Are indictments coming for Clinton's "Correct the Record" internet trolls?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

NY Daily News headline screamed:

Hillary Clinton camp now paying online trolls to attack anyone who disparages her online  
What's ugly is that we have no idea who these paid operatives are online. According to Correct The Record, many will be former reporters, PR executives, bloggers, and others. We have no idea if they truly say what they mean or mean what they say. Are they even using their actual identities? 

The Daily Beast explains:

Correct the Record’s “Barrier Breakers” project boasts in a press release that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 people that have personally attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter.” 
Correct the Record, which has received $5 million this campaign season and has spent almost $4.5 million of it, according to 
Correct the Record claims it can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign, despite rules that typically disallow political campaigns from working directly with PACs. ,” Watson told The Daily Beast. “It’s not totally clear what their reasoning is, but it seems to be that material posted on the Internet for free—like, blogs—doesn’t count as an ‘independent expenditure.’” 
“Campaign finance lawyers are not that impressed with [CTR’s] logic, but they can get away with it because the [Federal Election Commission] is deadlocked and does nothing,” she said. 

The Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that a super PACs supporting Hillary Clinton (Correct the Record) violated federal election law by coordinating with the candidate. 

Correct the Record: The Clinton-supporting super PAC, Correct the Record, asserts it can coordinate directly with the Clinton campaign as long as it doesn’t run paid advertising. Clinton’s attorneys are relying on a narrow 2006 FEC regulation that declared that content posted online for free, such as blogs written by unpaid volunteers, is off limits from regulation. But Correct the Record is not a volunteer blogging operation. It is a $6 million professional opposition research, surrogate training and messaging operation staffed with paid professional employees and operating out of a high-rise Washington, D.C. office building. 

So my question is following the indictments issued by Mueller's team against Russian Trolls, will indictments be issued against these "Correct the Record" trolls which is more likely to result in successful prosecution because:

  • people behind it are in the USA and can stand trial
  • probably spent as much or more then the "Russian Trolls"
  • there are a number of discussions on the internet claiming Correct the Record trolls were using false identities and creating false accounts
  • they openly admit they coordinated with the Clinton campaign
  • complaints have already been lodged with the Federal Election Commission
  • from the Steele Dossier, we know the campaign worked with foreigners. Is it a stretch to believe some of these trolls might have been foreign.
  • there are discussions online about how much trolls get paid and a requirement is that you can write English

If the Clinton Trolls are not investigated at least as thoroughly as the Russian Trolls - then it is going to look like another example of double standards. One rule for the Clintons and one rule for everyone else.

What do you think?

Were you attacked or impacted by the "Correct the Record" trolls?

Do you think the "Correct the Record" trolls should be investigated as thoroughly as the Russian Trolls just indicted by Mueller's team?



To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

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It appears they go after them and Clinton doesn't have the kinda protection than before.She lost her minions within the FBI and DOJ.

Sometimes it seems there is always another minion to step into the prior minion's place :-(

They running out.But what's next?Is the new administration any better?

The baptism of fire with all the congressional investigations and the special consul might help keep them on the straight and narrow.

Plus I am sure there are lots of people within the public service who would be only too happy to be whistleblowers and out them if they get up to much wrong.

So circumstance rather then virtue may make them better.

They advancing with the exact same warhawk agenda than all the previous administrations.They cut taxes for the rich and planning to cut Social Security and Medicaid.They vote for a bigger military budget,but people all across the country have no clean water to drink and on and on....
Real change will start happening when people finally realize we have no real government and real elections,we keep voting for the same powerful interests which owns Washington no matter who is the President.

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