Today's Exclusive News from MintPress: Monday, July 2nd

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Here are today's exclusive articles straight from MintPress News focused on topics and angles you won’t see anywhere in the corporate media.

Saudi-Led Coalition Ministers of Information Meeting Probes Ways to Block Critical Coverage of Yemen War

Well-known Yemeni activist and journalist Rand Al-Adimi told MintPress that dozens of journalists and outlets have been blacklisted, adding that “the Saudi-led coalition blacklisted my name, adding it to a list of journalists who threaten their genocide.”

by Ahmed Abdulkareem

“Families Belong Together” Marchers Target Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” but Mum on Obama’s Deportations

“Now the federal government has created a policy of separating immigrant children from their parents, which could dramatically increase the number of minors encountering immigration officials by themselves and create potential for expanded abuses.” — The ACLU

by Emma Fiala

Ongoing Bombardment of Hodeida Belies UAE Claim of Ceasefire

Amid mounting losses, international pressure and a departure of Malaysian troops from the conflict, the UAE announced a ceasefire on Sunday to allow UN-brokered peace talks in Yemen, by Monday they were carrying out fresh airstrikes.

by Ahmed Abdulkareem

Is the US-Kurdish Alliance Over? New Agreement Between Kurds and Assad Could Spell End for U.S. Role in Syria

The agreement came as a result of recent negotiations between Kurdish and Syrian government officials in both Damascus and Qamishli.

by Whitney Webb

CODEPINK Co-Director Ariel Gold Denied Entry and Deported by Israel for Her Pro-BDS Stance

“The goal of denying me and others entry is to obstruct our relationships with Palestinians on the ground, and with their peaceful movement for freedom and equal rights. As a result, Israel is increasingly isolating itself as a pariah state.” – Ariel Gold

by Emma Fiala

The NSC’s Newest Member Set to Aid Bolton’s Efforts to Derail Korea Peace Talks

Anthony Ruggiero’s hire seems to indicate that Bolton is seeking to stock the NSC with North Korea hawks to continue his long-standing efforts to derail any effort aimed at resolving hostilities on the Korean peninsula peacefully.

by Whitney Webb

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Great insight into current goings on, as usual from one of the few actual news outlets remaining.


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