Does Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller have a political bias? (Part Two)

in #news7 years ago

This testimony by Robert Mueller before the senate is interesting for several reason including:

  • Ted Cruz (a conservative Republican) indicates he holds Robert Mueller in high regard
  • Robert Mueller says the investigation into the targeting of conservatives by the IRS is a very important case that needs to be both handled with care and pushed aggressively.
  • Robert Mueller says he will pull no punches in terms of where the investigation would lead.
  • Robert Mueller says that the FBI have moved the investigation into the IRS targeting of conservatives forward expeditiously.
  • Robert Mueller says he has designated 12 agents in Washington DC to work on the IRS investigation plus additional agents designated around the country.

This is clearly a much more reassuring performance by Robert Mueller before the senate compared to his testimony before the house that I highlighted in Part One of this series of articles

Based on this testimony alone - I think you would have to say that Robert Mueller appears to be taking the IRS investigation seriously and on top of his game. Nor does he appear to display political bias in this testimony.

He does go on to explain how the FBI dropped the ball in the Fort Hood Shooting and the Boston Bombing with the benefit of hindsight all these years later, might have been an early indicator of problems in the FBI under his leadership - but not an indication of political bias.

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