The Truth About Trump's Afghanistan War - More Globalist Interventionism

in #news7 years ago

the truth about trumps afghanistan war thumbnail.png

In this video, I break down the truth about the recent ramp up of the Afghanistan war under Trump following the President's speech and announcement of 3900 more troops being deployed in the region.

With praise by globalist neocons like John McCain and Lindsey Graham and criticism by Senator Rand Paul, Congressman Thomas Massie and former Congressman Ron Paul, it's quite clear that the military industrial complex is alive and well and growing more than ever with each passing day.

If conservatives are going to call themselves "small government" they probably shouldn't endorse the biggest government implementations. There's no bigger government than the global military industrial complex.

While Trump claims this is not nation building, that's literally what it is. With trillions of dollars spent and trillions more to be spent on what's come to be the longest war in American history, this is no laughing matter.

Arming and funding rebels for decades and destruction of countless nations while propping up puppet dictators, the script continues as resources are seized and stolen and so many innocent lives are lost.

In Afghanistan, a country where women used to work, wear skirts, go to the beach in bikinis, women are now oppressed beyond belief.

From high functioning societies to craters and constant fatal danger.

The United States and the military industrial complex including the CFR and Trilateral Commission cronies have done nothing but create instability, blow-back and perpetual problem, reaction, solution repeat to a level that would shock even Hegel.
The monetary system needs perpetual war and this provides the necessities.

This is precisely what Bush and Obama championed and meanwhile, the Trump supporters that called out Bush and Obama for this very thing remain quite silent and apathetic and apathy begets evil.

In this video, Josh breaks down the history of the conflict and why this will only continue to play into the hands of the warmongers just as the script is written.

See the FULL video report here:

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Afghanistan has been a basket case since the death of Ahmad Massoud in 2001. There is simply no credible moderate force that can be supported by the West. There is a really good recent (satirical) film which is a must watch for anyone wanting to understand the politics and futility of the Afghanistan war.

The whole thing is disgusting, nauseating, and depressing. And we are funding this violence with massive debts we never intend to repay. The U.S. war machine is immoral on many levels and we will be judged harshly by history for our callousness and lack of productive vision for the world.

Agreed! History will not look upon this time favorably!

Some say it's got a lot to do with the amount of lithium they have ? Cheers mike

Afghanistan, Syria, Libya - just another form of colonialism by the same powers that have been doing this for the last 500 years. The answer to corrupt government is decentralisation and P2P free markets.

Americans had 2 choices at the last election - a lunatic or the devil.

Wait...let me get this straight...America entered into combat with Afghanistan under the Bush administration...continued expansion throughout Obama's administration, and because Trump sends 3,900 additional troops, it's HIS war...that's not hypocritical, inaccurate or misleading in the least...smdh

I am deeply saddened about this news, I voted for trump and thought just maybe he would fix this shit. I have come to the conclusion that no one in government will do the right thing. They are all corrupt and if we don't do something we will all be screwed. I say this but I do not know what exactly needs to be done, I have a feeling they are going to force our hand. By the time that happens the government will have such an advantage that we will be enslaved for a very long time. It may take hundreds of years to free our selves from this level of tyranny, and I feel sorry for future generations. It sickens me to see evil humans can be, I just wish humans could just find peace with there lives. If the governments keep going down this path, a day will come where they will feel the full wrath of the people. In the end they can't win, they just don't have the numbers. Thank you for posting this about trump, this was a big blow for my support for him!

i m really sad to hear this news i didnt expect this from trump he disappointed many hearts here

Only naive people thought Trump wouldn't continue the imperial intervention.

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