Weather Modification Is Real But Is There A Secret Sinister Government Plot To Use It As A Weapon?

in #news6 years ago (edited)

HAARP is an acronym that stands for High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program and, since it began analyzing the ionosphere in 1993, has inspired controversy. Many believe that HAARP controls and manipulates the weather, even our minds.

Some voices on YouTube have even put their HAARP theories in the ring with some claiming they have 100% proof HAARP may have caused hurricane Harvey, but when you watch these videos you do not get proof, you get people pointing to the unusual weather blaming HAARP's sinister involvement.

Certain ideas surrounding HAARP have even associated it with chemtrail conspiracy theories that began to circulate after the United States Air Force published a 1996 report about weather modification.

What are some of the main claims of the chemtrail/HAARP/Weather Modification communities of the world and does a rational, outside observer have a leg to stand on among these ideas?


the deliberate large-scale manipulation of an environmental process that affects the earth's climate, in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming. source

According to the bulk of climate scientists there is a "very high confidence" that the global warming measured over the past 50-years is due primarily to human activities and the claim from those in the geoengineering projects is that if humans are already causing the planet to warm then in principle they can cause it to cool and according to Harvard several attempts at solar engineering have already taken place, generously funded by Bill Gates, with Harvard claiming that by the year 2022 future tests could involve seeding the sky with aluminum oxide, even diamonds.

It is here where two kinds of skeptics exist. On the one hand some worry we should not be playing God, that these experiments could have disastrous consequences for humanity and ironically the environment.

A study from a team at the University Of Reading said, "We have shown that one of the leading candidates for geoengineering could cause a new unintended side effect over a large part of the planet." Even David Keith himself, the leading professor at Harvard science, technology, and public policy of solar geoengineering, admitting there are potential unknown side effects to geoengineering.

Then there is the other hand, those who mirror the skepticism of mainstream geoengineering but extend the definition to include not just mitigation of the climate, but the process of controlling it.

In 1967 a top-secret military program called Operation Popeye was carried out. The U.S. dropped 47,000 canisters of silver iodide over North and South Vietnam in an attempt to extend the monsoon season. It was soon after this that the New York Times broke a story exposing the program and it was discontinued, causing the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. to negotiate a ban on the military use of "weather warfare".

China has one of the biggest weather altering technologies on the planet which, famously during the 2008 Olympics, utilized rocket launchers, antiaircraft guns and planes to keep the Birds Nest Stadium dry. It appears they were successful. The truth is that's it's very hard to measure these things.

It looks like that all we can know for certain is that some governments have technologies that report to induce or prevent rainfall and that depending on the level of already existing precipitation, certain parts of the world seem to respond better to these techniques than others.

Places like California, where successful cloud seeding attempts have been done in the past, may have different results then places where it is much more difficult.

Whether or not cloud seeding merits the controversy it gets remains to be seen, but the notion that cloud seeding is proof of "chemtrails", which is the paranoid hypothesis that jets are being instructed by elites to spray everyone with chemicals, is foolish and logically inconsistent.

Wouldn't the malevolent pilots all over the world have the foresight to understand that they too exist under the clouds that they are spraying on everyone? One would hope so but, then again, the story can easily be misleading and they could be duped into believing that they are spraying something that benefits the planet.

It's understandable that chemtrailers care deeply about not wanting to inhale harmful chemicals, but protesting refineries is a good place to start. If your concern is breathing in pollutants the place to start would be the factories that transparently emit benzine, formaldehyde, mercury, and radon gas everywhere. One doesn't need a conspiracy to know that our air sucks.

With all that said, are there other factors of geoengineering we should be worried about and how on point, or off, are those on the fringes of the debate who claim they have evidence that some are trying to use the weather with a much more sophisticated level of control and are doing so with either misguided or even sinister intentions?

Owning The Weather In 2025

One piece of evidence that they cite is a research paper produced by the Department Of Defense of the Air Force outlining the need to turn their current weather modification ability into a war fighting application. saying "the technology is there waiting for us to pull it all together".

This research paper is primarily theoretical, whose main claim is that we should be trying to do this, not that we are, in fact, doing it. This is certainly not undeniable evidence that elites are controlling the weather.

That said, it does continually reference the ionosphere, that which HAARP can probe, as an invaluable necessity in their plan to obtain weather control with no specific mention, however, of HAARP.

Skeptic or otherwise, one could call that a coincidence. That the most important variable inside this DOD weather control document is the ability to research the exact environmental process HAARP has been built to investigate. Combine that with the date of the document (August 1996) following the completion of the HAARP facility and one could build a modestly coherent hypothesis that the Defense Department built HAARP with the goal of "controlling the weather".

The reason why I say moderately coherent is because in order for this hypothesis to make sense you have to grant that the seven authors are talking about HAARP but refrain from doing so on purpose. It's really difficult for me to believe they were not talking about HAARP when referencing the urgent requirement of ionospheric research as the most important next step in attaining weather control as a weapon. There's no way that the DOD did not know that HAARP was the only U.S. technology that could do just that. And let's not forget that HAARP began as a military project funded by the Air Force and DARPA.

I'm not saying HAARP is being used to control the weather. I'm saying that according to this document if ever there were a technology that could aid in the research of "weather control" it's this one and that it could have been built for that reason. It's certainly easy to posit that HAARP is a kind of military stepping stone to achieve a certain set of ambitions, however far fetched those ambitions may seem to be.

The document ultimately highlights the scope the author's ambitions but not necessarily their ability to attain it, but I'm fairly confident that HAARP was built with the intent to control the weather. It's whether or not the research was successful in creating this ability I'm much more skeptical of.

Someone who is most outspoken on the topic of sinister geoengineering is Dane Wigington who claims that "those who control the weather will control the world", a quote once posited by Lydon B. Johnson in 1962, and that the technology to do so is a major threat to humanity.

With an extensive background in solar energy, Dane Wigington initially focused his efforts energy on the geo-engineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying in his area. He also noted a significant decline in forest health and began testing and researching into geo-engineering. Today Dane is the lead researcher for, investigating all levels of geo-engineering from chemtrails to HAARP. source

Dane and his followers often cite Senate documents and patents as proof that a sinister government is secretly geoengineering the climate on a massive scale, but they can never tell us who is doing this or at what time. Specificity is so often a problem when sifting through these kinds of claims.

I will admit, however, that the amount of U.S. patents, over 150, on manipulating the climate is interesting. These patents, whose titles I will quote verbatim, range from methods of producing intense artificial clouds, fogs, or mists, an aerial discharge device, cloud seeding carbon dioxide bullet, method of producing precipitation from the atmosphere, method of producing cumulus clouds, a process of weather modification by satellite, and an electromagnetic energy pulse modulator and that's just seven out of the more than 150 patents aimed directly to either mitigating or creating climatological systems.

The goal of controlling the weather is not as new as people think. Here's a video of Lyndon B. Johnson talking about controlling the weather back in 1962.

LBJ Predicts Geoengineering Will Control the Weather to Control the World 1962

Potential benefits of controlling the weather would be increasing crop yields, decreasing the severity of storms, accurate forecasts, eliminate drought, stop global warming, protection from harmful solar energy, clear skies for astronomers, air traffic, solar panels. There are also military uses, such as making sure the weather is clear for a mission or covering the enemy with snow, fog, hail or lightning strikes. source

Of course, the technology could also be used to do the exact opposite of the listed benefits and aimed at nations and governments that do not conform to demands of those who wield such a capability and would offer those using it as a weapon a convincing and believable form of plausible deniability. Extreme weather still falls into the realm of an act of God in most people's eyes, not something that could be weaponized by a government.

The Geoengineering Act of 2017

A bill was introduced into the Rhode Island State legislator by representative Justin K. Price called, The Geoengineering Act Of 2017. This same bill, written differently, has been submitted two years in a row by Rhode Island Representative Karen MacBeth.

Representative Price provided the DOD document, Owning The Weather In 2025, as a piece of data to be analyzed in conjunction with the bill. One citizen who knows Dane Wigington personally briefly testified on the importance of this legislation in combating solar geoengineering as a process he states, "is already widespread in the State and occurring all the time."

The bill defines geoengineering as:

the intentional manipulation of the environment involving hazardous activities that can harm human heath and safety, the environment, and the economy.

The bill does not put a ban on that definition of geoengineering but would make it illegal to perform such activities without a license.

The bill does not provide any names of aviation companies or even one person who could substantiate that certain secretive geoengineering techniques are taking place on a massive scale, but I suppose that would defeat the purpose of its secrecy. Because the writers of the bill cannot say one way or the other who is doing this or when it's being done, it has been rewritten as a precautionary measure rather than, as it was written initially, as a statement of fact.

It does give you pause that these two representatives have maintained their advocacy on this topic and makes me wonder if they know something we don't. If they do why not use that information to influence the committee? More importantly, what if the DOD document that representative Price brought to the committee, the one that outlines the ambitions of owning the weather in 2025, was actually disinformation?

Why would the Defense Department release to the public their ambitions for a future military capability knowing that once it gets released it's moments away from being analyzed by their enemy? Some have theorized that they actually scaled down their weather control capability and wrote this document to quell the expectations of the enemy, claiming that when the document says they'll only have the ability to use lightning or thunderstorms they are actually hiding a capability that far exceeds that.

Just as the Defense Department does not release public information of their secret projects until they unveil them, weaponizing the climate seems like it would operate under the same secrecy as the stealth bomber, for example.

I'm not saying this is disinformation, but simply providing you arguments some have given to show that it is. Seeing how this muddies the waters, are there more reliable areas of inquiry that can point to weather control as a reality? Perhaps.

Nikola Tesla

Tesla was a genius whose intelligence bordered the miraculous. He had an eidetic memory, being able to view his inventions like vivid photographs in his head. The 4th of 5 children, he invented a plethora of technologies we still use today and although he was arguably the most prolific and world-changing inventor of the twentieth century, after the failure of his most high-reaching venture, the Tesla tower, he faded into obscurity dying broke, senile, and practically unknown.

Nikola Tesla had perhaps thousand of ideas and inventions that remained unreleased with some saying the FBI raided his home and stole them shortly after his death. A look at his hundreds of patents shows a glimpse of the scope he intended to offer, one of which, some say, could be found in the specifications of HAARP.

Eastlund's Patents

In 1912 Tesla envisioned a way to tame the sky, making the atmosphere glow. He developed alternating current, high-frequency radio technology and attempted to create "free energy", experimenting with both high and low frequencies, with one stated intent being to manipulate the weather and to create shields around the earth to protect us from missiles, going as far as to say, he knew how to split the earth in two.

In 1985 Bernard Eastlund applied for patents that could make some of these ideas real and over the span of seven years was granted three for a project that was just like HAARP only much larger and more powerful.

Under the control of the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), Eastlund was to use a transmitter encompassing 160 square miles powered by massive amounts of electricity that was generated using vast Alaskan natural gas reserves. To give you an idea of the amount of gas needed for the transmitter, it was enough gas to produce all the electricity for the United States for a full year.

Eastmund was involved in talks with the Department of Defense about using the microwave transmitter to lift a portion of the upper atmosphere further out into space.

HAARP officials deny any link to Eastlund's patents but a key detail suggest otherwise. While HAARP was still operated by the military, ARCO was the holder of the Eastlund patents and was the very contractor that built and managed HAARP leaving some to theorize that the military is done with the project because they have now moved on to HAARP 2.0. and that the new project is occurring in secret.

If that's the case, hiding a 160-mile HAARP-like facility would seem impossible unless, of course, as some have theorized, they spread that capability across the planet.


It seems like quite the hubris to assume that man can control the weather, but if the intentional manipulation of the climate of which we have so much evidence is, in fact, going on and being documented, it's the so-called undocumented cases of geoengineering and the scale at which these supposed secret operations are being carried out that I'm cautious of believing in, not because I don't think it could be true, but because of the lack of evidence that it is true.

One should also be careful not to automatically equate weather modification, such as the ability to create clouds and rain, with the ability to control hurricanes or steer tornadoes. Even statements from Tesla and multiple scientists throughout the years posit that if one wanted to utilize a form of weather control it appears that utilizing the control of the ionosphere is a key ingredient.

Attempts by mainstream websites like Wikipedia who criticize all who honestly evaluate HAARP's initial intentions as people who are not to be taken seriously, this move is either dishonest, lazy or reflective of an overreliance on appeasing the mass interpretations of these projects.

Admittedly, I'm more confused about this topic than I was when I began and I'm left with more questions than I have tried to answer, but one thing is for certain, we should be wary of those like the physicist David Keith, because the world he wants to build is the world that chemtrail conspiracy theorists have been worried about for decades.

Only this new world of mass, transparent geoengineering would need no conspiracy to be true. One needs no conspiracy to worry about those seemingly in charge of the weather.

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Even Napoleon was aware that the smoke from the cannons caused it to rain. The weather is the ultimate weapon if harnessed. Why wouldn't they. A freedom of information request made by former member of the British Parliament, Norman Baker, shows evidence of planes spraying the UK population back as far as the early 20th century. Also many activists have collected measurements showing levels of aluminium in the soil at 40 times safe levels, barium at 20 times safe levels with high levels of strontium and other metals which cannot be explained naturally. I only have to look up to see that what is happening now did not happen in the past to this degree. On 'spray days' here I can taste the metal in the air. I've seen far too many testimonies from experts and pilots etc to not take this issue seriously.

I read somewhere that Monsanto is, in part, behind some of the sprayings. That they know it is acidifying the soil and are developing GMO seed that will grow in acidic soils in their bid to take over the food supply. Evil bastards.

Yep...they've developed and patented aluminium resistant seeds. The weather is controlled to at least some degree and what can grow in the weather they can dish out is also controlled. It's all about power and control. Monsanto developed and patented aspartame, a particularly nasty chemical that resides in many soft drinks and other tasty treats. They also developed glyphosate which was used all over and later shown to cause cancers.

Thank you for your logic. I detest anyone who calls real live events a hypothesis. It is more than a hypothesis...more than a is actually happening and has been for years.

It is often difficult to find comfort in truth so many choose to find truth in comfort. It's good to see the topic being discussed rather than ignored. This piece seems fairly balanced though. It's good to ask for evidence before jumping to conclusions. I've seen plenty of evidence to back up my concerns when I look up.

The real ultimate weapon is prayer!

That's a cop out shared across religious beliefs and highlights the reason for organised religion. The word 'religion' derives from the latin 'religare' which means to bind fast or to to tie down. It is the binding of the mind in order to assert control. Once under the mind control of religion, the breaking of the spell becomes more difficult over time as more is invested into the belief system.

In Africa, certain spiritual practices are believed to prevent or induce rainfall or weather modification.

The American Indians have a tradition of rain dances. I believe that would work too because for moisture in the air to form raindrops it needs something to condense on. Dancing would cause dust particles that would provide something for the moisture to collect upon.

Luz, this is an extremely well-balanced, well-written, and comprehensive look at weather modification.

I remember 5-years ago or so when I first stumbled across some YouTube clips making such claims. I simply shook my head and said to myself – that’s complete and utter nonsense – NO ONE can control Mother Nature. That is of course until I began to uncover many of the documented programs and patents that you allude to in your article.

It was really a “holy shit” type moment for me… Yes, one has to separate the wheat from the chaff in exploring this and other types of claims; however, there are usually quite a few gems of truth to uncover in the process.

At the end of the day, as for myself, I have concluded that the more I come to know and understand things – that there is a ton more stuff that I don’t know.

Questions breed more questions, and this is a good thing if done with discrimination and reservation. At the same time, no matter how prudent one is in this process, it still amounts to traveling down a seemingly endless rabbit hole.

It can even become addicting, so one must be careful to keep their emotions in check and intellect in balance when making such discoveries.


Thanks for taking the time to read my post and adding your thoughtful comments. This topic is a mind blower for sure.

Chemtrails is one of the most important issues of the day. Many people believe that it will eventually destroy the earth. There are many videos on YouTube regarding the hazards that Chemtrails are delivering to all of us.
America Wake Up Before It Is Too Late!

Many people believe that it will eventually destroy the earth.

I think we will destroy ourselves before we ever destroy the earth. The earth will be just fine, it's us we need to worry about. We'll be extinct before the earth is.

Yes! The satanic network of corporations, institutions, new world government idiots, deep state a-holes, evil secret societies and filthy rich elites who don't care about the harmful effects of their actions on the rest of us....all of these contribute to our demise. But God the Father will have the last word and the last laugh!

And chemtrails are not exactly secret either. LOL "hypothesis". Im dying 😂

A great article!

I read that during the last Olympics Russians used a similar system to "remove" the clouds from the sky.

In mty opinion, like with many others inventions, HAARP can serve or harm humanity - everything in our hands.

Good post friend

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