G. Edward Griffin On The RISE Of 5G, The Cashless Society, Dollar CRASH & The TRUTH About Health!

in #news5 years ago

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In this video, I'm joined by the one and only G. Edward Griffin for a weekyl segment focusing on the most important topics of the day. This first episode starts strong, focusing on 5G technology and how the 5th generation can affect the health of countless people when the massive mesh grid "upgrade" becomes inescapable. Not only does it make everyone a guinea pig, but it's absurdly inefficient at the same time! Can it be stopped?

Then, with that, G. Edward Griffin talks about the fast growing centrally planned cashless society and how we are living in a world beyond science fiction. From social credits in China to the creation of one currency and government, we better move fast.

That again leads right into the next conversation. The fall of the US Dollar as the world reserve currency. Everything is coming apart at once. The yield curve has inverted showing a recession on the near horizon. The banks are bankrupt and debt is skyrocketing. Will interest rates go negative? What's the timeline?

Mr. Griffin then talks about something completely different. The truth surrounding health and natural ways to grow old but feel young. What are Mr. Griffin's secrets?

Finally we talk about the upcoming Red Pill Expo and what we can expect to see there! This is going to be an excellent event that you won't want to miss!

See the FULL video interview here:

Stay tuned for more from WAM! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow!

CHECK OUT The Red Pill Expo 2019 here:

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Great video man!

He says he's taken multiple red pills. Ive had my mouth on the red juice nozzle. It's a very strange and odd trip indeed. Totally worth.

What a bunch of evil Nazi's this lot are. I suppose you can't help it. Being born White Males (you're probably cis too right?) you are the biggest oppressors on the planet.

In my upcoming socialist Utopia, when I become the Prime Minister of Britain, your sort will spend most of your time in diversity re-education camps (run by Hope Not Hate), learning why collectivism is the purest form of love and peace. Failure to attend will mean we will send Antifa round to split your head open with a handy snooker-ball-in-a-sock kosh.

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