Here We Go Again. War, Spawned From MSM Fake News.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

Ron Paul on Syria gas attack: 'It doesn't make sense. Zero chance Assad did this.'

Mr. Ron Paul is mistaken here, at 8:10, in the above video. There was bombing of Iraq under Clinton, but the 500,000 children's deaths that Madeleine Albright was being questioned about, on 60 minutes, were not, in this case, the result of bombing, but the result of the U.N. sanctions against Iraq. This, in itself was a deception. The 500,000 children were counted by the U.N., and the criteria used was that of children 5 years of age, and younger. This did not even give us a true count of how many children had died, from the sanctions alone, who were 17 years of age and younger, which may have more than doubled the count, and laid these dead at the door of the U.N. whose hands seem perpetually soaked in blood of innocents.

Madeleine Albright says 500,000 dead Iraqi Children was "worth it"
wins Medal of Freedom

I do think this may have been an honest mistake on the part of Mr. Paul, but things being as confused as they are, we need to begin to sort these things out and keep our facts straight, so we don't end up blundering into a 3rd world war on the basis of mistakes on top of deception.

One thing I do not hear being discussed, is that if, Assad is removed, the 'rebels', who are not, now, the Free Syrian army, but are really the western intelligence backed and run, muslim extremist groups, will have a free hand to do as they will. All of the Christians in Syria will be exterminated, just as they were in Libya. The refugees being accepted by the U.S. are 99% muslims, not Christians, and they will have nowhere to go, except under the sword of the savage extremists, that were funded, trained, and armed, under Obama. If Trump is not dissuaded from this folly, then all of the civilized people in Syria will be killed, leading us further down the path of wiping out any kind of abundant future for mankind. Here is the testimony of Brigitte Gabriel about what has already happened in Lebanon, and is now happening in the rest of the Middle East. Please do remember, the muslims are the weapon. There are also those behind them who are wielding the weapon.

Shocking Testimony Of Lebanese Christian Lady On Islamization

There is also the obvious question of why Trump has followed the example of the previous unconstitutional actions taken by previous presidents, and begun another war without congressional approval. If this was unlawful and wrong when they did it, then it is unlawful and wrong when he does it.

Watch America's last 4 presidents each announce that they're bombing Iraq

Remember this? Incubators! Incubators!

And now, for the main event,
President Trump declares war on Syria




I applaud Trump's rapid response to the use of chemical agents against civil population. It's about time someone reversed President Girly Pants and his gutless "red line" bullshit.

I would disagree with @dragon40 on that. I do think Obama's red line was a big mistake insofar as to reduce threats from the worlds largest nuclear superpower to little more than a meme, but I do not think entering another country when all the facts are absolutely not out yet would be a smart move. We should be focused internally on bringing jobs stateside, decreasing the power of the federal government and pushing back against the progression of social marxism in the political space (all my opinion). Getting involved in a war under dicey pretenses and also setting back any attempt to set aside our differences with Russia seems woefully counterproductive. Additionally, I would claim that no party that would be capable of holding power if Assad is ousted would be one that we should be supporting. Assad is far from a saint, but its a smarter move to have a devil you do know, then one you don't.


Here's a good write-up from Mike Krieger why this is not worth applauding... unless you relish the idea of America's not-too-distant imulti-faceted implosion. Then by all means, clap and fist pump away.

So what you seem to be saying is that it is no more complicated than Obama bad, Trump good. Did I get that correctly?

Obama was a complete globalist tool with absolutely no will of his own. To blame him for 'the red line' is like blaming Kermit the frog for the demise of mainstream news networks. What Obama did, he did at the behest of people still threatening us. We should have parked those cruise missiles on the doorsteps of Soros, the Rothschilds, the U.N. and NATO brass, and other globalist filth. We've been playing at this war BS for far too long. How long are we going to continue to allow ourselves to be herded into eternal war after war? Follow the money. If someone comes to you and says 'think of the children', or 'how about you and him have a fight', don't we know enough to stop and identify who really is benefiting from a conflagration?

Removing Assad at this point only continues the destabilization of the middle east and north Africa, and will drive further waves of migrants to the doors of nations already overwhelmed. This will lead to world war whether we are enemies or bosom buddies with Russia. If this strike on Syria is the beginning of the removal of Assad, It will end very badly for America and even worse for Europe, but that is all in the larger globalist plan.

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