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RE: Tommy Robinson Is Talking With Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison

in #news5 years ago

Agreed. The people involved in restarting the nation of Israel in 1948 are going against the Bible. I like Tommy. But you could be right about him lacking enough integrity. I'd like to give him a benefit of a doubt as Tommy is not perfect. I want to stop Open Borders. I want to promote nationalism in different countries. I want to continue promoting freedoms. Tommy was exposing children trafficking which is good to do. We all should try to stop people who rape and murder kids.


Absolutely, yes - we need to stop murder, rape and death in general. I am certain this requires release of the idea of nations, since attachment to state concept is a key hook that the psychopaths have in directing the thoughts and actions of those who kill in the name of...
Religion has a huge part in this too. The only solution is for each individual to focus on total support of free will to the best of their ability.
Border control is fine as long as you happen to agree with the people controlling free movement. As soon as you don't - you are in a living nightmare.

I strongly disagree for many reasons. I believe in having countries. You know that globalists agree with you in destroying nations. So, you are aligning with people who try to stop cryptocurrencies. I believe in stopping Free-Movement. Why? Same reason why you might not want 20 big men to sleep on your body at night, literally. Imagine that they are cold. You could lock your door or you could open your borders, your walls, your doors. It comes down to welfare. I don't want to pay for abortions or for welfare for anybody. I don't want to control the Money Movement. My body, my choice. My money, my choice. I don't care what people do. But I don't want people to violate my private property. If I own some land, I want the right to do anything on my land, good or bad. I want you to have the freedom to do anything on your land. Keep your hands to yourself. I want to make government smaller. I want to make free markets bigger.

Whether or not a 'globalist' agrees with me on anything is of no interest to me here. Hitler was a vegetarian, but it doesn't mean that I should eat animals to avoid somehow getting caught up in murdering disabled people and jews.

You are speaking in favor of being free to do what you want, but you want to prevent people from doing what they want when it comes to moving around. Who gets to decide the borders and enforce them? And we are back to the core problem of how to have balance. Having balance is a challenge and I am clear that it cannot be balanced for me to need to jump through hoops and 'get the ok' from people I have never met, just so that I can even leave a certain region I was born into. If you think that situation is one of freedom, I suggest re-examining your logic here.

I want to do what I want to do with my land. But you are saying I cannot do that. You are a robber for trying to steal my land. If I own land, then I want to do what I can to keep people from moving onto my land. If I have to pay taxes, then I do not want my taxes to pay for American Invaders while the homeless people in America do not get help. Why do you not want to help children who are trafficked, raped, and murdered in the United States of America (USA)? Why do you support murder? We should be focused on trying to help the homeless people and in finding lost children who go missing ever minute. Sex trafficking is very big in America. Families are being divided in America by CPS. Do you really want to endorse CPS?

I am talking about nations, not your own home - although how exactly to manage individual property without a state is a challenge. Your accusations here are quite unpleasant - you accuse me of theft, yet I have stolen nothing and you effectively accuse me of murder nad worse - yet these are the crimes of the states that enforce borders, not me.
I am genuinely confused as to your logic here - you say, for some reason, that I support CPS - I have no idea why. I only stated that I do not support the enforcing of national borders and history shows us clearly why. I advocate healing issues at their cause instead of playing 'whack a mole' with the symptoms. I don't support the state and thus by default I don't support CPS. Jeffrey Epstein was mainly able to do what he apparently did because of his connections to 'the state'. It is 'the state' that enforces borders and thus borders are inherently part of their ability to rob, murder and rape the planet.

Are you against Brexit? Do you support George Soros' Open Borders which has been destroying Europe and especially the United States of America (USA)? Do you want to increase taxes in order to pay for the welfare of the illegal immigrants? Do you want to force me to pay money to take care of the fake refugees, the Islamic Jihadists who are invading America alongside of China, leftists, globalists, technocrats, etc?

When I say I am against the state, I am inherently then against tax too, since tax is a vehicle the state.
Again, since I am against the state, I am neither for nor against Brexit. Both the for and against positions result in someone claiming to ruler over me and I do not consent to that, no matter who they are.
George Soros didn't invent 'open borders' - open borders was the default state for most of history.

I do not like taxes. When people come into America, taxes go up. Sharia Law is rising in New York and Minnesota for example. Baltimore Rats. San Francisco Poop. That's why we are building a wall. Remember how the Roman Empire fell. Remember the Trojan Horse in Troy.

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