"The S-300 has changed the balance of power" in Syria War: Russia, Israel & the Intensifying Western Propaganda War Against Syria

in #news6 years ago (edited)

MSM fake news & US/Israeli propaganda goes wild in reaction to Syria's new S-300 air defense system

Screenshot 2018-11-07 17.25.39.png
(Photo: Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov, S-300)

Not one single Israeli airstrike carried out against Syria since S-300 delivery, Israeli MP reveals

On Monday, Ksenia Svetlova, a member of the Israeli parliament’s defense committee, revealed that Israeli warplanes had not approached Syria’s airspace since Russia supplied the Syrian military with S-300 air defense systems delivered on October 2.

“There hasn’t been a single mission since Syria received S-300s. The S-300 has changed the balance of power in the region,” she told reporters on November 5.

Unsurprisingly, western media appears to have completely ignored this recent development, as it further exposes a recent MSM fake news story which went wild on October 29, and highlights the serious problems the S-300 poses to the stated Israeli plan for continued aggression against Syria, which Israeli media and officials have been downplaying as inconsequential. Meanwhile the Lebanese Al Manar TV, independently-owned SouthFront, and Russian media (Urdupoint/Sputnik) have carried the story.

On October 29, Reuters, quoting an anonymous "senior Israeli official," ran a story claiming that Israeli forces had carried out airstrikes against targets in Syria even after the Russian delivery of the S-300 to the war-torn country following the downing of a Russian spy plane during an Israeli attack on September 17, and the MSM reports covering these mysterious Israeli airstrikes immediately went wild. Syrian officials and media, along with Russia and independent media throughout the world mocked these reports as an obvious example of MSM fake news and western war propaganda, while the Israeli MP's recent comments on Monday confirm the reality that the S-300 has indeed put a damper on Israel's immediate plans for continued aggression against Syria.

Israeli forces carried out over 200 strikes and launched 800 missiles into Syria in the 18 months leading up to the September 17 Israeli attack on Latakia responsible for the downing of a Russian IL-20 spy plane which cost 15 Russian servicemen their lives. Israel denies the Russian claims that one of its F-16s was using the IL-20 as 'cover' from Syrian S-200 anti-air missile fire, and claims all of its warplanes were in Israeli airspace at the time of the downing of the Russian plane. Russian S-400 radar data proves the Israeli claims to be "false," indicating that the four attacking F-16s continued to patrol Syrian airspace up to and during the time of the mishap, and that a Syrian S-200 missile had indeed locked onto an F-16 which was using the IL-20 as cover before the attacking warplane abruptly changed its course and the missile picked up the larger, slower radar cross-section of the Russian plane, causing this tragedy.

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Russia responded to the incident by delivering four advanced S-300 air defense systems to the Syrian government free of charge, as well as by setting up a temporary 'no-fly zone' over the areas in which Israeli warplanes typically approach Syrian airspace to carry out their unprovoked attacks against targets in Syria. Since then, Israeli officials have repeatedly threatened to continue striking Syria despite the S-300, to destroy the S-300 batteries 'if they are used to defend Syria against Israeli attacks'; and yet there are still no confirmed reports of any Israeli aggression against Syria since September 17, despite the US and Israeli propaganda which has claimed otherwise.

The anti-Syrian rhetoric and western propaganda surrounding the S-300 in Syria has continued to intensify in the past few days, a sign that plans are in the works behind the scenes. Both US and Israeli officials made related statements on the issue this week, further revealing that the S-300 is hindering Israeli aggression while also hinting at a preparation to go forward with attacks against Syria anyway - in one way or another. Comments made by the Russian Foreign Minister on Monday also reveal the massive disconnect between Russia and the US/Israel right now in regards to Syria, also indicating Russia may not be cooperating as fully with Israeli policy towards Syria as it once had been in the past.

Russian FM on delivery of S-300 to Syria: Reckless Israeli aggression on Syria has put the lives of Russian troops in Syria in danger "in a number of cases"

In an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais on November 5, explaining the circumstances surrounding the delivery of the S-300 to Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Israeli actions have put lives of Russian troops in Syria in danger “in a number of cases”.

Regrettably, the Israeli side did not always deliver on its obligations, primarily where it concerned notifying the Russian military of their combat operations in Syria. In a number of cases, this put into jeopardy the lives of Russian servicemen: a case in point is the Israeli bombing raid on facilities in the environs of Palmyra in March 2017.

We warned them that this attitude could lead to tragic consequences; these signals were conveyed through all channels and at the top level. Simultaneously we stressed that the use of force was unable to resolve Israeli security concerns and could only foment regional tensions.

Nevertheless the practice of delivering strikes at targets in Syria was continued. It is this that led to the tragic downing of the Russian Ilyushin Il-20 reconnaissance plane with 15 officers on board. I will not go into detail of this tragedy. The details are known and specialists are well aware of the reasons. After the September 17 incident, we could not leave everything as is. Russia’s response was reserved but resolute,” Lavrov said. - SouthFront

So Israel's failure to properly notify the Russians of all its airstrikes against Syrian targets put the lives of Russian servicemen in jeopardy on multiple occasions, and as far back as March of 2017. Russia then "warned [Israel] that this attitude could lead to tragic consequences," and Lavrov specified that "these signals were conveyed through all channels and at the top level." Israeli leaders simply ignored the Russian warnings and "the practice of delivering strikes at targets in Syria was continued," leading to the September 17 incident in which Israeli actions including deceptive communications to the Russians regarding the location of the Israeli strikes combined with the jamming of the IL-20 aircraft's radar ultimately caused the downing of the Russian plane.

A year ago in October, however, following an Israeli airstrike on a Syrian anti-aircraft battery, Israeli newspaper Haaretz wrote that "the military coordination between Israel and Russia is still operating surprisingly smoothly," adding that "Russia turns a blind eye to [Israeli airstrikes on Syria]"; and this is seven months after the March incident, also followed by Russian warnings to Israeli officials, both indicating just the opposite.

Over two years since the Russians first deployed their forces in Syria, the military coordination between Israel and Russia is still operating surprisingly smoothly.

On the ground, Russia is working together with President Bashar Assad’s regime and other allies – the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and Hezbollah. In the sky, it continues to allow Israel to operate when needed against its own allies. Most of the strikes attributed to Israel, unlike Monday’s, remain unacknowledged by Jerusalem, and Russia turns a blind eye to them. - Haaretz, October 17, 2017

The title of the Haaretz article makes the claim, Putin Turning Blind Eye to Israeli Attacks, as Long as Assad Survives, but it is clear from the recent turn of events - the Russian delivery of the S-300 to Syria and the Foreign Minister's recent comments regarding that response - it is clear that Russia is no longer turning a blind eye to these unprovoked Israeli attacks on its allies in Syria. This recent shift in the "balance of power in the region" is clearly driving the US and Israel nuts, having temporarily halted Israel's US-backed war plans for Syria; and so they are responding accordingly, ramping up the threats and propaganda while preparing for their next move.

Israel again threatens to strike S-300, 'if it strikes us first'

On Monday, yet another Israeli warning that its forces are prepared to destroy Syria's S-300 was issued, and this time included a veiled threat to Russia - that Israel is willing to strike the S-300 batteries even if they are being operated by Russian personnel.

According to The Times of Israel:

An Israeli cabinet minister has warned that if the Syrians use their recently supplied advanced Russian air defense missiles to bring down Israeli planes over Israeli territory, the launchers would be targeted — even if that means endangering Russian military specialists at the launch sites.

Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin, who is also co-chair of the Russia-Israel Intergovernmental Commission, told Russian media Monday that it was a “big mistake” for Moscow to supply its ally Syria with the S-300 missile system, because the advanced missiles, which are considered a significant threat to Israeli air power in the area, “might lead to destabilization of the situation.”

The S-300 is "considered a significant threat to Israeli air power in the area" because it greatly hinders Israel's ability to launch systematic unprovoked acts of aggression against Syria without a high risk of Israeli warplanes being shot down in the process. This is why Israel has yet to carry out a single airstrike against any Syrian targets since September 17. This is why they are up in arms, because Syria may actually now have the capability to effectively defend itself against Israeli aggression. Israel is in a hissy fit over the S-300 because the Zionists can't stand the idea of one of their enemies having the capability to defend itself against their own aggression. This is why they must spin the narrative to make it look like the S-300 will surely be used to engage in unprovoked attacks of aggression against Israel when it is a defensive missile system and when Israel has been the obvious aggressor against Syria in this unofficial Israeli-Syrian war being waged since 2007.

So Elkin went further, not only accusing Russia of making a big mistake by supplying the S-300 to Syria to protect its own servicemen there, but also making the ridiculous claim that it would be the incompetence of Syrian operators of the S-300 which would lead to the possibility of a Syrian missile targeting an Israeli aircraft in Israeli airspace.

Elkin cautioned that “considering the mess” that the Syrian army was in, the Syrians cannot be trusted to operate the equipment correctly and may end up shooting down an “Israeli military or commercial plane over Israeli territory.” - TOI

In such a future scenario, we are assured Israel will respond by targeting the S-300 battery without regard to the lives of Russian servicemen.

"By shipping these kinds of weapons to Syrians, Russia bears partial responsibility for their use. Usually, Israel reacts to attacks on its territory and its air crafts not through international demarches, but with practical actions. Actions would undoubtedly take place, should (an attack) occur, against the launchers used to attack Israeli territory or Israeli planes," Elkin said. - i24News

“I greatly hope that there would be no Russian military specialists [at the missile launch sites],” he said, stressing that in the past Israel has taken pains to ensure that Russian military personnel are not hurt through its actions in Syria. - TOI

Interestingly, Israel must be aware that there would currently have to be Russian military specialists at the S-300 locations if they were to be used, as Russia recently announced that its specialists are still training the Syrian operators - a process which takes several months, with at least another month to go before this training is complete. Russian spokesman announced at the time of S-300 delivery that it would be up and running by October 20, and that the training of Syrian operators would be completed "within three months." And although the Israeli official may have stressed that Israel has in the past taken pains to ensure Russian personnel are not hurt through its actions in Syria, it is obvious the Israeli actions taken on September 17 which left 15 Russian military personnel dead has convinced Russia otherwise.

US "concerned very much" about S-300 in Syria, focused on "contesting more actively Iran's activities" in Syria

The US is also "very much" concerned about the S-300 system in Syria, US envoy to Syria James Jeffrey said on November 7, while the US also hopes Russia will continue to 'permit' Israel to carry out strikes against targets in Syria.

"We are concerned very much about the S-300 system being deployed to Syria. The issue is at the detail level. Who will control it? What roll will it play," US special representative for Syria engagement James Jeffrey said, speaking at a press conference on Wednesday.

"Russia has been permissive, in consultation with the Israelis, about Israeli strikes against Iranian targets inside Syria. We certainly hope that that permissive approach will continue," the US diplomat noted. - Sputnik News


Jeffrey said the Trump administration is now focusing on putting financial pressure on Iran and "secondly contesting more actively Iran's activities particularly in Iraq, Syria and Yemen." - Star Tribune

This comes two days after additional economic sanctions were imposed on Iran by the US on November 5, mainly targeting their oil industry which is Iran's largest export and the backbone of the country's economy. The financial pressure is there, so what is the secondary step going to be to contest "more actively" Iran's activities, particularly in Syria where the Empire's focus currently appears to be? It does look as though the US and Israel are preparing for a more direct war against Iran in Syria - with Hezbollah in Syria, and Lebanon also being likely targets.

The problem with any such escalation in the region is the high risk of Russian involvement which could easily escalate into a world war. Russia is preparing for such a scenario, having accused the US of "preparing a war" and confirming that Russian forces are indeed also preparing for war - that is they are preparing to defend themselves against a US aggression.

For the Zionists & the US Empire, All Roads Lead to War

The US and Israel are clearly intent upon Israel's resumption of regular airstrikes on 'Iranian' and 'Hezbollah' targets in Syria, but though the threats keep coming, there's still yet to be any Zionist military action against Syria so far. The big question seems to be just how exactly they plan to go about resuming this practice of regular aggression against Syrian territory, and what the actual fallout will be. No doubt it will come sooner or later, as it would be hard to imagine Israel continuing to stand idly by as the Syrian 'axis of resistance' continues to defeat Zionist proxy terrorists there. And when this next Israeli attack on Syria does come, the situation is almost certainly bound to quickly escalate.

Unlike Russia, Syria has absolutely no qualms about shooting down attacking Israeli warplanes, and the SAA will attempt to do so at every given chance, just as it has done in the past. Israel knows this, hence the crybaby act and the need to predicatively program the people into expecting a Syrian aggression via the S-300, so that when the new air defense system is used to target an attacking Israeli warplane, the Zionists can spin the story into a tale of Syrian aggression. It has happened before and will surely happen again, although now with the presence of the S-300, the chances of an attacking Israeli warplane being shot down are much higher.

Attacking Israeli warplanes often approach Syria from the north, approaching Syrian airspace from Beirut and sometimes even firing their missiles at Syria from Lebanese airspace without ever crossing over into Syrian airspace. This abuse of Lebanese airspace helps ensure Israeli fighters are not engaged by Syrian air defenses; and in case they are engaged, it practically guarantees the missiles wouldn't hit the planes until they are well back into Lebanese airspace, creating the illusion that Syria attacked 'friendly' Israeli jets who were 'just flying reconnaissance missions over Lebanon'.

This exact scenario played out just over a year ago in October, and while it is unclear whether the Israeli warplanes engaged by a Syrian SA5 anti-aircraft missile in Lebanese airspace were actually just flying 'reconnaissance' over Lebanon or were heading towards Syria to launch an attack as the common practice is, the immediate Israeli response was the same - to take out the launcher. In this case the missile missed its target, but the four Israeli bombs did not. On February 10, 2018, Syrian air defenses did for the first time manage to shoot down an attacking Israeli F-16, and Israel blamed Iran for the incident, but struck eight targets of the Syrian army at Damascus in retaliation, and then claimed they "are not looking to escalate the situation."

If this type of scenario were to take place today, and the SAA used an S-300 to engage the Israeli warplanes, and an Israeli fighter jet were shot down, Israel would be screaming for war and the US could easily be pulled further into such a conflict. If Israeli forces were to respond in such a scenario by striking the S-300 as they have promised to do, and Russian specialists happened to be at the site and were harmed, all hell would break loose. Sadly if the US and Israel don't soon back down in Syria, a bigger war looks inevitable, and world war likely.

The Zionists have made their own stance clear, that according to the Israeli doctrine of war, Syria has no right to defend itself against Israeli aggression, and if she does, it will be seen as an act of aggression against Israel. The US has also made its position clear, that it wholeheartedly supports further unprovoked Israeli aggression in Syria and demands Russia 'permit' Israel to continue its airstrike campaign of aggression against Syrian territory. Russia finally seems to be putting its foot down on this issue with the S-300, and likely won't take too kindly to any further US or Israeli aggression against Syria, especially if it is seen as endangering the lives of Russians. All-in-all the situation looks like a ticking time-bomb just waiting to explode.

To this day, the US is currently still busy protecting ISIS terrorists in Syria while at the same time carrying out massacres against the Syrian civilian population.


Meanwhile on the Idlib front, the US-protected al-Qaeda terrorist group in de-facto control of Idlib Province right now, Hayat Tahir al-Sham (HTS) continues to ignore the Idlib de-escalation ceasefire agreement by continually shelling SAA positions, and also just held major war drills in the province, signaling preparation for a continued war effort. HTS has been sabotaging the Russian-brokered de-escalation ceasefire ever since it was first implemented in September, and for this reason there is now once again talk of a Russian-backed Syrian offensive on the province.

This could also draw the US further into war in Syria, as previous statements by US officials indicated US willingness to intervene on behalf of the terrorists if a Syrian offensive was mounted. A White Helmets false flag chemical attack is also likely during any such potential Syrian offensive on the terrorist stronghold, and would practically guarantee further US intervention on behalf of their proxy terrorists. Russia has also warned the US of consequences if this repeated scenario is played out yet again, and has repeatedly begged the US and UK to use their influence over the terrorist groups in Idlib to prevent such a chemical attack.

One thing is for sure, that humanity around the world is fast waking up to the US lies and is now far more immune to such nonsensical narratives than we were even just a year ago. Yes, the people are becoming immune to the Empire's false flags.

we are awake.jpg

What exactly happens next is anyone's guess, but one thing looks certain: Unless the US and Israel quickly change their tune, another war is on the way. If the Zionist Empire is set on war, then a war they will surely have, so just let it be the very last war they ever wage. If a war is coming, just let it be the war that crushes the Zionist Empire once and for all. And if their war plans can in any way be thwarted, then for heaven's sake let peace prevail. But one way or another this Empire will fall, just like every empire which came before; whether peacefully or by war, the US Empire is going to fall.


Thanks for this report. It will be interesting to see what comes next.

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