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RE: What Should We Do About Guns?

in #news7 years ago

On one hand, I know what you say is true.

On the other, I also know when a nut case snaps, if they cannot lay their hands on guns so easily, then they could not commit such mass violence so easily. You cannot kill that many people that fast with a knife.

Of course, they could just turn to bombs or something similar - but they may blow themselves up making it.

On the third hand, I also know a good person with a gun might stop one of these evil nut cases before they do as much damage as they otherwise would.

And I also know good people obey laws - evil nut cases, not so much

How I wish there was a simple solution that would work.


I know it is extremely frustrating, but we can't solve all of the world's problems, or end the atrocities that are committed , with a piece of legislation. Our government exists only to protect our rights, not to take them away as part of a knee jerk reaction. We can't fix everything by waving a magic government wand.

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