Does Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller have a political bias? (Part One)

in #news7 years ago

Robert Mueller has featured heavily in the news recently as he heads up the Russian Collusion investigation into Trump and his campaign. When he was appointed, we were told he was a registered Republican with a stellar reputation. John McCain was one of many who spoke highly of him and remarks such as his gave me some confidence that a full, fair, and through investigation would be conducted without political bias.

Recently I have seen a lot of reports in the press that has made me question the motivations of Robert Mueller and his investigators. So I wanted to see for myself if there was an indication of political bias and the only way I could think to determine that was to compare his interest/engagement/aggressiveness in this Russian Collusion campaign where Republicans are the chief suspects with his interest/engagement/aggressiveness in investigations while he was FBI director and Democrats were the chief suspects.

I also thought if I could find testimony he was giving to congress while he was FBI director, then it would be public and he would have been required to be telling the truth.

So lets start with the investigation into the targeting of conservative groups by the IRS. Here is a clip of the answers Robert Mueller provided to questions by Jim Jordan:

To me, he came across as totally disinterested in the investigation.

He did not know who he had asked to head it up, how many agents he had assigned to it, where it was up to, etc. The targeting of citizens based on their political beliefs is at least as serious as this Russian Collusion investigation - but it looks like he put no effort into finding out what was going on.

If this was the only evidence available - I would say it could be argued that it shows political bias because Robert Mueller shows no interest in investigating wrong doing by a Democratic administration. But he is very interested in investigating wrong doing by Republicans. Is that a double standard? Is that political bias?

Tell me what you think.

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