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RE: Large Compilation of Anomalies and Info on Mail Bomber Suspect and Associated Tweets That Led To His Arrest

in #news6 years ago

Nice work Christopher. An obvious, desperate (and not so clever) plot on the part of these Deep State critters.


I particularly like your "2 cents" commentary on the bigger picture - something which events like these are meant to distract from.

They are loosing BIG TIME against us.

I think it is only a matter of time that we (and their victims worldwide) get justice; whether it is in a courtroom or in a prison it is going to come at the very least in the public's court of opinion. There will come a day where these traitors will not be able to walk in public anywhere...Can't wait...


Thanks Dan, the psyops on top of psyops are many and perceptions of reality are completely distorted at this point in time, and of course it is confusing the hell out of the American public, as the CIA/Mossad meant for it to do. Alas, Trump himself and his "selection" is also a psyop so the public are quite far down that rabbit hole unfortunately and the long-term programming will be quite difficult to undo. Unless a mass epiphany takes place.

Beyond The Divisive Agenda – Defining Donald Trump As A Tool of The Zionist-Elite And Why He Was Really Placed In Power To Wage War on Iran

Those that have chosen their media (CFR, CIA, QAnon) presented sides are currently hardwired into their positions and can't see the bigger picture....the global picture.......the one thats intentionally kept off the MSM radar by the complicit, predominantly Zionist owned media who pump out the distractions in league with Hollywood puppets and Washington pawns. Its really all about the wars and its all for Israel, but beyond that its for the global elite who refuse to give up their massive stolen wealth and positions. They've built this global empire and they've placed their symbols, monuments, buildings and statues all over it and they are not gonna give it all up without taking everyone else down with them. They know if the public, on a large scale, figures out how the world is really run by a criminal cabal then its game over for them. Thus, we can expect it to become more surreal and divisive along with more false flags, censorship and control measures related to such.

If one thinks back to before the Libya overthrow, the Syrian war and Ukraine crisis then one can easily imagine the comparative 'normality' to what we are experiencing now. Now we are experiencing psyops and propaganda on steroids. A quick look at the Yahoo or Google 'news' feeds easily proves that point.

For people that may be reading this conversation and interested in what we are discussing, I recommend reading my Clarity of Signal introduction page as it explains the Grand Chessboard strategy of the US and Israel in relation to Russia and China and maintaining global hegemony. It explains the real reasons for the wars and propaganda now. It explains why Trump was chosen by Kissinger and the Zionists to be a divisive ruse. It explains whats really going on in Syria, Ukraine and Libya. It explains why the public is kept in the dark, distracted and fighting. It reveals Cass Sunstein the US propaganda czar and how propaganda and censorship are being openly used against the American people under the guise of stopping Russian trolls. It reveals that the 'Russian trolls' are actually the American people who are being attacked by their own government, a government that has been heavily infiltrated by Zionist agents and elitist pawns.

The Grand Chessboard -

I do think people are waking up more and more Dan and justice is readily there if we truly want it. The trick is for the public not to fall into the trap of getting baited, triggered, reactionary and hostile towards each other, but instead to become properly aware and calmly inform others of it all so that we can all rise together on a peaceful wave that simply removes these murderous, deceitful assholes from the public sphere of influence. They are psychopaths and sociopaths whereas the majority of the American public are normal kind-hearted human beings. That difference is why we will win out and it is what scares them the most. We do not need the 'revolution' that they want, but instead we need an "evolution" of consciousness (awareness). Its as simple as that, and I believe that sites like yours and mine help bring that about. Glad to be your acquaintance in these important matters Dan. Best regards.

Link for others to your excellent researched material on the criminal banking cabal:

Exposing The International Banking Cabal - A Four Part Expose' By Liberty Academy

Dear Christopher,

Sorry for the tardy response. I am very grateful that you take the time to write such detailed replies and even more so for your sharing, once more, of my Cabal series.

In this reply you hit the nail on the head when you said 2 things:

They've built this global empire and they've placed their symbols, monuments, buildings and statues all over it and they are not gonna give it all up without taking everyone else down with them.


We do not need the 'revolution' that they want, but instead we need an "evolution" of consciousness (awareness).

For the first one, you are right. They've built this up for literally hundreds of years and will not let up even if a lot of monkey wrenches have been thrown in their evil engines of destruction. You can certainly see their levels of desperation with the botched false flags and increased 1984 style censorship in Europe, North America, and the 5 Eyes nations (including my native Canada led by their weak sissy puppet Trudeau).

While some (very bright) individuals like geopolitical analyst London Paul (from the Sirius Report who interviews about once a week on Rogue News) contend that the Cabal is all but "finished", I tend to differ. I say this as how can someone make such a statement/claim when the head of the Cabal (i.e., the colluding Central Banks, IMF, BIS, et al.) are still FULLY in control of the world's monetary system? And even if the system collapses (which I believe it actually could under the bulk of its own weight of massive/unpayable/unsustainable debt) who the heck will prevent them from establishing their NEW slave monetary system (likely a centralized crypto coin whereby every single transactions will be recorded on their blockchain and shared between governments). Who will stop them? Even if the masses wanted to, they can't for many obvious reasons as they are already too entrenched in the current Matrix which will simply be migrated to the new, more Orwellian, and shackling one.

Regarding your second point about the evolution (vs. revolution), I 100% totally agree with you. Humans' levels of consciousness have been raised at two significant points in history - first with Moses (where humans began to learn to develop a conscience regarding their own actions) and then with Jesus (where humans began to consider others and be sympathetic/empathetic).

I believe that humanity needs yet another MAJOR shift/increase in their level of consciousness (i.e., knowing real truth and all that it is related to it - on an earthly, cosmic, and spiritual level) - and I would further call this a MASS CONSCIOUSNESS (whereby there is a collective epiphany) then we will be able to move on to a brighter future.

I've been reading and researching a lot on esoteric knowledge (Hermeticism, Mystery Schools, etc.) lately so I find myself learning more and more about the evolution of humanity. I find it so interesting and fascinating. And am soon to post a related poem about this and what I feel is going on in the world within this context shortly on my Steemit blog.

Once again, great talking with you (even if it is not face-to-face but on this forum). You are a very wise person and am thankful to have the chance to exchange with you.

Thanks also for the lengthy response Dan. I think we are definitely on the same page. I've been watching the same types of videos lately. Been absorbing Max Igan's channel called The Crowhouse and Paul from Pockets of the Future, plus many others. Not sure if you've seen this one on esoteric symbols placed out in the open by the elite but it is truly fascinating.

Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (Full video)

I reread Dan Brown's Lost Symbol this past summer and the Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight video provides much more info and specific details in that realm. I found myself not very impressed with Robert Langdon's (London meets Langley) complete free pass for Dan Browns Freemason brothers in the book.

Alas I think you have a pretty good understanding of what I think of the Freemasons.


We definitely live in interesting times. Best regards.

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