Cryptocurrencies Are Revolutionising Financial Exploitation

in #news6 years ago

When the economy started going to shit, people started seeking alternatives. Bitcoin seemed to offer this alternative since it removed the middle man, offered some kind of privacy and the superficial empowerment of actually being your own bank.

The reality is that the big boys have long entered the scene as a form of hedge. Despite what praching bitcoin millionaire teenagers at their basement think, a proper financial institution always hedges in some way into new markets —whether those have to do with Bitcoin, Cocaine or baby food is irrelevant. This is how the world is run whether we like it or not. The question is only one. Will it pump?

As we saw, the BTC climb was caused primarily from the average Joe that poured their launch money or life savings. The big boys where buying at 3K with the China and JP Morgan Fud while Joe bought the top from 15k to 20k. Sure some early adopters got rich but in reality the ones that were supposed to be helped got fucked hard. The ones that were supposed to be empowered bought the top and capitulated when they went 90% down. And they are not coming back anytime soon. In fact, they would prefer to get fucked by the bank rather than entrust into the ponzi schemes once more. The market cycle is much the same whether we talk crypto or any other thing.

The early adopters pumped these scams. The crypto twitter experts, the "innovators" that wanted millions for 15 lines of code, the "dreamers" and the "ideologists' that where witnessing their magical internet money moon. "This is the future", sure, if you bought early. We are the lucky ones yet we forget that most people, those who matter for adaptation got fucked hard.

Yes this happened also back in 2013 but then there was bad news. Today we almost have no bad news and investments pour from everywhere. So who is selling? But ofcource those who make conferences, the "leaders in the space" the "venture capitalists", the kids that got rich fast and now they are "financial advisors" and pretend they understand how the financial world works. A space governed by idiots that have their heads too far up their asses.

And while everyone is chasing ghosts, the boys in Wallstreet are shorting Bitcoin in one hand (futures) and buying with the other. The bots are all they need. We witnessed this strategy recently when we saw that companies adding "blockchain" in their market saw their stock skyrocket. This is how the markets work. All that volume in exchanges, is mostly fake. Bots buying and selling. A financial Plato's Cave.

Coinbase is a bank like any other. The game is still the same yet the average Joe got exploited hard and got kicked out of the game. The whales loaded up on top and will fuck the noobs even harder on the way up. Cryptocurrencies, much like any other currency, are empowering those who issue the money, not those who use them. It doesn't matter if it's the FED or Carlos Matos. The end game is exactly the same. The game is zero sum since the overall wealth that is created is irrelevant to the gap that keeps widening.

The Blockchain is a great technology and will probably revolutionize everything. Don't think for a second thought that the dynamics of the power game will be any different. Blockchain will be the steroids to the current financial paradigm.

"As we saw, the BTC climb was caused primarily from the average Joe that poured their launch money or life savings."

I'm sure a lot of people used their CC and student loan $$$ to FOMO into bitcoin, but can you really blame them? The kids are in debt to the banks and gov., and many of the graduates are working at Starbucks to pay off their debt. The desperation of main-street is very real, and I can see how the lure of quick gains from cryptos probably sucked in a lot of these people.

It's a cruel world!

Indeed. You can't be cynical enough about this, because you'd be wrong. Cryptocurrencies may have had their five minutes of new, visionary, revolutionary, idealist, empowering, liberating, and all that, now it is just business as usual.

We need to watch and be patient..Game is changing but still great opportunities to be had when it settles into a normal market..
Thx for the post!

I hope that blockchain will really revolutionize the system is a practical way and make it more beneficial for the common people.

Totally agree with your post!We no longer think of life without crypto currency!Soon there will be no fiat money!Good post!;)


Bagus posting nya

nice Post, Blockchain will revolutionize this. I have been followers through 3 seperate bubbles and if you haven't seen this log chart of Bitcoin's LT trend it is a doozy. 19K was higher than my predicted 12K btu this next move...500K

The bankster's ability to manipulate the markets is being eroded.

Soon we will have decentralized and atomic swaps. After that point, the bots trading with each other will very easily be seen, and basically, will just cost them money.

As more joe's enter the crypto market, the real cash will be traded for real cash, and the funny money US$ will not buy anything.

The next step is people being paid in cyrptos at their jobs. And thus, the largest area of cryptos will again be the joe's.

Little by little, the banksters will lose their ability. Because, if no one accepts their paper, backed by thin air, then they just become little guys, with a dwindling fund.

Nice raw, saliva-less post.

Beautiful Bitcoin is very nice post
Thanks for sharing cryptocurrency
I appreciate your news

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