Assange and what this means for the future of whistleblowers and those who challenge the status quo.

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When your enemies can spend $4B to take you down, if you can't respond in kind, you've got to have a specific skillset Julian Assange didn't have - and no one else has either. I faced similar problems a decade ago that produced similar results, although only mere millions were necessary to solve the problem I was.

This is the proof that centralization is tyranny. Concentrated wealth and power accrued through incessant parasitism has created this seemingly omnipotent enemy of freedom. The solution is decentralization - actual freedom. Like all development, it will take time to fully implement, but it will fully implement, and then this particular form of tyranny will no longer be possible.


Thank you for covering this aspect of Julian's expulsion, its significance should not be underestimated.
Dan, thank you for defending truth.

# FreeJulian

I was just telling my wife that the rothschilds/world banksters were behind all this based on nothing more that knowing their MO and you've posted proof. It's good to know people aren't taking this at face value.

Never trust the MSM, I bet this won't be on the evening news.

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