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RE: Drinking the Kool-Aid at the Garden of Eden: A Magazine Story/Article Written About Me & The Garden of Eden

in #news7 years ago

I thought this article was written from as truthful perspective as the writer was capable of. This paragraph sums it up:

My visit to this friendly hippie community lasted about six hours. I was going to spend the night, but couldn’t wait to get back to my daughter at home. The commune reminded me of family, of my divorce, my solitude and my quest to change that. But for me, this was not my Garden of Eden to be. It didn’t feel real. All these barefoot, partially nude, tan and muscular beings meandering through weeds, piles of wood and compost, content with the heat and saved by some higher level of consciousness found through Eaker? I really wanted to believe.

This was not her reality as she very clearly stated. She couldn't even believe it to be true after seeing it with her own eyes because her dysfunctions of life keep her views in alignment with what keeps her reality alive. It is funny because you could feel the inner conflict as she wrote; her innate knowledge trying to overrule her current views of the world as she knows it. I think so many people struggle with this. If nothing else I hope is spawns interest for more people to come see for themselves, since there really are no words for this shit lol ;-)


hahaha yea ;-)>

I enjoyed showing her around and our in depth discussions. We seemed to get along very well. I will ask her to come by again sometime in the spring when its not hot and hopefully stay for a day or two. I think there is potential there for her to see beyond the comforts she needs and can't live without.

The longer I'm here the more I realize just how many people are not living who they actually are but rather just trying to fit into what society wants the standards to be. I think she is one of those people, but everyone has the potential to become who they should be! Another invite would be wonderful, and have her bring her daughter so the kids can play together :-)

She was indeed torn--between a world which she lives and a world which she dare not to dream of. That's why it's so hard to see. She would definitely have to give up what she thinks she knows and seriously question herself were she to acknowledge what was right before her very eyes. Seeing and acknowledging such an existence can shake someone's whole reality. At least there were things she was willing to admit and could feel there was something more to grasp. It would be interesting to have her back with her child. The children always know!!!

Yes, she is just to stuck in the comforts of her life of which is all she has ever known and change is not likely at all. Though anything is possible.

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