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RE: Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

in #news6 years ago

Wow! How sad the lengths to which the media and it's manipulation goes. Reminds me of the movie The Truman Show, where Jim Carey's character is all scripted and he finds out everything is fake.

Great work on documentation! I'm so sick of the media and this is precisely the reason I don't watch TV or the news.


@sneak, check out this conspiracy theory.

Exposing “The Last Men in Aleppo” (Hollywood's Deception) – FSA Terrorist Psyop and Oscar Nominated Propaganda Campaign

Odd how @bloom is the main upvoter of your posts, and he was also the guy going after @sarahabed for reporting the truth about US media lies on Syria. The company we keep. Sarah also helped make the Steemit community aware of this downvoting/hiding posts censorship back when it was occurring. Here's a link to her discussion on the subject for interested readers.

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