is Vault 7 a Distraction?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

With the latest WikiLeaks "bombshell" that has some thinking the CIA are the worlds most powerful hackers. I point out the fact that there is another faction that has been bragging for years they are "leaders in cyber"

With the help of Luke Rudkowski, Titus Frost and James Corbett, I try to prove my point that quite possibly this new information is a tactic to keep others out of the spotlight



There is really something odd about Wikileaks avoiding mention of so many zionist/rotchild scams.

James Corbett on the other hand, nails this stuff again and again - he is a guru.

It was him that put me on to Steemit back in August.

@sift666 YES! I am a proud long time fan boy of James :)
(and I don't call myself a fan boy of many)

They can only leak what they get given and they only report on what they leak. Without any evidence of the WIkileaks zionist story you could be making the infowar worse. Like I said to the OP, reserve judgement until after the full release of #Vault7

In the meantime if you are looking for Rothchild stuff have you read the anything on recently.

This should start you off. I don't know what you are looking for but let me know what you find.
If you need any more help drop me a comment somewhere.

Now hang on a sec @fortified- now that I've had a look - your links are all to Wikileaks - that really isn't how exposing conspiracies is done!

And that information isn't secret - it's common knowledge from the dark ages...


Thanks, I'll check those links out.

One of the key things that make we wonder about Wikileaks is their response to 911, which is pretty suspicious/clueless, as 911 was obviously a con job from the day it happened...

@fortified Like I previously mentioned the Zionist WikiLeaks theory has been around for a long time now, of course you're free to think otherwise and place your faith in them and #vault7. If you haven't found anything about it, well then it would seem you haven't looked. The whole point of "controlled opposition" to gain some credibility is to share some stuff.

As for 9/11 he tweeted it - "there is no conspiracy on 9/11"

Here is a video along with a post from yesterday by TyrannyUnmasked

video is about 12 minutes

Tyranny's video is about 1hr (published yesterday)

There are a couple examples to help your search

That video is great - in just 12 mins they really expose Wikileaks. Now I'll put Wikileaks in the same basket as Edward Snowden or Alex Jones - fully zionist controlled opposition.

It doesn't though does it. Show me the bit where it exposes wikileaks. Then link me to the factual evidence that is referenced in the video. Because I've watched it twice now and I can't see any factual evidence.

And where is the bloody factual evidence for this

Edward Snowden or Alex Jones - fully zionist controlled opposition

Not everything is a conspiracy you know.
Yes there is a lot of evidence of zionist wrong doing I don't disagree. But you got to be too far down the wrong rabbit hole to believe this wikileaks/zionist conspiracy.

Show me where I can get my evidence from if you think I'm getting me evidence from the wrong sources. My mind is open if you can show me something more than a video.

The main argument is that wikileaks hasn't published Israel documents They can only publish what they receive. That's not proof of him being a zionist.
He starts of by saying Wikileaks is Masquerading as an organization of truth implying it lies yet later the video keeps saying the info is nothing new.
A lot of what is revealed to by wikileaks in not news to people that follow this type of stuff but it is clarification and evidence that it was happening.

This video also doesn't show or link to any factual evidence. It's just some old bitter guy droning on. He could be making anything up.

Stick with the facts.
There are 1000 of documents on wikileaks. Have you ever been on there?

(this is a reply to your other comment)

Clearly you do a lot of checking and research, which is great, and most people don't.

But research is only helpful if your sources are valid. And Wikipedia is a clear cut propaganda machine. It's great for stuff like the engine sizes and models of car brands, but for researching the sort of stuff I need to for my work for example - natural supplements, vitamin C, the pharmaceutical industry etc - Wikipedia is just pure bollocks.

They publish what jacob rotchilds puppets tell them to...

Thank you. I only do my research because I'm like you I don't believe anything until I have researched myself. I know about the Rothchilds, Rockafellars etc. I'm not disputing that. They do run the world. They have been instrumental in all the wars since the French revolution in 1789. Same year as the constitution was signed. (Not a coincidence.)

I was refering to Wikipedia because that is what the articles you were giving me were citing. I don't understand how I could be wrong in doing that.

The only thing I can think of is you are butt hurt Hillary lover. Because that's what they are sounding like over on twitter right now.

I've tried to help you. I don't want to come back to this post any more and give it any more views than it needs.

Good luck. I'll be watching.

@fortified It's okay to disagree (agree to disagree) as I'm sure you are aware Assange will never come out and say it. There are many articles on the topic, here is just one - Assange praises Netanyahu

@fortified Like I stated earlier "there are many articles on the topic" that was just one. It's fine to disagree but you seem excessive in defending him?

@fortified What can you argue about this post? Oh right NOTHING! So you consistently argue about a different topic? Not a troll move at all! It's okay for you to be embarrassed. I get it, you love Assange and well defend him to no end! Well have fun with that, good luck okay


  • Is this what your argument is based on?

On December 2, 2010, Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz published an article quoting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in full praise of Benjamin Netanyahu, “as an example of a world leader who believes the publications will aid global diplomacy.”

  • He didn't praise him. All he said was he believes Netanyahu understands the impact the leaks will have on global diplomacy.

  • Nothing in this part praises Israel:

“We can see the Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu coming out with a very interesting statement that leaders should speak in public like they do in private whenever they can. He believes that the result of this publication, which makes the sentiments of many privately held beliefs public, are promising a pretty good [indecipherable] will lead to some kind of increase in the peace process in the Middle East and particularly in relation to Iran.”

  • And this doesn't even mention Assange. Yes Israel could quite easily of hacked that info and leaked it to Wikileaks.

The article also quotes Huseyin Celik, deputy leader of Erdogan’s AKP, as hinting that the leaks were engineered by Israel. Celik is quoted as saying: “One has to look at which countries are pleased with these. Israel is very pleased. Israel has been making statements for days, even before the release of these documents. Documents were released and they immediately said, ‘Israel will not suffer from this’. How did they know that?”

That isn't proof he's a zionist.

Come on. I'm opened minded to your theory but you haven't given me anything other than hearsay and second hand knowledge.

I've heard that wikileaks doesn't expose any zionist misbehavior, do you know if this is true? If so, then I wouldn't trust it as reliable source.

@tommycordero Unfortunately that is accurate, but what they do release, I believe is factual. So ya I take what they supply with a grain of salt.

Great question Tom, thanks for posting

@tommycordero @lecrazycanuckeh

Be interesting to see the evidence that Wikileaks doesn't expose any zionist misbehavior
I would think it would be pretty hard to prove something they haven't done.
I guess the only way this could be proved is if there was concrete evidence Wikileaks had/has sensitive material on a zionist movement and were purposely withholding it.
There are millions of documents on from all over the world not just the main stream ones you hear about. If you take the time to have a read you might find what you are looking for.

Remember Wikileaks has only published 1% of the #Vault7 archive so far. I'd personally hold back on forming an opinion and encouraging this Wikileaks/zionist idea until the rest of it has been released. It could be embarrassing otherwise.

@fortified The WikiLeaks Zionist link is nothing new, been noticeable for years (long before vault7) but of course will wait and see. Assange has also praised Israeli officials, so at this point it would be shocking! Many people have connected the links just as many like to ignore them (which is well in their rights)

Assange is also on record stating he believes the official 9/11 (insane) story. For some that is enough proof that he is "controlled opposition"

Thanks for comment, Cheers

It just feels like a bit of a strong reaction to have with so little evidence. Trust me I have looked. I have no political agenda or leaning I simply want to know the truth. Truth can only be based on irrefutable evidence. Until that happens forming such a strong and potentially damaging opinion on someone/something can be dangerous and indirectly contribute to the disinfo war going on.
Even @TitusFrost in his video said he had no proof there is a connection.

If you feel so strongly about this wikileaks zionist link and want other people to believe you then perhaps make a new post that is fully fact checked and sourced with linked material that reinforces you view. Because I haven't seen that from anyone yet. I would read it and share it for sure.

Wikileaks has been releasing leaked documents for 10 years now. There are millions of documents on there. Over the years they have exposed a lot of corruption all over the world and done a lot for all of our freedoms.

Remember the US/UN created Isreal. It doesn't make any sense for wikileaks to leak half the stuff they've leaked over the years if your argument was remotely true.

been noticeable for years

Something being noticed isn't proof. When a scientist notices something they then test what they have noticed to gain evidence of it's existence. There are always anomalies in any research this is why you keep researching and digging deeper to weed out these anomalies in the data set. The evidence found is then put into the public domain for scrutiny. Who has noticed it? How many times? Where? These are the questions that need to be dug into.

Assange has also praised Israeli officials

This I'd be interested in seeing if you could point me in the direction to some proof (I'm not calling you out. It would be genuinely interesting to see) But even praising officials isn't a crime. Who did he praise? In what context? when? why? (Conformation bias could be coming into play here)

Assange is also on record stating he believes the official 9/11 (insane) story.

Again interested to see this as well. If its on record I guess you could point me in the direction of him actually saying this. I don't disbelieve you but it would be good to see. I've had a quick search online but couldn't find an original statement from him. I ask you because I'm assuming you've done your research and it would be easy for you to link me the original statement he made.

My basic point is. Without real true evidence the wikileaks zionist story is potentially very damaging to Wikileaks.
Don't forget to engage critical thinking and occam's razor. Don't allow conformation bias to taint what is actually in front of you. It's not as complex as you make out it to be. It is complex but not as complex. The evidence points you to a lot simpler answer.

A CIA employee/contractor stole some files and sent them to Wikileaks because the employee saw what was going on and wasn't impressed by the CIA being a major deepstate player and spying on everyone for their own agenda. Wikileaks has only released 1% of #Vault7 so far. This just outlines the tools the CIA use. Next they will tell us who they spied when and why. This is not over by a long way. This is why I suggest holding you judgement until after it has been released. Otherwise you maybe just embarrassing yourself at this moment in time.

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