Today In Stupid - Venue Declines Same Sex Wedding

in #news4 years ago

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Social Media Erupts

This is more of a local story about a wedding venue in the small town of Stanford, which is about 2 hours away from Cape Town, who declined lesbian couple a booking due to the christian beliefs of the owners. Megan Watling and her partner Sasha-Lee Heekes, contacted the owners of Beloftebos, to inquire about potential wedding dates. To which they then received an email response that the venue does not accommodate weddings between couples of the same gender. That's when Watling took to social media to express her anger...

"How, in 2020, is this still a reality? Same-sex marriage has been legal in South Africa since 2006, but yet people still believe that they can justify hate and bigotry and quote a God that I don’t believe would stand for said hate and bigotry. We do not ask that anyone approves or even accepts our love, but we do deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, just like anyone else."

This is when everyone on social media fired up their virtue signals and added the rainbow flags to the profile pictures to fight these super backward bigots. The couple then took matters to the South Africa Human Rights Commission, who will announce further actions to be taken on the matter.

A spokesman for Beloftebos, Micheal Swain a Executive Director of Freedom of Religion South Africa posted the following reply, “LGBT rights do not trump religious rights under South Africa’s constitution. The owners don’t just rent out the venue, they are also actively involved in the arrangement, which they are simply saying they do not believe they can do in good conscience,”

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"Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion." - South African Bill of Rights

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Here is my two cents of this issue, which to me is very similar the the whole gay wedding cake fiasco that happened in the States not so long ago, where a christian baker didn't want to bake a gay cake for a coupe. The problem is that here you have two constitutional rights as per the South African bill of rights that are now butting heads. Which are Freedom of religion, belief and opinion versus the right to equality, which is to not unfairly discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, ethnic or social origin, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language and birth. There is unfortunately a fundamental problem with equality in these terms, because what constitutes fair and unfair, and how would you enforce it or know the intent of the discrimination.

In this specific case the action of the venue is not nice, but it would constitute as fair because it would go against the their religious beliefs. Just for some contexts, no one makes an official complaint when a Muslim mosque declines to host a Bar mitzvah or when a Jewish temple declines a Muslim or Christina wedding, or when both examples declines to host a gay wedding. But when it comes to Christianity, well fuck those bigoted bastards right? The absolute hypocrisy of this entire discrimination debate is just so tiring, we discriminate fairly and unfairly on a daily basis. When you choose to not give the gay guy who is flirting with you a blowjob, you are discriminating against him because you are straight, does that then make you a homophobe? But the same folks who are now bitching about this venue being hateful bigots, are calling for everyone to boycott them for being christian and white, and for the government to close their business it they do not comply. The same government which openly enforces race based discrimination hiring policies, and race based property seizures, all in the name of equality. Remember it's okay when they discriminate, because the ends justify the means.

"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself." - Milton Friedman

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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People have a right to live how they want, social media has made a circus out of many things, each to their own!

@tipu curate

When I owned the coffee shop I had a prominent sign right behind the counter "Management Reserves the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone for Any Reason"

I meant it absolutely. Course I also had a sign that said "Credit is like Sex. Some get it, some don't."

The whole thing is just bizarre.

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