Ever Had a Conversation and Then Got Bombarded by Ads About It?

in #news5 years ago

( a picture from FB of a friend complaining that the CIA is listening to her conversations to give her ads )

Ever had the feeling that your mobile phone, smart TV or Alexa is listening in on you? While some may chalk it up to mere coincidence or think that the CIA is spying on them somehow, the truth is closer to the latter. While most phones out of the box tend to pretend they avoid listening in on all conversations around them the fact of the matter they are likely are.

Wait.. Our Phones are Listening to Our Conversations?!

Short answer, Yes. It would be delusional to think that a device in your pocket with a microphone wouldn't be able to access it constantly in order to gather information on what you are currently talking about. Ever installed a game or app that prompted you to have access to your microphone when you install it? That's a sneaky way of them essentially getting your ok to spy on whatever you are saying, whenever your phone is on. They then in turn take the audio data and parse it with some form of voice-to-text algorithm and proceed to sell this data to advertisers which in turn serve you up targeted advertisements. So you're not crazy to think someone is actually listening in on your conversations and feeding you ads.. because they are.

To top it all off other data may be harvested from your phone such as your location and other metrics even though you've supposedly got them turned off in your phones options.. It's quite devious, but alas this is the ugly side of the technology.

How to Avoid Being Spied On?

In this day and age it's almost impossible to avoid being eavesdropped on by your phone. It's an unfortunate reality that anyone in the habit of carrying around a mobile phone must deal with. Your phone is always essentially recording you.

On some phones you may find an option to disable permissions for certain applications to have access to your microphone. If this works 100% is still very much up for debate. Be cognizant of what permissions apps are requesting you to enable when you install them. If you're installing a game app for example that is asking for microphone permission but doesn't actually use the functionality in game be wary.. Chances are they are listening in on your phone calls and conversations.


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I was thinking maybe I'll just get a recording of farts and play that 24/7 into my microphones, just to mess with these people.

They'd probably just serve you toilet paper ads.

Pepto bismol commercials ain't so bad.

It is it's up to all of us to decide whether we wake up and demand the arrest of those individuals who do it for the masses, or people don't wake up and it goes on peacefully :)))

Not a bad mentality, for sure.

If I say something wrong then just say :))

I agree with all you say, no worries.

ok ..ok :) And how is your new week there start ?

Low and slow, it's almost 1AM here in central Canada. Sleep soon hopefully.

And yourself?

Here just morning start :) And I just make strong coffee :)
I was hope in morning is mist out so I can go photography it, but it did not come . So I think in next two weeks I can get also some cool mist photos more soon.

I like to "borrow" one of my co-workers cell phones and repeatedly say dildo and diapers into the mic.

Coincidentally or not ... she gets a significant number of baby related ads. (Which is only odd because at 50, her and her husband have no intention of having kids)

So far, the dildo part doesn't seem to be making any headway... at least she won't tell me ....

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