National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)....THE REAL CHILD TRAFFICKERS??

in #news6 years ago (edited)

New information is emerging that this NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO) may be at the center of several international child trafficking rings. This sounds like a government group, doesn't it? But they are not. They oddly do have deep ties to the deep state though, and it seems actual government agencies have to go through this organization for access to information on child trafficking and abuse, though. Hmmm....

Here is a long article with tons of information about them and other hot new info on what is going on in the world of rainbow agendas associated with pedophilia.

"If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." --Matthew 18:6

In short, a lot of the worst people in the country including Laura Silsby and David Brock/James Alefantis and others have connections to the NCMEC!

Silsby, you may recall was jailed in Haiti for attempting to export 33 children for illicit purposes. She was let off by Hillary, changed her name to "Laura GAYler" and is now living in the Pacific Northwest and helps run the "Amber Alert" system...I kid you not...

Brock and his lover Alefantis (of the infamous pizzagate revelations) are also connected to NCMEC. These two are quite possibly involved in a love triangle with a guy named Jeff Koons who is a struggling "artist" (yes, of the pizzagate stripe) THAT THEY BUY ART FROM and who happens to sit on the board of The INTERNATIONAL Center for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC). you can't make this stuff up!

That's right...some of the worst people are in positions dealing with "protecting" children?!?!?!?

Then there's also Jeff Kasky, father of one of the Parkland false flag "survivors" and sudden gun-control advocate, Cameron Kasky. One of Laura Silsby's employees at a website she ran was involved trying to steal a baby from another parent through an agency called "Heart to Heart Adoptions" (which uses a pedo symbol for its logo) which is a member of the Florida Adoption Council, FOUNDED BY KASKY.

There is much, much more tying the supposed protectors of at-risk children to their abuse in the link cited above. Why is the government not looking into all of this? Why is Trump not tweeting up a storm about this? Dare I mention Jeff Epstein's black book..?


Why is the government not looking into all of this?

A rhetorical question, I presume..?


This one you should have tagged FP first.

Shoot. Yeah...thought of it after....

Well... next time. I forgot to tell you... if you use that link to access discord for the meeting, on the left side there's a list that will say, "General" "Postpromotion" etc. If you scroll down you'll see weekly meeting. That's where we'll be

No dice, Rich. At that link on he left is "minnow power," "plus" and "download apps"...just a little to the right is "Friends" and just under that "direct messages." In the main body of the page is: "NO TEXT CHANNELS" and "You find yourself in a strange place" "You don't have access to any text channels, or there are none in this server."

Nope. It wants me to "claim account" and when I do that it says "email already registered" and it won't let me move beyond, post messages....nothing.

I'll talk to one of my tech guys... I probably know less about how this stuff is supposed to work than anyone- I guess I'm just a Luddite. You won't miss anything today anyway- our fearless leader neglected to email me the agenda- so the meeting probably won't last long. If I can catch someone now, I'll shoot you another link

Just sent you a friend request...

I've had this issue repeatedly. It's almost like I have two accounts or through a discord app I downloaded, and another that just appears on my computer but (perhaps) not through the app....?.....when I try going directly to links people provide me, the one you sent me.

It just showed you as being logged into the chat I said it wants me to "claim account" but that never works.

Can you see my friend request?

OK...let me see......

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

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