Will AG Jeff Sessions deliver on his pious statement?

in #news6 years ago

Sessions said yesterday:

"As long as I am the attorney general, I will continue to discharge my duties with integrity and honor, and this department will continue to do its work in a fair and impartial manner according to the law and Constitution" 

This was in response to a critical tweet from President Trump.

I think Jeff Sessions is missing the point. We all want and expect him to do exactly what he said in his statement. But to many of us, that is not what appears to be happening.

At best, it appears we have a two speed system:

  • investigations/prosecutions targeting Trump/Conservatives Issues/Republicans are put on the fast track
  • investigations/prosecutions targeting Clinton/Obama/Democrats/Deep State are put on the slow boat to China.

It is not hard to gain this impression. Just look at all the charges Mueller has made against republicans for lying to the FBI and the lack of similar charges relating to the Clintons.

Worse, it seems investigations/prosecutions relating Clinton/Obama/Democrats/Deep State are parked permanently. Just look at the voter fraud example The Hill published yesterday comparing:

  • Robert Mueller’s quest to identify foreign influence in the 2016 election


  • for nine years, the same Justice Department ignoring real foreign influence: non-citizens voting.
"The Justice Department’s election crimes branch has been made aware of serious problems of alien registration and voting as far back as 2012. Unlike Mueller’s investigation, the Justice Department hasn’t brought a single indictment in nine years for alien voting."
 "When an alien registers and votes, they violate two federal felony statutes and one misdemeanor statute. Federal law authorizes nine years in prison for alien voters. "
"These crimes are easy to prove because the federal voter registration form requires two affirmations under oath that they are citizens. The form plainly warns that it is a felony for an alien to register. If they vote, it’s another federal felony."
 "Remember, control of the Virginia House of Representatives was decided by a coin toss. One single illegal vote can disrupt the consent of the governed.  We know the names of many of the aliens who have been voting in American elections:
  • Felipe Rojas Orta received one last year after being on the rolls for eight years and casting a ballot for president in 2016. Three days before President Trump was inaugurated, Orta scratched a handwritten note saying, “I wish to cancel my voting registration because I am not a citizen.”
  • Mildred Nyama also received a similar letter from Pittsburgh election officials. Election records show that she voted in the 2008, 2012 and the 2016 presidential elections. 
  • Othman Al Amoudi registered through the Pennsylvania Motor Voter process in 2005, and he voted. He was finally cancelled as a non-citizen in 2012. 
 Kansas discovered more than 100 specific cases of aliens registering or attempting to register. 

So yes Mr. Sessions, we desperately want you to "discharge my duties with integrity and honor,. . . in a fair and impartial manner"  with a special emphasis on discharge. Because at the moment many Americans to not believe Justice is being done in a timely or impartial manner.

It is your job to make sure it is.



I feel like this cat jumped into the drivers seat thinking he could handle the pressure and plublicity that comes along with it. Once in the seat he realzized what it takes and maybe doesn’t want to admit he is unqualified or feels as though he is and would like to resign for the betterment of USA. Except he just wants to sling out neutral polical statements that essentially add up to absolutely nothing. This guy needs to quit spinning his wheels, gain some traction and follow through with the plan ahead, or step down. @ozphil I have enjoyed your articles thus far my friend. Look forward to future ones.

Thanks - Did you see the letter Nunes' Committee sent to Sessions tonight?

Lets see if that sparks some actions.

Glad you like the articles.

No I haven’t yet actually. Been on call at the station. Let me pull that up and see what’s up. Haven’t done my morning reading yet but hopefully finally will have some down time to do some catching up.

your news is a wondarful..
& great post..
thanks for sharing..
my dear lovely friend @ozphil

Yes he did very good reply to trump according to his duty and the law... We should also learn from him that how we should done our duties and what are our responsbilites...

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