While wealthy NFL players protest the National Anthem, Venezuela's Starving People Are Eating The Zoo Animals.

in #news7 years ago


Zoo animals are being stolen from parks in western Venezuela and police believe they are being snatched to be eaten by the starving local population.

Read the article. Click here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2017/08/17/venezuelas-starving-people-are-now-eating-the-zoo-animals-the-parisians-had-the-german-excuse/#21cdac66d2cc


This is such an understated point you are making. The first 15 minutes of every MSM news program was spent hyping up this nonsense. Meanwhile, Venezuala might be turning cannibal soon, Puerto Rico has 200 head deep lines for cash, the FED is normalizing its abnormal balance sheet, and two dudes with missiles are threatening all of us. Yet we have to spend the first half of the "news" listening to them trying to divide the population over trivial nonsense.

Maybe because our Commander in Chief is focusing on this trivial nonesense??? He is... commanding the news? He chooses his hands and he keeps focusing on his ego and not how to help people in need. News then must react to the... bully pulpit???

Also, it isn't trivial to the many people affected by it. It isn't news if it wasn't broadcasted as such.

Wait... you're implying Trump is secretly coordinating the MSM? My God! I...I bow down to your CTS (conspiracy theory supremacy). /sarc

While Trump did tweet on it, and I cannot disagree with what you say about his ego, he is jumping on a bandwagon that had already left the station, as is his wont.

While NFL=$, it's trivial. Bread and circuses.

Meanwhile the Barzani clan has blown the shofar-endum and summoned more deep state shenanigans - all of which are ultimately designed to split the USA into Kekistan, ruled by Trump, and Snowflakistan, ruled by HRC, so ISIS/Antifa/Stormfront can go to work here, in true Hegelian Dialectic fashion.

Macron and Merkel (I would love to see a parody of the M&M commercials...) have similarly conjoinedly twinned and the fertile womb of Donbass is about to birth their unholy terror in Yurop, imbued ancient ISISian powers through magical immigration of vast rafts of mercenaries fleeing their loss in Syria, Libya, Iraq, and etc...

Waiting in the wings, ravenous warbeasts are being bred in Venezuela and N. Korea as potential segues - and new focal points for deep state Hegelian Dialectic conflicts - while resistance to their manipulations of the USA and Yurop are delaying their expansion of hostilities there, and the vein of horror in the ME is wearing thin.

C'mon man. Look away. Don't let the wholly owned media distract you from actually being mesmerized by the real propaganda that is the basis for the geopolitical nightmare ongoing.

Oh look! Is that Lady Gaga in a pussy hat?

Given our plummeting sexual prowess, who cares?

The only way we're going to secure our peoples from the cruel fate promised by interminable war, chemical castration, and social isolation, is to sidestep the whole system and let it's own power destroy it (there's a Hegelian Dialectic play pitting the deep state against their victims), while we create a global union of sovereign individuals riding on the wave of nascent additive manufacturing, cryptocurrency, and uncensored free speech via social media.

Edit: added links


I believe your entire reply sidesteps the actual definition of bullypulpit and entertains your fragile enraged ego with an excuse for a massively disconnected and haphazardly organized loosley connected rants.

This completely leaves the topic untouched.

A bullypilpit describes the manner by which the President of the United States acts as a leader navigating the important issues of the time. If the President reserves his Twitter as an official medium of communication from the Oval Office, then his constant attacks on the NFL guides the topic of the moment.

This means that any lack of coverage of an issue hails from the President's lack of leadership to address the topic and guide the narrative for the nation's stance and vision moving forward.

Can we get them on Steem? Or send them money via @bitspark?

I been reading a lot about this and heard it also with Greg hunter and Gerald Celente a while back. NFL is getting to political, a lot of my friends are stop watching due to it not being about football so much, good post resteemed!

I also think it is pretty boring to watch anyway but maybe that is just me.

I haven't watched sports on television for many years but I was at the neighbors last Thanksgiving so of course football was on the entire time. No conversion just everyone rushing through the meal so they could get back in front of the TV. After about half an hour I said "you realize that for every play you are getting about 10 minuets of commercials". They looked at me like I had sprouted horns and they went back into zombie mode. I quietly left and now stay home for Thanksgiving with some good music playing.

How are these two correlative?

I mean how is NFL and Venezuela correlative?

I don't see how they're related either.

You're fine, just be careful with the clickbait

I didn't know that was clickbait. I just find it interesting how so many people are harping on Venezuela and ignoring Bolivia, which is actually doing pretty well.

Your title is misleading the reader. You are baiting them with a common and popular topic (NFL) so that they click on the article just to find out it isn't about the NFL but actually something else. By definition, it is clickbait.

Don't worry, your article isn't bad. It is interesting and what not, but the title and the article don't actually align. Great that you are talking about this important topic, just how you are approaching it may lead viewers to disapointment and distaste.

Feel free to disagree, just trying to give you some pointers.

Please note that the parent post, "While wealthy NFL players protest the National Anthem, Venezuela's Starving People Are Eating The Zoo Animals.", is not mine.



Hasn't this been going on for a while? Shouldn't they be called farms instead of zoos by now?

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