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RE: Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago
  1. the emails
  2. the striking resemblance to the FBI images
  3. the grotesque artwork he indulges in
  4. his wherabouts during the Madeleine Mccann abduction.

It at least deserves looking at. If you don't agree with an honest look-see into a potential paedo ring (once again-i have no smoking gun proof) -then you my friend are one sick individual...

  1. The emails aren't evidence of anything. Magic decoder rings from 4chan don't make those emails evidence after you change the words. Yeesh.

  2. Okay we've got a resemblance which on it's own is evidence of nothing.

  3. Artwork? Really? Not evidence and not worthy of investigation.

  4. Okay so where was he? The only account of him being in Portugal that day seems to come from a secret source inside the FBI.

I will agree #2 deserves looking in to since all tips for such a heinous crime should be looked into. Also keep in mind there are millions of white men that could resemble those pictures.

the emails ---check
the striking resemblance to the FBI images ----double check
the grotesque artwork he indulges in ----will be considered too circumstantial and warrantless.
his wherabouts during the Madeleine Mccann abduction. ----good question, but unsure if the case is closed, can be reopened...etc.

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