Well, Looks Like Canada has Voted in THE SAME F*CKIN' CLOWN We had Before... Whut!

in #news5 years ago

( a few pictures of the freshly re-elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. google images )

Before the high pitched ranting starts, would like to mention due to my lack of government identification papers I wasn't able to vote in the Canadian elections....
It's something that will have to be rectified before the next elections as to legitimize the weight of my absolute disgust in the re-election of the asshat pictured above.


After 4 years of getting what can only be described as "royally fucked" as a country under the Trudeau regime it seems that Canada has somehow decided they liked it in some form of fucked up stockholm syndrome and decided that they want another 4 year reign.. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK CANADA? Somehow this assclown managed to muster up something like a 31% backing propping him up into being prime minister again.. Granted the party he hails from is now a minority government in regards to tha amount of seats that they hold in the house of parliament... Still an actual what the fuck rage built up inside me, I can only imagine how much more damage to this country and its economy, traditions and way the world looks at us.. It's like Justin Bieber smoking crack times 1000x.. And this asshat is supposed to represent us on the world stage? Canada, we as voters have fucked up, and I speculate the damage this asshole continues to do as PM for another 4 years takes decades to undo..


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Sigh, ya I don't get it either... voted, went to bed-hoping, woke up to the same insanity sigh... another 4 years of shenanigans, muppet magic and slight of hand.

I don't understand it either.. Not a SINGLE PERSON I talked to said they were voting for his party.. Lo' and behold this shit happens again.. System is borked. :/

I found this pretty revealing picture of @klye in blackface.

What the shit?! How did you find this picture..

My political career is fucked now.. D:

it's from your old myspace profile.

Ah yes.. The ancient social network of Myspace.. RIP

Sorry about that 😥. Democracy can be quite sickening at times. Enjoy a terrific Tuesday ahead 👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm leaning towards the votes were tampered with.. :/

You never know, we live in a crazy world😹😱 where anything is possible. I couldn't believe it when the other clown took over the most powerful country 😹👍😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Looks like Justin has turned himself into a minority again.

I didn't vote for him or anyone sporting his red colors.... not his blackface I have no problem voting for peope who are real visible minorities.

4 more years of serious ethics breaches and scandals.

Yeah man... Not looking forward to the next 4 years.. This clown is going to try and fuck us even more is my guess.

Fortunately I don't live there and likely won't for the next 4 years. But, his tax and spend policies and handouts to convince people to overlook his actions will cost Canadians for generations and i eventually plan on moving back.

"Q" Brought me and He Said Enjoy the Show. Got Your Popcorn ??

Fuckin' hell.. Did they rig the election or something?!

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