Hitler Did Nothing Wrong

in #news6 years ago

Right there, I managed to trigger your inner social justice warrior. I mean, how I could possibly say something so offensive and so absurd taking into consideration how much suffering humanity underwent under the particular ruler.

Much like in the survivor-ship bias effect where we tend to remember only the winners while putting the losers on the back of our mind. The Hitler-effect is much the same. For some reason we have come to a conclusion that the winners of WW2 were the heroes while the losers where the evil tyrants. We like this analogy much like we like the narratives of religion and Star Wars. It makes sense to our very primal instincts.

History is indeed written by winners and based on that, custom narratives can be build. There is no way one can know for sure how history came to be but one can at least speculate. For example, genetic engineering took place in American labs before even Hitler dreamed about them. Same applies about biological weapons. Do we acknowledged any of that? Ofcourse not. We eat McDonalds and buy Apple while watching American pop-culture on TV. Our truth is the collective opinion of the people. Get enough people to support a view and that view becomes reality. There is ofcourse evidence but we choose to label those who surface that evidence as crazies.

I could as easily begin this post with "Cleopatra did nothing wrong" or "Kengis Kan did nothing wrong" or "Alexander the Great did nothing wrong" but I would fail to capture your naive sense of political correctness. The brain-fuckery does not work as efficiently when we roll back in history a few hundred years back. Even though Hitler is ancient History for those being offended, the propaganda is still very real. It is revived and reminded with every chance we get, up to the point that there is even a logical fallacy after it "Ad-Hitlereum" pointing out the eventuality that after a certain point, every argument turns into a party accusing the other for being a Hitler.

Just last week a man was fined for training his dog to do a nazi salute. Once again, the established rule of political correctness draws the line and limits speech for something rather arbitrary. Most people getting offended by the nazi salute wouldn't even be able to name the places of concentration camps or address properly the events of WW2. They just know that they should get offended because something "really really bad" happened in conjunction with that person. Heck, public discussion about it is enough to make anyone uncomfortable, even more than any political or religious discussion. Now, why is that?

If our legal system is tied up emotional responses from democratic expression then we are fucked. In 300 years the things Hitler did will be indistinguishable to those the Allies did from those who study history. They will see that the winners of WW2 just established a narrative, a propaganda, much like Stalin and Kim Jong Il does. The killings are all justified sacrifices when we view them from the rulers perspective. Sending troops to get killed in Normandy is a more proper way to die rather than turning some others into soap. The hero narrative is more justified in our ears because, well, they told us so.

The only difference today is that we are living under the American Empire and we can't tell how bad it is. If Hitler had won, rest assured we would be supporting a much similar narrative, just from the opposing side. The slogan "Land of free" and American making a synonym of "freedom" has eluded us enough so we ignore its war machine and rather watch 24/7 through Netflix its entertainment substitute. And while we do that, we get deeply offended when someone trains their dog to make a salut that is related to a war that took place more than a century ago.

"How dare you say Hitler did nothing wrong you ignorant imbecile! "


Hitler just capitalized on the toxicity left over from the WW I. He was very much a product of the miscalculations made by the powers that be at that time.

In 300 years the things Hitler did will be indistinguishable to those the Allies did from those who study history.

Having studied hundreds of boxes full of primary documents over several decades, most of them German, and having heard many family members tell me what has happened, I can confidently say you're wrong. Things are quite easily distinguishable if you take the time to really look into it.

It is only those that can't be arsed to study history in detail that will come to such conclusions over time, so at least your example is not a very good one.

Admittedly, those looking at history with disinterest and only hearing the broad stories and legends from mainstream authors may come to such conclusions in a few generations' time, and they are probably a large majority. So you are right a little. Only a smidgen, mind.

Hi @ocrdu

I am very interested in history and have found WW2 particularly interesting but I am at a crossroads now and don't know what to think anymore as there is a lot of miss information out there.

It sounds like you can point me in the right direction. What really happened?

That is quite a broad question. I will give you a tongue-in-cheek answer: for a first, cursory, and relatively unbiased overview of "what happened" in Europe I recommend reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer and Russia at War by Alexander Werth. A little over 2000 pages together, but it will give you some idea. You can then continue to research more specifically the subjects that interest you.

The problem with the idiot training his dog to do a Nazi slaute was that he accompanied it with the words "Gas the Jews". While I dont beleive the guy was a raving anti-Semite who revelled in the Holocaust, what he said was an incitement to hate, and as such he deserves to have legal proceedings taken up against him.

If nothing else it will teach him and others to think before posting such stupid sentiments to social media. Its fine to say "gas the Jews" and giggle amongst your meathead friends, it becomes something different once you publicize such views openly.

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Thanks for sharing bro ♡ @kyriacos

You strike an interesting point. Our brains are so wired to believe without question one sided tales by those who write history that we don't even know when we may be manipulated

The only difference today is that we are living under the American Empire and we can't tell how bad it is.

Indeed we are living in a world that is much similar to the Nazi era reign. And the sheeple out there are too dumbed down and drugged out on poor food, poor lifestyles, and poor morality to know the difference. When you are sick you can not always think properly. So too is the American people who have not awakened from their comatose slumber. Thanks @kyriacos

Did 6 million really die?

Good points made. There's fear resteeming this post of being worried about what other people think, probably a big part of the whole deal... social programming. I think all of it is probably much more complex in reality than the black and white stories being taught, again, your exact point. Thanks for posting.

Aw, heck. Resteeming anyway. For sure the opening lines will grab attention, perfect for the Pluto Retrograde.

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