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RE: The Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About The Las Vegas Shooting What The Fuck Happened?

in #news7 years ago

And people like you highlights exactly why things won't ever get better. Same mindset and same ' Americans beat the Uk' crap. It's a boring argument. All due respect of course. It will get to the point where other countries, not just the UK will stop having sympathy for a country that doesn't at least attempt to kerb these massacres.


Thank you for the due respect and I apologise if I came across as rude or ignorant. I am from the UK, never even visited the US but I have studied US culture as much as I have been able. For much of my life I assumed that things were as simple as most people in the UK seem to believe i.e. the Americans just need to sort out their 'crazy' gun laws. Time and experience have gone some way to convince me that it is not that simple. I'm going to leave it there because my wife has pointed out that it is poor taste to debate such things in the immediate aftermath of such horror, regardless of ones political views, and I think she's right. My apologies if I have offended you or anyone else on this thread. It's a bad business, I think we can agree on that at least.

Not at all. You didn’t offend me whatsoever. I appreciate the reply. Not everyone has the same idea as everyone else. Makes life more interesting. It’s defintely a bad business as you say. As your wife says, it’s in poor taste to debate such things but what are we seeing online at this exact moment... people saying the same things. And it is always after one of these atrocities. It’s just a shame that lessons are never learnt again and again. All the best!

I’ll just add.. I have spent time in the US with friends and family and never in my life have I seen guns more in real life than when I go there.

Tis the reason no one invades, even though we have made a few enemies.

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