Report of the second steemit-workshops week at the Global School

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Notice: please note that the participants are beginners in English, that is why there are errors in the text. ;-)

Dear steemians,

the end of the second week of the first 3 weeks cycle at the Global School is already there.


In around 1 week we become a team. in this time we really get together. We can work together, and were always listen to each other ideas. We try to use all of our ideas, and all of us come out with good ideas. We like work together because all of us is equality. We really enjoy that none of us is lazy and work hard. - Fabian.

Presentation of the participants

To start this post, here a short presentation of all the participants:


Robert Kirschner: 15 years old. Currently studying Informatics. His goals is to graduate and the further education in informatics.


Gábor Molnár: 15 years old. Currently studying Informatics. His goal is to work in his profession.


Veronika Kiss: 17 years old. Currently studying economics. Her goal is to graduate and works in her profession.

I want to get the most out of my our team and I would like to be satisfied by achieving the tasks our tutor is sharing and by cooperating with everybody else. It feels good if they tell me that my work is good. The work I did in my team on Monday way to make pictures, translate, as well as write this short article to exercise my english with the others.


Virág Jánvári: 16 years old. Currently studying economics. Her goals is get the graduation and then work as a private detective abroad. Motivation: external recognition.


Elizabet Balogh: 15 years old.Currently studying economics. Her goal is to find employment opportunities in the economy. Motivation: get more experience


Emőke Bertalan: 15 years old. Currently studying economics. After the graduation she wants to get in a college.

My motivation: I would like to find a path to get external recognition. I don't want to disappoint the others and my teammates and I would like to see my boss satisfied with my work.


Maritna Maris: 17 years old. Currently studying economy. Her goals is to get the graduation and work after that in her profession. Motivation: Studying languages.


Zakariás Dávid Cseh: 17 years old. Currently studying policing. His goal is to get the graduation and further education abroad. Motivation: Perform better than others.


-Balázs Fábián: 15 years old. Currently studying informatics. After the graduation he wants to study more languages.

My motivation: One day I would like to be like my brother. I want to be an example of hard worker. I want to work harder to improve myself. On Monday, for the calendar project, I translated, used tools to create visuals and found some information.

Second week


This week as we had to make a break on the developement of our 3d map due to server issue, we focused on outside and creative activities in which we will learn to cooperate in order to understand better steemit and why and how to use it.


We started the Monday with meeting in the park where Jean gave us the goals of the day.

The group of Fabian worked on creating a calendar project, an occasion to revisit the most intersting places in Vienna and the Hofburg, places his group started to build in 3d. They found and created quotes and pictures related to the places they found fitting the most with the seasons of the calendar, as well as translated from Hungarian to English.

The group of David made a trip to the WUK where after a short explaination of Jean about how to make pictures in the context of creating 3d textures we took some pictures of the building.

The group of Robert went to Impact Hub. We toke some photos of the entire building and gather a maximum of information going into the building. Inside we have been well received and asked assistance at the recepcion desk. The man who was at the recepcion help us. He told as a lot of information. We went around and after that, we went back to the metro station.

We get afterward the mission to cooperate all together to write an article about our activity that Jean was willing to publish on the same day or the day after. It was a big challenge for us.


On Tuesday, we divided the group again as on Monday.

The group of David went to the WUK again, made an interview of the office responsibles at the info center and took more pictures as well as measurements.

The group of Robert went to the Co-space to take some photos of the building and scout the area around to provide inputs in order to improve the map realized by the past group.

The group of Fabian finalized the calendar project.

When we were all done, we went back to the hostel and made our report.


On wednesday we went back to the #HugInnVienna and made some interviews of each others to train and practice our english and gain more confidence, but also to learn more about how to prepare a good introduction post for publishing on the steemit platform.


On stemit. we discover a lot of contests which are rewarding artists, developers and photographers. We visited, checked how to use to create visuals. We also explored the topic of universal basic incomes and in the same time, some of us started to get to know more about the #slothicorn. An initiative which support actively artists and creatives.



Inspired by the Genesis story of @slothicorn, Veronika and Martina started to sketch sloth-arts after being introduced to the category by Jean and watching the video Steve and Stella Show: Episode 2 What is Slothicorn? made by @steveandstellas. We also took the time to ask eachother about what is motivating us.



As Jean was full of work, on Thursday we got an E-mail from him. In this E-mail we got several missions and tasks for this day.

We made 3 articles, one per group, again a good exercise for us as we really want to learn to practice our languages skills. We also pursued the visuals we started on Wednesday and we also tried to understand the #slothicorn project. We wanted to understand better how people are helping creatives using crypto-currency to promote crypro art via steemit as Jean introduced the idea to create a newsletter to provide a weekly report for the community.


Friday, we checked how to use html and markdown to format our post. We also corrected collectively the errors we made on Thursday and started to work on a newsletter project for supporting the #slothicorn community.

Conclusion of the second week

More tired, the second week seems harder for us to focus. Fortunatelly we made some creative activities and get a new project from @stellabelle to fulfill for the #slothicorn community which motitivated us.

Next week we will finalize the newsletter project we started for #slothicorn and have a look at the sandbox in order to finish the various projects we started together in the last week.

Photo: Robert Kirschner (participant of the workshops).
Text made by the cooperation of all the group.




Good documentation and great fotos. We are happy to host the #globalschool sessions at #HugInnVienna! 😎

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