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RE: "Weaponized Autism" Finds Professor Who Assaulted Peaceful Protesters With Bike Lock; Destroys Him

in #news7 years ago (edited)

What's wrong with these fools...? I hope that guy loses his job... Had I been at the protest that day, I would have been standing on the side of the 'leftists' I suppose, I've never donned the all black uniform mind you. (sigh), but I don't go to street protests anymore, and I don't condone that sort of behavior. That guy should know he's actually about as fascist as they come. Ethics my ass... What a dick. The irony is so thick with these people.


Aggravated Assault and Battery at minimum...possible attempted murder.

Probably... Yeah.

Poor people fight in the street while the bankers fleece them all.

How much money does a college professor at Berkley make...ya think?

Not as much as a goldman sachs executive. It's all relative I suppose. The dude's wealth is not generational. Yeah, he's not poor, but he's actually just as powerless as the guy he smacked relative to the people who are running this show currently. my point is just that they have way more in common then they do not, on a class level, and yet they are shouting and fighting in the streets. All the protesters fighting each other in the streets aren't helping themselves. They're helping those already in power.

When's the last time you heard of as Goldman Sachs Executive 'sucker punching' someone with a make shift mace? The so called professor is not only a hypocrite he's a coward.

They'd just pay someone else to do it.. and you would never hear about it. It would probably look more like investing in some poison to feed your child because it improved their portfolio by some acceptable margin. :/. Still, I think we share the same opinion of this guy.

What the university decides to do with him will be telling. Honestly, with the way that social justice is progressing on campuses, I'm halfway expecting them to give this guy a promotion for valiantly standing against "nazis". :/

Yeah.. "social justice" is becoming more like mob rule.

social justice is justice for the group over the individual. It's evil, in my view. I'll be making a video about it tomorrow probably.

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