A Blow For The People Against The Globalists - Shock Malaysian Election Results! 🎉

in #news6 years ago (edited)

An unprecedented shock result in Malaysia's elections last night proves the people can be mobilized to defeat corruption. I have a deep affinity for Malaysia and like many last night I was glued watching the election, with good reason!

I have not written about this very much before because of the new "fake news" law which can imprison those the previous government thought were speaking badly against them. However today I have pride in Malaysia's people and we should expect a return to "the rule of law!"

As these laws change I will write further. However for those who don't know here is a rundown on what has happened and why it is so important. This vote has implications for corruption across SE Asia and the rest of the world.

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Najib - The Previous PM : Riddled With Allegations Of Corruption!

There is so much to write here but I won't make it too long. The son of a previous PM Najib has been a career politician all his life and had significant support from the previous PM Mahathir who has now turned foe and at 92 has come out of retirement to lead a stunning victory against Najib.

Najib has been accused of so many crimes it will be difficult to sum them up but here are some brief bullet points:

  • Involvement in massive corruption when he was defense minister. During this time it is claimed that he had an affair and possibly was about to have a child with his Mongolian translator who was blackmailing him for money. She was kidnapped in Malaysia, shot and then blown up with explosives. Two policemen took the wrap. One is hiding in a detention centre in Australia and claims he was working for those above him. I attended some of the court cases for the policemen in Malaysia and it was obvious they were being used as scapegoats.
  • Involvement in the 1MDB scandal while Najib was both PM and finance minister. Billions of dollars were stollen and hundreds of millions ended up in Najib's account. His explanation for this money was a gift from an unnamed Saudi royal. Investigations into this theft are taking place in the US, Singapore, Switzerland and several other jurisdictions. It is alleged that this stolen money was used to make the film Wolf of Wall St by Najib's step son Riza and buy yachts and property around the world. Denials have rained down in Malaysia. Those who thought Najib ought to be investigated got fired or ended up dead.
  • New allegations of massive theft have come to light from other national funds within Malaysia.
  • Najib has been caught working with a notorious company called Cambridge Analytica to rig this election. This nefarious company has worked with Trump and other leaders around the world to swing elections using electronic means. They were at the centre of the recent Facebook hacking scandal. Najib has denied these allegations but there is strong evidence for this.

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Rosma - The Wife & Previous FLOM (First Lady Of Malaysia)

I had been thinking of writing a glowing post about Rosma and letting the pictures of her speak for themselves. She considers herself very beautiful and does not tolerate criticism. Every now and then someone comes along who just looks like what they are.

Enter Rosma who married Najib bringing with her Riza from her previous marriage. She has been accused of spending millions on diamonds, shopping trips, surgery and treatments to make herself look younger. Rosma created a new office for herself in Malaysia called the Office Of The First Lady Of Malaysia! She is accused of sitting in cabinet and bossing her husband Najib around. She created an award for the most beautiful first lady in Asia and tried to have herself crowned with this title.

Rosma is a real treat and once the new "fake news" laws are repealed I have some great things to say. In the mean time I just can't help adding another photo of her here because she looks fantastico!

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Mahathir - The 92 Year Old Previous PM Now Turned Leader Of The Opposition Who Has Just Claimed Victory In The Election

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Now here is where things become very interesting. Mahathir ruled Malaysia as the leader of the BN party for two decades. There were allegations of corruption and nepotism during his time. Mahathir was known as Mr 10% reflecting what had to be paid to him or his sons for projects in Malaysia. However under his authoritarian reign the country prospered and grew from a developing nation into what it is today. Major infrastructure works were begun and completed.

At 92 Mahathir came out of retirement to lead an opposition that has just claimed victory against Najib. He is the oldest PM in the world. This is the first time the opposition has ever won since Malaysia got independence more than 60 years ago. Mahathir joined up with his previous deputy PM Anwar who he sacked and had prosecuted and sent to jail for sodomy. Anwar proved to be resilient and is now back in jail again on the same spurious sodomy charges because Najib felt so threatened by him as opposition leader.

Mahathir and Anwar have joined forces and Mahathir has publicly stated that once he is made PM he will seek a royal pardon for Anwar and then stand aside for him to become PM. At 92 this nonagenarian is incredibly robust.

He was not perfect but the public seems to have spoken and they prefer Mahathir to Najib. Anwar's release, pardon and then premiership will be very interesting to watch. This man has suffered and suffering breeds compassion.

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The Election That Could Change Everything!

The original 1MDB theft was facilitated by Goldman Sachs and I have written about this in a previous post. The tentacles and beneficiaries of this theft around the world are located in Switzerland, Hollywood, New York, China and other powerful places. Mahathir has promised the Malaysians a return to "the rule of law!"

With Najib out of office as PM and Finance Minister the books on many of these thefts and murders can finally be opened and light shone on those responsible - not just those at the top but all the rats that facilitated the crimes. This has not been possible before because of political opposition to an investigation.

During the election campaign many shenanigans were played. Najib tried repeatedly to bribe the people with money and incentives. Dirty technical tricks were also claimed to be being employed.

Mahathir seemed much more stately and appealed to the dignity of the Malaysian people. Malaysia was always a secular country where the three cultures (Malay, Chinese & Indian) celebrated each others holidays.

As usual racial tensions were used to divide and control the people but hopefully we will see less of that now.

I will be honest, when watching the election results last night tears came to my eyes. Tears of pride and withheld frustration at all the problems and corruption plaguing beautiful Malaysia!

Najib and Rosma must be sweating this morning. Perhaps they are throwing things in a suitcase and preparing to run. Or shredding? Remember Marcos from the Philippines was allowed to run off to Hawaii. Perhaps they have enough dirt on some global players to feel secure. We will know soon enough!

Mahathir speaks his mind. If we can throw open the doors on these issues in Malaysia much will be uncovered. The threads of this conspiracy lead all over the world and involve the theft of billions, murders and election rigging. If we can lift the lid on this can of worms much will be revealed that will hold lessons for other countries.

What remains to be seen is if the new government can live without all the trappings of a digital police state or if it will be business as usual for people like Cambridge Analytica and their dirty tricks. Let us see....

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Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Jockey loves you All & Plants as Medicine! 😉
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank
& Loves @canadian-coconut, @chron, @mammasitta, @samstonehill, @sift666, @v4vapid



What a time and era to be alive. 9/5/2018 history in the making. Malaysia Boleh! new dawn and new era!

Yes Malaysia Boleh!!! Followed and UPvoted with pleasure! 🎉

I agree!

I like how after the election so many people (including myself) feel liberated to write about our true thoughts, emotions and feelings going in and out of the election! 😆

feeling the mixture of excitement and relief. haha


Amazing . another surprise turn around for the better .
Great news 🤗

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I never thought I would witness such a historical moment in my life, things are indeed changing fast.

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