To Save Face, Coca-Cola Designs A Bottle Made Out Of Ocean Waste Plastic

in #news5 years ago

The Coca-Cola corporation recently announced that they were able to make a few plastic bottles out of trash that was pulled from the ocean. In a press release, the company said that the creation of 300 sample bottles made from ocean trash was intended to demonstrate that “one day, even ocean debris could be used in recycled packaging for food or drinks.”

The press release explained that:

The marine plastic bottle has been developed to show the transformational potential of revolutionary ‘enhanced recycling’ technologies, which can recycle previously used plastics of any quality back to the high-quality needed for food or drinks packaging. Enhanced recycling technologies use innovative processes that break down the components of plastic and strip out impurities in lower-grade recyclables so they can be rebuilt as good as new. This means that lower-grade plastics that were often destined for incineration or landfill can now be given a new life. It also means more materials are available to make recycled content, reducing the amount of virgin PET needed from fossil fuels, and resulting in a lower carbon footprint.

The statement suggested that this was the first time that a company has successfully recycled ocean trash for use in food or drink packages. However, the bottle is not entirely made of recycled plastic, just 25% of its contents are from the ocean. Still, the company says that this breakthrough technology is a step forward in the realm of recycling.

Bruno van Gompel, Technical and Supply Chain Director, Coca-Cola Western Europe, said that, “Enhanced recycling technologies are enormously exciting, not just for us but for industry and society at large. They accelerate the prospect of a closed-loop economy for plastic, which is why we are investing behind them. As these begin to scale, we will see all kinds of used plastics returned, as good as new, not just once but again and again, diverting waste streams from incineration and landfill.”

The technology was developed on behalf of Coca-Cola by a company called Ioniqa Technologies, a clean-tech spinoff from the Eindhoven University of Technology.

Tonnis Hooghoudt, CEO of Ioniqa Technologies, predicts that, “The impact of enhanced recycling will be felt on a global scale: by working with Coca-Cola and Indorama to produce this bottle, we aim to show what this technology can deliver. Our new plant is now operational and we are bringing this technology to scale. In doing so, we aim to eliminate the concept of single use plastic and plastic waste altogether.”

This all seems like a noble effort on the surface, but the Coca-Cola corporation is certainly a day late and a buck short in making amends for how much they have contributed to the plastic pollution problem. Just this year, the company was ranked as the worst plastic polluter in the world for the second year in a row, along with Nestle and PepsiCo.

A recent audit of plastic waste estimated that Coca-Cola had around 11,732 plastics in around 37 countries recorded on 4 different continents, and is responsible for roughly 2.5% of the plastic pollution in the world.


Why not just use glass and aluminum that are both 100% recyclable and don't float?

Aluminum is linked to Alzheimer’s? Why not just use hemp plastics?

Powdered aluminum that is used as an anti-clumping agent in dry goods is DANGEROUS.

Aluminum cans and aluminum foil is not linked to Alzheimer's.

We don't need any new plastics. Packages should be paper, card-board, glass, aluminum, or steel.

From your link,

In health evaluation no. 033/2007 [1], the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) clearly states that there is “No danger of contracting Alzheimer’s disease from aluminum in household utensils.” Furthermore, this document states that there is no scientific evidence indicating a connection between aluminum uptake from foodstuffs, including drinking water, pharmaceuticals, or cosmetics and Alzheimer’s disease. No increases in the frequency of amyloid plaques in the brain have been found in dialysis patients or in aluminum workers, both groups of people with extensive contact with aluminum. The BfR, therefore, does not recognize a health danger for consumers through aluminum uptake from food and cooking utensils or cosmetics [1]. The BfR does recommend that consumers avoid the use of aluminum pots or dishes for acidic or salted foodstuffs such as apple sauce, rhubarb, tomato puree, or salt herring due to the increased solubility of aluminum under the influence of acids and salts, thus prophylactically avoiding the “unnecessary ingestion” of aluminum [1].

So, as long as you don't cook anything in aluminum, it's probably just fine.

I need to stop trying to debate while stoned. 😂 I was arguing that it does leach, forgetting that my original argument was that it’s linked to Alzheimer’s.

I agree that aluminum isn't perfect, but if you're filling it with soft-drink, that's like 99% pure poison, so 1% aluminum would seem negligible.

At least aluminum isn't going to kill all the fish and birds...

Glass, aluminum, and steel are not biodegradable. Hemp plastics are. With the mass production of goods, and the high level of unaccountability, secondary measures should be implemented to ensure there is less build up of waste products.

Glass, aluminum, and steel are not biodegradable.

Steel will eventually degrade into rust.

Glass and aluminum are not dangerous contaminants.

Glass and aluminum are 100% recyclable (unlike plastic).

Glass and aluminum also already have well-established use-cases and long histories as industrial packaging materials.

These corporate morons keep trying to re-invent-the-wheel.

They just need to go back to what they were already doing 50 years ago.

It's not exactly rocket-science.

Lmao. This is some ridiculous circle jerk nonsense. PET can gtfo. Bring in the hemp plastics if we want to use plastics so badly.

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